All Stories

  1. Oesophagectomy at a New Zealand regional centre: where to now?
  2. Role of post-operative serum C-reactive protein levels as a predictor of complications in upper gastrointestinal surgery
  3. Patient information needs in upper gastrointestinal cancer: what patients and their families want to know
  4. Acknowledging pancreaticoduodenectomy as a multi-visceral resection
  5. Systematic review of disparities in surgical care for Māori in New Zealand
  6. General surgery's game changer and the unanswered question
  7. The volume, cost and outcomes of pancreatic resection in a regional centre in New Zealand
  8. Precision medicine?
  9. From scratch: developing a hepatic resection service for metastatic colorectal cancer
  10. Frequency and cost of acute surgical admissions in over-anticoagulated patients: over-anticoagulation in the community
  11. Thinking the unthinkable
  12. Quadrate lobe: a reliable landmark for bile duct anatomy during laparoscopic cholecystectomy
  13. Horses for courses but which horse for which course?
  14. Prediction in pancreatic cancer
  15. Hepatic splenosis
  16. Alvarado scoring in primary health care: managing acute surgical workload at the source
  17. Henry Barrett: pioneer paediatric surgeon