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  1. Burnout among neurologists caring for patients with cognitive disorders in Spain
  2. Attitudes of Neurologists Toward the Use of Biomarkers in the Diagnosis of Early Alzheimer’s Disease
  3. Quality of life in people with early Alzheimer´s disease
  4. Behavioral aspects of nurse practitioners associated with optimal multiple sclerosis care in Spain
  5. Quantifying the patient´s perspective in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: Psychometric properties of the SymptoMScreen questionnaire
  6. Assessing fatigue in multiple sclerosis: Psychometric properties of the five-item Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS-5)
  7. Perception of stigma in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis
  8. Measuring burden in caregivers of people with multiple sclerosis: psychometric properties of the CSI questionnaire
  9. Using a multidimensional unfolding approach to assess multiple sclerosis patient preferences for disease-modifying therapy: a pilot study
  10. Herding: a new phenomenon affecting medical decision-making in multiple sclerosis care? Lessons learned from DIScUTIR MS
  11. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome according to the presence of negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia