All Stories

  1. Crystal structure of submicron-sized sulfur particles using 3D ED obtained in atmospheric conditions
  2. Occupancy of lattice positions probed by X-ray photoelectron diffraction: A case study of tetradymite topological insulators
  3. K5Eu(MoO4)4 red phosphor for solid state lighting applications, prepared by different techniques
  4. Topotactic redox cycling in SrFeO2.5+δ explored by 3D electron diffraction in different gas atmospheres
  5. Quantitative analysis of diffuse electron scattering in the lithium-ion battery cathode material Li1.2Ni0.13Mn0.54Co0.13O2
  6. Heterometallic Molecular Complexes Act as Messenger Building Units to Encode Desired Metal-Atom Combinations to Multivariate Metal–Organic Frameworks
  7. Structures and Magnetic Ordering in Layered Cr Oxide Arsenides Sr2CrO2Cr2OAs2 and Sr2CrO3CrAs
  8. The Influence of Synthesis Method on the Local Structure and Electrochemical Properties of Li-Rich/Mn-Rich NMC Cathode Materials for Li-Ion Batteries
  9. Polyoxocationic antimony oxide cluster with acidic protons
  10. Exploring the Role of Graphene Oxide as a Co-Catalyst in the CZTS Photocathodes for Improved Photoelectrochemical Properties
  11. Chemistry, Local Molybdenum Clustering, and Electrochemistry in the Li2+xMo1–xO3 Solid Solutions
  12. Polytypism in mcalpineite: a study of natural and synthetic Cu3TeO6
  13. Nanoscale phase separation in the oxide layer at GeTe (111) surfaces
  14. The crystal and defect structures of polar KBiNb2O7
  15. Microstructural Activation of a Topochemical Reduction Reaction
  16. Determination of Spinel Content in Cycled Li1.2Ni0.13Mn0.54Co0.13O2 Using Three-Dimensional Electron Diffraction and Precession Electron Diffraction
  17. Antiferromagnetic Order Breaks Inversion Symmetry in a Metallic Double Perovskite, Pb2NiOsO6
  18. Enhancing the Hydrogen Evolution Properties of Kesterite Absorber by Si‐Doping in the Surface of CZTS Thin Film
  19. Topochemical Deintercalation of Li from Layered LiNiB: toward 2D MBene
  20. Impact of ordering on the reactivity of mixed crystals of topological insulators with anion substitution: Bi2SeTe2 and Sb2SeTe2
  21. Structural and magnetic properties of the perovskites A2LaFe2SbO9 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba)
  22. Photoresistive gas sensor based on nanocrystalline ZnO sensitized with colloidal perovskite CsPbBr3 nanocrystals
  23. Mn2O3 oxide with bixbyite structure for the electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media: Highly active if properly manipulated
  24. The influence of the 6s2configuration of Bi3+on the structures of A′BiNb2O7(A′ = Rb, Na, Li) layered perovskite oxides
  25. The path towards efficient wide band gap thin-film kesterite solar cells with transparent back contact for viable tandem application
  26. Misfit phase (BiSe)1.10NbSe2 as the origin of superconductivity in niobium-doped bismuth selenide
  27. Atomic and Electronic Structure of a Multidomain GeTe Crystal
  28. Magnetic Ordering in the Layered Cr(II) Oxide Arsenides Sr2CrO2Cr2As2 and Ba2CrO2Cr2As2
  29. Ambient and High Pressure CuNiSb2: Metal-Ordered and Metal-Disordered NiAs-Type Derivative Pnictides
  30. Compatibility of Zr2AlC MAX phase-based ceramics with oxygen-poor, static liquid lead–bismuth eutectic
  31. Preparation of the noncentrosymmetric ferrimagnetic phase La0.9Ba0.1Mn0.96O2.43 by topochemical reduction
  32. CaLa2FeCoSbO9 and ALa2FeNiSbO9 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba): cation-ordered, inhomogeneous, ferrimagnetic perovskites
  33. Spinel nanoparticles on stick-like Freudenbergite nanocomposites as effective smart-removal photocatalysts for the degradation of organic pollutants under visible light
  34. Universal A-Cation Splitting in LiNbO3-Type Structure Driven by Intrapositional Multivalent Coupling
  35. Investigating the effect of sulphurization on volatility of compositions in Cu-poor and Sn-rich CZTS thin films
  36. Sub-ppm H2S sensing by tubular ZnO-Co3O4 nanofibers
  37. Insight into the Mechanisms of High Activity and Stability of Iridium Supported on Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Aerogel for Anodes of Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers
  38. An in-depth study of Sn substitution in Li-rich/Mn-rich NMC as a cathode material for Li-ion batteries
  39. Nanoscale photovoltage mapping in CZTSe/CuxSe heterostructure by using kelvin probe force microscopy
  40. Exsolution of SrO during the Topochemical Conversion of LaSr3CoRuO8 to the Oxyhydride LaSr3CoRuO4H4
  41. Mechanistic Studies of Gas Reactions with Multicomponent Solids: What Can We Learn By Combining NAP XPS and Atomic Resolution STEM/EDX?
  42. Computationally Driven Discovery of a Family of Layered LiNiB Polymorphs
  43. Light-Activated Sub-ppm NO2 Detection by Hybrid ZnO/QD Nanomaterials vs. Charge Localization in Core-Shell QD
  44. First-principles study of CO and OH adsorption on in-doped ZnO surfaces
  45. Toward unlocking the Mn3+/Mn2+ redox pair in alluaudite-type Na2+2Mn2−(SO4)3−(SeO4) cathodes for sodium-ion batteries
  46. Tuning the Crystal Structure of A2 CoPO4 F (A = Li, Na) Fluoride-Phosphates: A New Layered Polymorph of LiNaCoPO4 F
  47. Overview of 3D ED / EDT for determining crystal structures of lithium battery cathode materials
  48. Introduction to the special issue on electron crystallography
  49. Stabilisation of magnetic ordering in La3Ni2-xCuxB’O9 (B’ = Sb, Ta, Nb) by the introduction of Cu2+
  50. Experimental proof of interstitial defects in Bi2Se3
  51. (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Ti0.9Zr0.1)O3 thin films prepared by PLD: Relaxor properties and complex microstructure
  52. La1.5Sr0.5NiMn0.5Ru0.5O6 Double Perovskite with Enhanced ORR/OER Bifunctional Catalytic Activity
  53. Synthesis and Characterization of Double Solid Solution (Zr,Ti)2(Al,Sn)C MAX Phase Ceramics
  54. Magnetic properties of La3Ni2Sb Ta Nb1––O9; from relaxor to spin glass
  55. Effect of Zinc Oxide Modification by Indium Oxide on Microstructure, Adsorbed Surface Species, and Sensitivity to CO
  56. Tetragonal Cs1.17In0.81Cl3: A Charge-Ordered Indium Halide Perovskite Derivative
  57. Layered CeSO and LiCeSO Oxide Chalcogenides Obtained via Topotactic Oxidative and Reductive Transformations
  58. MnFe0.5Ru0.5O3: an above-room-temperature antiferromagnetic semiconductor
  59. Influence of annealing conditions on the structure and luminescence properties of KGd1−xEux(MoO4)2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)
  60. Wide band gap kesterite absorbers for thin film solar cells: potential and challenges for their deployment in tandem devices
  61. Anomalous behavior of the electronic structure of ( Bi1−xInx)2Se3 across the quantum phase transition from topological to trivial insulator
  62. Sensitivity of nanocrystalline tungsten oxide to CO and ammonia gas determined by surface catalysts
  63. Revealing pH-Dependent Activities and Surface Instabilities for Ni-Based Electrocatalysts during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
  64. Influence of Mono- and Bimetallic PtOx, PdOx, PtPdOx Clusters on CO Sensing by SnO2 Based Gas Sensors
  65. Effects of Ag Additive in Low Temperature CO Detection with In2O3 Based Gas Sensors
  66. LIB crystal structure evolution on charging is tracked by in situ electron diffraction tomography
  67. Aperiodic structures and luminescent properties in the scheelite family
  68. Effect of Bimetallic Pd/Pt Clusters on the Sensing Properties of Nanocrystalline SnO2 in the Detection of CO
  69. Complex Magnetic Ordering in the Oxide Selenide Sr2Fe3Se2O3
  70. Recent Advances in Transmission Electron Microscopy for Materials Science at the EMAT Lab of the University of Antwerp
  71. Incommensurately Modulated Structures and Luminescence Properties of the AgxSm(2–x)/3WO4 (x = 0.286, 0.2) Scheelites as Thermographic Phosphors
  72. Ferrimagnetism as a Consequence of Unusual Cation Ordering in the Perovskite SrLa2FeCoSbO9
  73. β-Na1.7IrO3: A Tridimensional Na-Ion Insertion Material with a Redox Active Oxygen Network
  74. Nanoscale Characterization of Growth of Secondary Phases in Off-Stoichiometric CZTS Thin Films
  75. Surface Passivation of CIGS Solar Cells Using Gallium Oxide
  76. Comparative study of the magnetic properties of La 3 Ni 2 B ′O 9 for B ′ = Nb, Taor Sb
  77. High-temperature properties of (La,Ca)(Fe,Mg,Mo)O 3-δ perovskites as prospective electrode materials for symmetrical SOFC
  78. p -CoO x / n -SnO 2 nanostructures: New highly selective materials for H 2 S detection
  79. A Chemical Approach to Raise Cell Voltage and Suppress Phase Transition in O3 Sodium Layered Oxide Electrodes
  80. Can surface reactivity of mixed crystals be predicted from their counterparts? A case study of (Bi1−xSbx)2Te3 topological insulators
  81. Ti surface doping of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4−δ positive electrodes for lithium ion batteries
  82. Small-moment paramagnetism and extensive twinning in the topochemically reduced phase Sr2ReLiO5.5
  83. Role of graphene inter layer on the formation of the MoS2-CZTS interface during growth
  84. Solar cell structure at micro- and nanoscale through TEM
  85. Crystal Growth of the Nowotny Chimney Ladder Phase Fe2Ge3: Exploring New Fe-Based Narrow-Gap Semiconductor with Promising Thermoelectric Performance
  86. Evidence of tetragonal distortion as the origin of the ferromagnetic ground state in γ−Fe nanoparticles
  87. Luminescence Property Upgrading via the Structure and Cation Changing in AgxEu(2–x)/3WO4 and AgxGd(2–x)/3–0.3Eu0.3WO4
  88. New Solid Electrolyte Na9Al(MoO4)6: Structure and Na+ Ion Conductivity
  89. Cobalt location in p-CoOx/n-SnO2 nanocomposites: Correlation with gas sensor performances
  90. Magnetic properties of the 6H perovskite Ba3Fe2TeO9
  91. Crystal structure study of manganese and titanium substituted BaLaFe 2 O 6-δ
  92. Interplay of structural chemistry and magnetism in perovskites; A study of Ca Ln 2 Ni 2 WO 9 ; Ln =La, Pr, Nd
  93. P–N Junction Passivation in Kesterite Solar Cells by Use of Solution-Processed TiO2 Layer
  94. Achieving independent control of core diameter and carbon shell thickness in Pd-C core–shell nanoparticles by gas phase synthesis
  95. Effect of cation vacancies on the crystal structure and luminescent properties of Ca 0.85−1.5x Gd x Eu 0.1 □ 0.05+0.5x WO 4 (0 ≤ x  ≤ 0.567) scheelite-based red phosphors
  96. Ferrimagnetism as a consequence of cation ordering in the perovskite LaSr2Cr2SbO9
  97. Grain-Boundary Engineering for Aging and Slow-Crack-Growth Resistant Zirconia
  98. Synthesis of MAX Phases in the Zr-Ti-Al-C System
  99. Antiferroelectric properties and site occupations of R3+ cations in Ca8MgR(PO4)7 luminescent host materials
  100. Crystal Growth and Structure Analysis of Ce18W10O57: A Complex Oxide Containing Tungsten in an Unusual Trigonal Prismatic Coordination Environment
  101. Observation of hidden atomic order at the interface between Fe and topological insulator Bi2Te3
  102. Crystal Structure, Defects, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of the Layered Bi3n+1Ti7Fe3n–3O9n+11 Perovskite-Anatase Intergrowths
