All Stories

  1. Development and Initial Validation of the Multidimensional Sense of Emptiness Scale
  2. A Mixed Methods Evaluation of an Integrated Primary and Behavioral Health Training Program for Counseling Students
  3. Counselling self-Efficacy beliefs among international counselling students
  4. Development and Evaluation of a Turkish Language Version of the Relational Health Indices
  5. Distress Among Adolescents: An Exploration of Mattering, Social Media Addiction, and School Connectedness
  6. First-Year College Students at a Hispanic Serving Institution: Academic Self-Concept, Social Support, and Adjustment
  7. Development of the counselor wellness competencies
  8. Comparison of First-Year International Students' Adjustment to College at the Undergraduate and Graduate Level
  9. Understanding Adolescent Cyberbullies: Exploring Social Media Addiction and Psychological Factors
  10. Development and Initial Validation of a Social Media Identity Distress Scale Among Emerging Adults
  11. The Development and Evaluation of the Intersectional Privilege Screening Inventory for Use With Counselors‐in‐Training
  12. Individual and Relational Predictors of Compassion Fatigue Among Counselors-in-Training
  13. Analysis of an Alcohol Use Prevention Program for Undergraduate Students
  14. Predictors of Academic Stress Among College Students
  15. Resilience, Academic Self-Concept, and College Adjustment Among First-Year Students
  16. Comprehensive School Counseling Programs
  17. Using Profile Analysis in Counseling Outcome Research
  18. Development and Evaluation of the Inventory of New College Student Adjustment
  19. Examining the Effectiveness of Integrated Behavioral and Primary Health Care Treatment
  20. Cross-Cultural Validation of Four Positive Psychology Assessments for Use with a Ghanaian Population
  21. Standards of Care in Assessment of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Gender Expansive, and Queer/Questioning (LGBTGEQ+) Persons
  22. Standards of Care for Research with Participants Who Identify as LGBTQ+
  23. Research and Assessment with LGBTQ+ Persons
  24. Establishing Evidence for Internal Structure Using Exploratory Factor Analysis
  25. Examining associations among achievement motivation, locus of control, academic stress, and life satisfaction: A comparison of U.S. and international undergraduate students
  26. The Journal of College Counseling Turns 20: Celebrating Two Decades of Advancing College Counseling Theory, Research, and Practice
  27. Examining the Relationship between Self-Esteem, Mattering, School Connectedness, and Wellness Among Middle School Students
  28. Preventing Sexual Misconduct
  29. Calculating and Reporting Estimates of Effect Size in Counseling Outcome Research
  30. Coping Self-Efficacy and Academic Stress Among Hispanic First-Year College Students: The Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence
  31. Development and Evaluation of Turkish Language Versions of three Positive Psychology Assessments
  32. The Effect of Athletic Identity and Locus of Control on the Stress Perceptions of Community College Student-Athletes
  33. Publishing in the Journal of College Counseling : Tips From the Editors (Part 2)
  34. Publishing in theJournal of College Counseling: Tips From the Editors (Part 1)
  35. Contributing to theJournal of College Counseling: How You Can Help Build the College Counseling Knowledge Base
  36. Expanding the Knowledge Base of College Counselors: Paving the Way for the Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices on College Campuses
  37. A Descriptive Analysis of Public School Educators Arrested for Sex Offenses
  38. Solution-Focused Therapy
  39. Addressing Student Attrition: The Role of College Counselors
  40. The Changing Face of College Counseling: New Services for a New Campus Population
  41. Rethinking the Provision of Counseling Services: A Paradigm Shift for College Counselors
  42. Integrating Assessment Into the Counseling Process: Effective Strategies for College Counselors
  43. Examining the Relationship Between Attachment Behaviors and College Student Health and Wellness
  44. Managing College Stress: The Role of College Counselors
  45. A New Bridge Between Research and Practice in College Counseling and Mental Health
  46. A Profile of Adolescent Wellness: Implications for Working With a Help-Seeking Population
  47. Addressing Current Trends in College Counseling
  48. The Wide Reach of College Counseling
  49. Native American Racial Identity Development and College Adjustment at Two-Year Institutions
  50. Athletic Participation and Wellness: Implications for Counseling College Student-Athletes
  51. College Student-Athletes' Attitudes Toward Help-Seeking Behavior and Expectations of Counseling Services