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  1. Secondary distribution of HIV self-test kits from males to their female sexual partners in two fishing communities in rural Uganda
  2. HIV healthcare providers’ perceptions on smoking behavior among PLHIV and smoking cessation service provision in HIV clinics in Uganda
  3. Sexual-risk behaviours and HIV and syphilis prevalence among in- and out-of-school adolescent girls and young women in Uganda: A cross-sectional study
  4. Coping Mechanisms of Previously Diagnosed and New HIV-Discordant, Heterosexual Couples Enrolled in a Pilot HIV Self-Testing Intervention Trial in Central Uganda
  5. Examination of Mediators and Moderators to Understand How and in What Context Game Changers Increases HIV Prevention Advocacy Among Persons Living With HIV in Uganda
  6. Tobacco use and cessation in the context of ART adherence: Insights from a qualitative study in HIV clinics in Uganda
  7. Formative research to inform the development of a peer-led HIV self-testing intervention to improve HIV testing uptake and linkage to HIV care among adolescents, young people and adult men in Kasensero fishing community, Rakai, Uganda: a qualitative study
  8. Feasibility and acceptability of a pilot, peer-led HIV self-testing intervention in a hyperendemic fishing community in rural Uganda
  9. A Yield and Cost Comparison of TB Contact Investigation and Intensified Case Finding in Uganda
  10. A Pilot Test of Game Changers, a Social Network Intervention to Empower People with HIV to be Prevention Advocates in Uganda
  11. Risk factors for HIV infection among married couples in Rakai, Uganda: A cross-sectional study
  12. Missed Opportunities for Family Planning Counselling among HIV-Positive Women Receiving HIV Care in Uganda
  13. Risk factors for HIV infection among married couples in Rakai, Uganda: A cross-sectional study
  14. Repeat HIV testing of individuals with discrepant HIV self-test results in Central Uganda
  15. Knowledge and correlates of use of safer conception methods among HIV-infected women attending HIV care in Uganda
  16. Strengthening Global Health Security Through Africa's First Absolute Post-Master's Fellowship Program in Field Epidemiology in Uganda
  17. Correlates of HIV status awareness among older adults in Uganda: results from a nationally representative survey
  18. Cholera outbreak caused by drinking contaminated water from a lakeshore water-collection site, Kasese District, south-western Uganda, June-July 2015
  19. ‘If I had not taken it [HIVST kit] home, my husband would not have come to the facility to test for HIV’: HIV self-testing perceptions, delivery strategies, and post-test experiences among pregnant women and their male partners in Central Uganda
  20. Trends in cesarean section deliveries from 2012 – 2014 in Uganda, 2016
  21. HIV counseling and testing practices among clients presenting at a market HIV clinic in Kampala, Uganda: a cross-sectional study
  22. Risk Factors for Podoconiosis: Kamwenge District, Western Uganda, September 2015
  23. Pregnant women and male partners' perceptions on female-partner delivered HIV self-testing in Uganda
  24. HIV prevalence and uptake of HIV/AIDS services among youths (15–24 Years) in fishing and neighboring communities of Kasensero, Rakai District, South Western Uganda
  25. Uptake and correlates of cervical cancer screening among HIV-infected women attending HIV care in Uganda
  26. Facilitators and Barriers to Linkage to HIV Care among Female Sex Workers Receiving HIV Testing Services at a Community-Based Organization in Periurban Uganda: A Qualitative Study
  27. Factors associated with utilization of motorcycle ambulances by pregnant women in rural eastern Uganda: a cross-sectional study
  28. Availability of human immunodeficiency virus prevention services in secondary schools in Kabarole District, Uganda
  29. Determinants and processes of HIV status disclosure to HIV - infected children aged 4 to 17 years receiving HIV care services at Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation Tanzania, Centre of Excellence (COE) in Mbeya: a cross-sectional study
  30. Correlates of previous couples’ HIV counseling and testing uptake among married individuals in three HIV prevalence strata in Rakai, Uganda
  31. Fertility desires and unmet need for family planning among HIV infected individuals in two HIV clinics with differing models of family planning service delivery
  32. Challenges in accessing sexual and reproductive health services by people with physical disabilities in Kampala, Uganda
  33. Determinants of HIV Counseling and Testing Uptake among Individuals in Long-Term Sexual Relationships in Uganda
  34. Opt-out cervical cancer screening increases coverage of cervical cancer screening in HIV clinical care settings: Experiences from Mildmay, Uganda
  35. HIV counselling and testing on the move
  36. Preventing HIV Transmission in Married and Cohabiting HIV-Discordant Couples in Sub-Saharan Africa through Combination Prevention
  37. Expanding access to voluntary HIV counselling and testing in sub‐Saharan Africa: alternative approaches for improving uptake, 2001–2007
  38. Repeat Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing (VCT), Sexual Risk Behavior and HIV Incidence in Rakai, Uganda
  39. Voluntary HIV counseling and testing acceptance, sexual risk behavior and HIV incidence in Rakai, Uganda