  103. Strength, toughness and aging stability of highly-translucent Y-TZP ceramics for dental restorations
  104. Structural chemistry and magnetic properties of the perovskite SrLa2Ni2TeO9
  105. Antisite Disorder and Bond Valence Compensation in Li2FePO4F Cathode for Li-Ion Batteries
  106. Ba3(Cr0.97(1)Te0.03(1))2TeO9: in Search of Jahn–Teller Distorted Cr(II) Oxide
  107. Complex Microstructure and Magnetism in Polymorphic CaFeSeO
  108. Structural chemistry and magnetic properties of the perovskite Sr 3 Fe 2 TeO 9
  109. Synthesis, structure and electrochemical properties of LiNaCo 0.5 Fe 0.5 PO 4 F fluoride-phosphate
  110. Complementarity of TEM to bulk diffraction techniques for structures at nanoscale
  111. Study of Hydrogen Peroxide Reactions on Manganese Oxides as a Tool To Decode the Oxygen Reduction Reaction Mechanism
  112. Layered-to-Tunnel Structure Transformation and Oxygen Redox Chemistry in LiRhO2 upon Li Extraction and Insertion
  113. Gaining new insight into low-temperature aqueous photochemical solution deposited ferroelectric PbTiO 3 films
  114. ChemInform Abstract: AVPO4F (A: Li, K): A 4 V Cathode Material for High-Power Rechargeable Batteries.
  115. Mn2 FeWO6 : A New Ni3 TeO6 -Type Polar and Magnetic Oxide
  116. ChemInform Abstract: Bi3n+1Ti7Fe3n-3O9n+11Homologous Series: Slicing Perovskite Structure with Planar Interfaces Containing Anatase-Like Chains.
  117. Effect of cation dopant radius on the hydrothermal stability of tetragonal zirconia: Grain boundary segregation and oxygen vacancy annihilation
  118. Interface control by chemical and dimensional matching in an oxide heterostructure
  119. Bi 3 n +1 Ti 7 Fe 3 n –3 O 9 n +11 Homologous Series: Slicing Perovskite Structure with Planar Interfaces Containing Anatase-like Chains
  120. Switching between solid solution and two-phase regimes in the Li 1-x Fe 1-y Mn y PO 4 cathode materials during lithium (de)insertion: combined PITT, in situ XRPD and electron diffraction tomography study
  121. AVPO4F (A = Li, K): A 4 V Cathode Material for High-Power Rechargeable Batteries
  122. A pseudo-tetragonal tungsten bronze superstructure: a combined solution of the crystal structure of K6.4(Nb,Ta)36.3O94with advanced transmission electron microscopy and neutron diffraction
  123. Trapping of Oxygen Vacancies at Crystallographic Shear Planes in Acceptor-Doped Pb-Based Ferroelectrics
  124. Trapping of Oxygen Vacancies at Crystallographic Shear Planes in Acceptor-Doped Pb-Based Ferroelectrics
  125. Co-Rich ZnCoO Nanoparticles Embedded in Wurtzite Zn 1– x Co x O Thin Films: Possible Origin of Superconductivity
  126. A novel red Ca8.5Pb0.5Eu(PO4)7 phosphor for light emitting diodes application
  127. KEu(MoO 4 ) 2 : Polymorphism, Structures, and Luminescent Properties
  128. Giant Magnetoresistance in the Half-Metallic Double-Perovskite Ferrimagnet Mn2FeReO6
  129. Giant Magnetoresistance in the Half-Metallic Double-Perovskite Ferrimagnet Mn2FeReO6
  130. KCN Chemical Etch for Interface Engineering in Cu2ZnSnSe4 Solar Cells
  131. ChemInform Abstract: Layered Oxychlorides [PbBiO2] An+1BnO3n-1Cl2(A: Pb/Bi, B: Fe/Ti): Intergrowth of the Hematophanite and Sillen Phases.
