All Stories

  1. Late diagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection in the Chronic Hepatitis Cohort Study (CHeCS): Missed opportunities for intervention
  2. Predictors of poor mental and physical health status among patients with chronic hepatitis C infection: The Chronic Hepatitis Cohort Study (CHeCS)
  3. Comparative Effectiveness Research of Chronic Hepatitis B and C Cohort Study (CHeCS): Improving Data Collection and Cohort Identification
  4. Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a US Population
  5. Pharmacotherapy for incident attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: practice patterns and quality metrics
  6. Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Infection Among Vietnam Era Veterans Versus Nonveterans: Results from the Chronic Hepatitis Cohort Study (CHeCS)
  7. Mental health outcomes among vulnerable residents after Hurricane Sandy: Implications for disaster research and planning
  8. Perioperative hyperglycemia is associated with postoperative neurocognitive disorders after cardiac surgery
  9. Structural Equation Modeling within the Context of a Community Disaster
  10. A pilot evaluation of the efficacy of a couple-tailored print intervention on colorectal cancer screening practices among non-adherent couples
  11. Predicting PTSD using the New York Risk Score with genotype data: potential clinical and research opportunities
  12. Prospective study of posttraumatic stress disorder and disease activity outcomes in US veterans with rheumatoid arthritis
  13. The Traumatology of Life
  14. The New York PTSD risk score for assessment of psychological trauma: Male and female versions
  15. Grapheme-Color Synesthesia and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  16. Understanding the Neurobiology of Fear Conditioning and Emergence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Psychobiology
  17. PTSD is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease: Time for increased screening and clinical intervention
  18. Use of the New York PTSD risk score to predict PTSD: current and future research efforts
  19. A qualitative analysis of couples’ communication regarding colorectal cancer screening using the Interdependence Model
  20. Higher FKBP5, COMT, CHRNA5, and CRHR1 allele burdens are associated with PTSD and interact with trauma exposure: implications for neuropsychiatric research and treatment
  21. Using the Interdependence Model to Understand Spousal Influence on Colorectal Cancer Screening Intentions: A Structural Equation Model
  22. Genetic Epidemiology
  23. From Mind to Body: Trauma, Disease, and Intervention
  24. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Cardiovascular Disease Link: Time to Identify Specific Pathways and Interventions
  25. A brief screening tool for assessing psychological trauma in clinical practice: development and validation of the New York PTSD Risk Score
  26. PTSD and alcohol use after the World Trade Center attacks: A longitudinal study
  27. Prevalence of Prescription Opioid-Use Disorder Among Chronic Pain Patients: Comparison of the DSM-5 vs. DSM-4 Diagnostic Criteria
  28. Association of FKBP5, COMT and CHRNA5 polymorphisms with PTSD among outpatients at risk for PTSD
  29. Mental Health Service Use After the World Trade Center Disaster
  30. A structural equation model of perievent panic and posttraumatic stress disorder after a community disaster
  31. New York PTSD Risk Score
  32. Risk factors for drug dependence among out‐patients on opioid therapy in a large US health‐care system
  33. A Twin Study of the Association Between PTSD Symptoms and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  34. PTSD onset and course following the World Trade Center disaster: Findings and implications for future research
  35. Low serum cholesterol and external-cause mortality: Potential implications for research and surveillance
  36. The Impact of Repression, Hostility, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on All-Cause Mortality
  37. Peritraumatic panic attacks and health outcomes two years after psychological trauma: Implications for intervention and research
  38. Reported Physician Skills in the Management of Children's Mental Health Problems Following an Educational Intervention
  39. PTSD onset and course following the World Trade Center disaster: findings and implications for future research
  40. A Prospective Study of PTSD and Early-Age Heart Disease Mortality Among Vietnam Veterans: Implications for Surveillance and Prevention
  41. Psychobiologic Predictors of Disease Mortality After Psychological Trauma
