All Stories

  1. Evolving Hierarchical Neural Cellular Automata
  2. Evolving Form and Function: Dual-Objective Optimization in Neural Symbolic Regression Networks
  3. A Meta-Evolutionary Algorithm for Co-evolving Genotypes and Genotype / Phenotype Maps
  4. Universal Mechanical Polycomputation in Granular Matter
  5. Morphology Choice Affects the Evolution of Affordance Detection in Robots
  6. Selection for short-term empowerment accelerates the evolution of homeostatic neural cellular automata
  7. Empowered neural cellular automata
  8. Selecting continuous life-like cellular automata for halting unpredictability
  9. Evolving programmable computational metamaterials
  10. Kinematic self-replication in reconfigurable organisms
  11. Combating catastrophic forgetting with developmental compression
  12. Physical Scaffolding Accelerates the Evolution of Robot Behavior
  13. A history and outlook of the use of internet and web technology in artificial life research
  14. An Embodied Approach for Evolving Robust Visual Classifiers
  15. Evolving Soft Robots in Tight Spaces
  16. A Genetic Programming Approach to Cost-Sensitive Control in Resource Constrained Sensor Systems
  17. Evolving Robot Morphology Facilitates the Evolution of Neural Modularity and Evolvability
  18. Crowdseeding Robot Design
  19. Exploiting the Relationship Between Structural Modularity and Sparsity for Faster Network Evolution
  20. Automatic identification of hierarchy in multivariate data
  21. Use of an artificial neural network to predict head injury outcome