  132. Process variability in Cu2ZnSnSe4 solar cell devices: Electrical and structural investigations
  133. Effect of the burn-out step on the microstructure of the solution-processed Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells
  134. Effect of selenium content of CuInSex alloy nanopowder precursors on recrystallization of printed CuInSe2 absorber layers during selenization heat treatment
  135. Layered Oxychlorides [PbBiO 2 ]A n +1 B n O 3 n –1 Cl 2 (A = Pb/Bi, B = Fe/Ti): Intergrowth of the Hematophanite and Sillen Phases
  136. Soft chemical control of the crystal and magnetic structure of a layered mixed valent manganite oxide sulfide
  137. Highly-translucent, strong and aging-resistant 3Y-TZP ceramics for dental restoration by grain boundary segregation
  138. Synergy between transmission electron microscopy and powder diffraction: application to modulated structures
  139. Mn2FeWO6: A New Ni3TeO6-Type Polar and Magnetic Oxide
  140. Hole Doping and Structural Transformation in CsTl 1– x Hg x Cl 3
  141. Critical influence of alumina content on the low temperature degradation of 2–3mol% yttria-stabilized TZP for dental restorations
  142. {110}-Layered B-cation ordering in the anion-deficient perovskite Pb2.4Ba2.6Fe2Sc2TiO13with the crystallographic shear structure
  143. Increasing the Solubility Limit for Tetrahedral Aluminium in ZnO:Al Nanorods by Variation in Synthesis Parameters
  144. Crystal Structure and Luminescent Properties of R 2– x Eu x (MoO 4 ) 3 (R = Gd, Sm) Red Phosphors
  145. The interplay of microstructure and magnetism in La 3 Ni 2 SbO 9
  146. Effect of Binder Content in Cu–In–Se Precursor Ink on the Physical and Electrical Properties of Printed CuInSe2 Solar Cells
  147. Microstructural analysis of 9.7% efficient Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin film solar cells
  148. Factors Influencing the Conductivity of Aqueous Sol(ution)–Gel-Processed Al-Doped ZnO Films
  149. Pressure-Collapsed Amorphous Mg(BH 4 ) 2 : An Ultradense Complex Hydride Showing a Reversible Transition to the Porous Framework
  150. 3Y-TZP ceramics with improved hydrothermal degradation resistance and fracture toughness
  151. Cation Ordering and Flexibility of the BO42– Tetrahedra in Incommensurately Modulated CaEu2(BO4)4 (B = Mo, W) Scheelites
  152. Crystal and magnetic structure of new perovskite-based lead iron oxychlorides
  153. Effect of Lone Pair Cations on the Orientation of Crystallographic Shear Planes in Anion-Deficient Perovskites
  154. HR-TEM study of oxygen vacancy ordered Sr4+nMn4+nO10+3n compounds
  155. Incommensurate modulated structures and luminescence in scheelites
  156. New modular oxide structures using lone pair cations as "chemical scissors"
  157. High-Resolution Electron Microscopy. By John C. H. Spence. Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. 406. Price £75. ISBN: 978-0-19-966863-2.
  158. ChemInform Abstract: Pb5Fe3TiO11Cl: A Rare Example of Ti(IV) in a Square Pyramidal Oxygen Coordination.
  159. Pb5Fe3TiO11Cl: A rare example of Ti(IV) in a square pyramidal oxygen coordination
  160. Mechanical synthesis of high purity Cu–In–Se alloy nanopowder as precursor for printed CISe thin film solar cells
  161. Influence of the Structure on the Properties of NaxEuy(MoO4)z Red Phosphors
  162. Energy transfer in Eu^3+ doped scheelites: use as thermographic phosphor
  163. ChemInform Abstract: Atomic Structure of Defects in Anion‐Deficient Perovskite‐Based Ferrites with a Crystallographic Shear Structure.
  164. Relaxor Ferroelectricity and Magnetoelectric Coupling in ZnO–Co Nanocomposite Thin Films: Beyond Multiferroic Composites
  165. Electron Crystallography. Electron Microscopy and Electron Diffraction. By Xiaodong Zou, Sven Hovmöller and Peter Oleynikov. Oxford University Press, 2011. Price (hardcover) GBP 52.50. ISBN-13: 978-0-19-958020-0.
