All Stories

  1. Editors’ Introduction
  2. The chapter explores new directions for research in Chinese music
  3. Introduction
  4. Presence through Sound: Music and Place in East Asia Keith Howard and Catherine Ingram
  5. A literature review and history of ethical ideas and practices in the discipline of ethnomusicology.
  6. A co-edited book with essays on ethics in ethnomusicological research.
  7. Introduction
  8. Editors’ Introduction
  9. Scoring Alien Worlds: World Music Mashups in 21st Century Sci-Fi and Fantasy TV, Film and Video Games
  10. A study of music in the everyday, based on fieldwork in a Bunun community in Taiwan
  11. Editors’ Introduction
  12. Editors’ Introduction
  13. Thoughts on Decolonising Ethnomusicology
  14. Erratum
  15. Pop Music and Video in Contemporary China
  16. Editorial
  17. Editorial
  18. Editorial
  19. Editorial
  20. Editorial
  21. Editorial
  22. Timothy Rice. 2014. Ethnomusicology: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. 168pp. ISBN 9780199794379 (pbk)
  23. Editorial
  24. Implications for Ethnomusicology
  25. Editorial
  26. A chapter on the musical history of China from the Cambridge History of World Music
  27. Patriotism and Nationalism in Music Education edited by David Hebert and Alexandra Kertz-Weizel. Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. xviii + 183 pp., hardback. £55.00. ISBN 9781409430803.
  28. Ritual and Music of North China, Volume 2: Shaanbei
  29. Facing the Music: Shaping Music Education from a Global Perspective by Huib Schippers. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Paperback, 240 pp., £15.99. ISBN 978-0195379761.
  30. Gamelan Gong Kebyar: The Art of Twentieth‐Century Balinese Music – By Michael Tenzer
  31. “Yang’s Eight Pieces”
  32. Ethnographe, archiviste, producteur, activiste... : Les nombreuses vies d'Anthony Seeger
  33. Addendum: A Response to Kagan's Review of Huju: Traditional Opera in Modern Shanghai
  34. Peripheries and interfaces: the Western impact on other music
  35. Documenting the Musical Event: Observation, Participation, Representation
  36. Huju: Traditional Opera in Modern Shanghai. By Jonathan P. J. Stock. [Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. 279 pp. £45.00. ISBN 0-19-726273-2.]
  37. In the Course of Performance: Studies in the World of Musical Improvisation, edited by Bruno Nettl with Melinda Russell . Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998. x, 413 pp.
  38. Music education: perspectives from current ethnomusicology
  39. HujuTraditional Opera in Modern Shanghai
  40. Introduction
  41. Huju and The Politics of Revolution, POST-1949
  42. Ethnomusicological Research in an Urban Setting
  43. The Rise of a Local Opera form in east China, up to 1920
  44. Female Roles and the Rise of Actresses, 1915–c. 1950
  45. Place and Music: Local Opera in Shanghai, 1912–49
  46. Place and Music: Institutions and Cosmopolitanism in ‘Shenqu’, Shanghai Traditional Local Opera, 1912–1949
  47. Review: Echoes of History: Naxi Music in Modern China
  48. Sounds of Bronze Age China
  51. Reviews
  52. Traditional African and Oriental Music by Ottó Károlyi. Penguin Books, 1998. 291 pp, £7.99.
  53. A reassessment of the relationship between text, speech tone, melody, and aria structure in Beijing Opera
  55. Review essay
  56. Celestial Airs of Antiquity: Music of the Seven-String Zither of China
  57. Chinese Folk Songs and Folk Singers: Shan'ge Traditions in Southern Jiangsu
  58. Musical Creativity in Twentieth-Century China: Abing, His Music, and Its Changing Meanings
  60. African Rhythm: A Northern Ewe Perspective
  61. Reviews
  62. Imagine...
  65. Musical Narrative, Ideology, and the Life of Abing
  66. Music, Culture, and Experience: Selected Papers of John Blacking
  67. Reconsidering the Past: Zhou Xuan and the Rehabilitation of Early Twentieth-Century Popular Music
  68. Hoggar: Musique Des Touareg
  69. Communication Problem
  70. Raga Bilaskhani Todi; Raga Puriya; Raga Pilu
  71. Concepts of World Music and their Integration in Western Secondary Music Education
  72. 60 Horses in My Herd: Old Songs and Tunes of Tuva
  73. Tomorrow the World
  74. The Application of Schenkerian Analysis to Ethnomusicology: Problems and Possibilities
  75. A Historical Account of the Chinese Two-Stringed Fiddle Erhu
  76. Three "Erhu" Pieces by Abing: An Analysis of Improvisational Processes in Chinese Traditional Instrumental Music
  77. Reviews
  78. An Ethnomusicological Perspective on Musical Style, with Reference to Music for Chinese Two-Stringed Fiddles
  79. Contemporary recital solos for the Chinese two‐stringed fiddleerhu
  80. A Case for World Music
  81. Music