  42. Use of a Psychosocial Screen to Detect Children With Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Exploratory Study
  43. The Compassion Fatigue Scale: Its Use With Social Workers Following Urban Disaster
  44. Consistent Association Between Mixed Lateral Preference and PTSD: Confirmation Among a National Study of 2490 US Army Vietnam Veterans
  45. Television Watching and the Risk of Incident Probable Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  46. External-cause mortality after psychologic trauma: the effects of stress exposure and predisposition
  47. Fear of Terrorism and Preparedness in New York City 2 Years After the Attacks
  48. Predictors of PTSD and Delayed PTSD After Disaster
  49. Worker productivity and outpatient service use after the September 11th attacks: Results from the New York City Terrorism Outcome Study
  50. The Environment in Pediatric Practice: A Study of New York Pediatricians’ Attitudes, Beliefs, and Practices towards Children’s Environmental Health
  51. A Propensity Score Analysis of Brief Worksite Crisis Interventions after the World Trade Center Disaster
  52. Alcohol use in New York after the terrorist attacks: A study of the effects of psychological trauma on drinking behavior
  53. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Mortality Among U.S. Army Veterans 30 Years After Military Service
  54. Was there unmet mental health need after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks?
  55. Social and psychological resources and health outcomes after the World Trade Center disaster
  56. Compassion fatigue and psychological distress among social workers: A validation study.
  57. Compassion Fatigue--Short Scale
  58. Alcohol Use, Mental Health Status and Psychological Well-being 2 Years After the World Trade Center Attacks in New York City
  59. Differences in Mental Health Outcomes among Whites, African Americans, and Hispanics Following a Community Disaster
  60. Social, Psychological, and Psychiatric Interventions Following Terrorist Attacks: Recommendations for Practice and Research
  61. Stress and well-being in the aftermath of the World Trade Center attack: The continuing effects of a communitywide disaster
  62. Participant reactions to survey research in the general population after terrorist attacks
  63. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Physical Illness: Results from Clinical and Epidemiologic Studies
  64. Mental health service use 1-year after the World Trade Center disaster: implications for mental health care
  65. Public Perceptions of Quality Care and Provider Profiling in New York
  66. Mental Health Service and Medication Use in New York City After the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attack
  67. Consumption of Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Marijuana Among New York City Residents Six Months After the September 11 Terrorist Attacks
  68. Fear of terrorism in New York on the brink of war
  69. Psychiatric medication use among Manhattan residents following the World Trade Center disaster
  70. Iatrogenic Effects of Studying Persons Recently Exposed to Psychological Trauma
  71. Health services
  72. Beyond survey data: a claims-based analysis of drug use and spending by the elderly
  73. Treatment and outcome of myocardial infarction in hospitals with and without invasive capability
  74. Electrocardiogram abnormalities among men with stress-related psychiatric disorders: Implications for coronary heart disease and clinical research
  75. Survival After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery and Community Socioeconomic Status
  76. Higher Abnormal Leukocyte and Lymphocyte Counts 20 Years After Exposure to Severe Stress
  77. Commentary: Inaccurate Data on the Quality of Care May Do More Harm than Good—An Alternative Approach Is Required
  78. Diseases Among Men 20 Years After Exposure to Severe Stress
  79. Posttraumatic stress disorder, exposure to combat, and lower plasma cortisol among Vietnam veterans: Findings and clinical implications.
  80. Patients' Perception of Quality Hospital Care and Hospital Occupancy: are there Biases Associated with Assessing Quality Care Based on Patients' Perceptions?
  81. Post-traumatic stress and associated disorders among vietnam veterans: The significance of combat exposure and social support
  82. Post‐traumatic stress and associated disorders among Vietnam veterans: The significance of combat exposure and social support
  83. Epidemiology of Counseling by Clergy
  84. Alcoholism in VA Inpatient Facilities: Some Implications of the VA Patient Census
  85. Psychoneuroimmunology and Trauma