  166. Atomic Structure of Defects in Anion-Deficient Perovskite-Based Ferrites with a Crystallographic Shear Structure
  167. Engineered spatial inversion symmetry breaking in an oxide heterostructure built from isosymmetric room-temperature magnetically ordered components
  168. Polar and Magnetic Layered A-Site and Rock Salt B-Site-Ordered NaLnFeWO6 (Ln = La, Nd) Perovskites
  169. Incommensurate Modulation and Luminescence in the CaGd2(1–x)Eu2x(MoO4)4(1–y)(WO4)4y (0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1) Red Phosphors
  170. Synthesis and Properties of Charge-Ordered Thallium Halide Perovskites, CsTl+0.5Tl3+0.5X3 (X = F or Cl): Theoretical Precursors for Superconductivity?
  171. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of the Cr-doped spiral antiferromagnet BiMnFe2O6
  172. Structure and magnetic properties of a new anion-deficient perovskite Pb2Ba2BiFe4ScO13 with crystallographic shear structure
  173. Effect of lone-pair cations on the orientation of crystallographic shear planes in anion-deficient perovskites
  174. New modular oxide structures through the use of lone-pair cations as 'chemical scissors'
  175. Effect of Lone-Electron-Pair Cations on the Orientation of Crystallographic Shear Planes in Anion-Deficient Perovskites
  176. Anisotropic magnetism and spin-dependent transport in Co nanoparticle embedded ZnO thin films
  177. Polar and Magnetic Mn2FeMO6 (M=Nb, Ta) with LiNbO3‐type Structure: High‐Pressure Synthesis
  178. Polar and Magnetic Mn2FeMO6 (M=Nb, Ta) with LiNbO3‐type Structure: High‐Pressure Synthesis
  179. ChemInform Abstract: Homologous Series of Layered Perovskites An+1BnO3n‐1Cl: Crystal and Magnetic Structure of a New Oxychloride Pb4BiFe4O11Cl.
  180. Erratum: Frustrated pentagonal Cairo lattice in the non-collinear antiferromagnet Bi4Fe5O13F [Phys. Rev. B87, 024423 (2013)]
  181. Fluorine intercalation in the n=1 and n=2 layered manganites Sr2MnO3.5+x and Sr3Mn2O6
  182. Structural and Magnetic Phase Transitions in the AnBnO3n–2 Anion-Deficient Perovskites Pb2Ba2BiFe5O13 and Pb1.5Ba2.5Bi2Fe6O16
  183. Homologous Series of Layered Perovskites An+1BnO3n–1Cl: Crystal and Magnetic Structure of a New Oxychloride Pb4BiFe4O11Cl
  184. ChemInform Abstract: Expanding the Ruddlesden—Popper Manganite Family: The (n = 3) La3.2Ba0.8Mn3O10 Member.
  185. Corrigendum to “High magnetic ordering temperature in the perovskites Sr4−xLaxFe3ReO12 (x=0.0, 1.0, 2.0)” [J. Solid State Chem. 194 (2012) 48–58]
  186. Frustrated pentagonal Cairo lattice in the non-collinear antiferromagnet Bi4Fe5O13F
  187. Layered oxygen vacancy ordering in Nb-doped SrCo1-xFexO3-δperovskite
  188. Thermal decomposition synthesis of Al-doped ZnO nanoparticles: an in-depth study
  189. Synthesis, crystal structure, and properties of KSbO3-type Bi3Mn1.9Te1.1O11
  190. Site-specific mapping of transition metal oxygen coordination in complex oxides
  191. Magnetic and Structural Studies of the Multifunctional Material SrFe0.75Mo0.25O3−δ
  192. Layered oxygen vacancy ordering in Nb-doped SrCo1-xFexO3-δperovskite
  193. Expanding the Ruddlesden–Popper Manganite Family: The n = 3 La3.2Ba0.8Mn3O10 Member
  194. High magnetic ordering temperature in the perovskites Sr4−xLaxFe3ReO12 (x=0.0, 1.0, 2.0)
  195. Crystal Structure of a Lightweight Borohydride from Submicrometer Crystallites by Precession Electron Diffraction
  196. Different approaches to solving and refining inorganic structures from electron diffraction
  197. Competing Magnetic Structures and the Evolution of Copper Ion/Vacancy Ordering with Composition in the Manganite Oxide Chalcogenides Sr2MnO2Cu1.5(S1–xSex)2
  198. Artificial Construction of the Layered Ruddlesden–Popper Manganite La2Sr2Mn3O10 by Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction Monitored Pulsed Laser Deposition
