All Stories

  1. Dynamics of synchronous Boolean networks with non-binary states
  2. Preface of the “Symposium on Boolean Networks Models in Science and Engineering”
  3. Boolean Networks and Their Applications in Science and Engineering
  4. Periods in XOR parallel dynamical systems over directed dependency graphs
  5. A predictive spatio-temporal model for bovine Babesiosis epidemic transmission
  6. Dynamical attraction in parallel network models
  7. Feedback control variables to restrain the Babesiosis disease
  8. Attractors and transient in sequential dynamical systems
  9. Solution to the predecessors and Gardens-of-Eden problems for synchronous systems over directed graphs
  10. Predecessors Existence Problems and Gardens of Eden in Sequential Dynamical Systems
  11. Predecessors and Garden-of-Eden configurations in parallel dynamical systems on maxterm and minterm Boolean functions
  12. Maximum number of periodic orbits in parallel dynamical systems
  14. On periods and equilibria of computational sequential systems
  15. A discrete epidemic model for bovine Babesiosis disease and tick populations
  16. Biological conservation through marine protected areas in the presence of alternative stable states
  17. On the Periods of Parallel Dynamical Systems
  18. Topological Equivalences for One-parameter Bifurcations of Scalar Maps
  19. Track and Workshop Program Chair Messages
  20. General functional response and recruitment in a predator-prey system with capture on both species
  21. Discrete Dynamical Systems for encoding Concurrent Computing Systems
  22. Bifurcations under Nondegenerated Conditions of Higher Degree and a New Simple Proof of the Hopf–Neimark–Sacker Bifurcation Theorem