  199. ChemInform Abstract: Structural Requirements in Lithium Cobalt Oxides for the Catalytic Oxidation of Water.
  200. Structures and Magnetism of La1–xSrxMnO3–(0.5+x)/2 (0.67 ≤ x ≤ 1) Phases
  201. Local Oxygen-Vacancy Ordering and Twinned Octahedral Tilting Pattern in the Bi0.81Pb0.19FeO2.905 Cubic Perovskite
  202. ChemInform Abstract: Mn(I) in an Extended Oxide: The Synthesis and Characterization of La1‐xCaxMnO2+δ (0.6 ≤ x ≤ 1).
  203. Properties and thermal stability of solution processed ultrathin, high-k bismuth titanate (Bi2Ti2O7) films
  204. ChemInform Abstract: Pb2.85Ba2.15Fe4SnO13: A New Member of the AnBnO3n‐2 Anion‐Deficient Perovskite‐Based Homologous Series.
  205. Structural Requirements in Lithium Cobalt Oxides for the Catalytic Oxidation of Water
  206. Structural Requirements in Lithium Cobalt Oxides for the Catalytic Oxidation of Water
  207. Electron Diffraction of Commensurately and Incommensurately Modulated Materials
  208. ChemInform Abstract: Structure and Magnetic Properties of BiFe0.75Mn0.25O3 Perovskite Prepared at Ambient and High Pressure.
  209. Pb2.85Ba2.15Fe4SnO13: A new member of the AnBnO3n−2 anion-deficient perovskite-based homologous series
  210. Synthesis, crystal structure and physico-chemical properties of the new quaternary oxide Sr5BiNi2O9.6
  211. Mn(I) in an Extended Oxide: The Synthesis and Characterization of La1–xCaxMnO2+δ(0.6 ≤x≤ 1)
  212. Structure and Magnetic Properties of BiFe0.75Mn0.25O3 Perovskite Prepared at Ambient and High Pressure
  213. ChemInform Abstract: The Synthesis and Complex Anion‐Vacancy Ordered Structure of La0.33Sr0.67MnO2.42.
  214. Kate Beeching, Nigel Armstrong, and Francoise Gadet (eds): Sociolinguistic Variation in Contemporary French.
  215. ChemInform Abstract: Solving the Structure of Li Ion Battery Materials with Precession Electron Diffraction: Application to Li2CoPO4F.
  216. Anion deficient perovskites (Pb,Bi)1−xFe1+xO3−ymodulated by crystallographic shear planes
  217. Anion-deficient perovskites modulated by periodic translational interfaces
  218. Electron crystallography for Li-based battery materials
  219. The anion deficient perovskite-based homologous series AnBnO3n−2
  220. ChemInform Abstract: Layered Perovskite‐Like Pb2Fe2O5 Structure as a Parent Matrix for the Nucleation and Growth of Crystallographic Shear Planes.
  221. Solving the Structure of Li Ion Battery Materials with Precession Electron Diffraction: Application to Li2CoPO4F
  222. The synthesis and complex anion-vacancy ordered structure of La0.33Sr0.67MnO2.42
  223. ChemInform Abstract: Short‐Range Layered A‐Site Ordering in Double Perovskites NaLaBB′O6 (B: Mn, Fe; B′: Nb, Ta).
  224. Layered Perovskite-Like Pb2Fe2O5 Structure as a Parent Matrix for the Nucleation and Growth of Crystallographic Shear Planes
  225. Short-Range Layered A-Site Ordering in Double Perovskites NaLaBB′O6 (B = Mn, Fe; B′ = Nb, Ta)
  226. Crystallographic and magnetic characterisation of the brownmillerite Sr2Co2O5
  227. ChemInform Abstract: B‐Site Ordered Perovskite LaSrMnNbO6: Synthesis, Structure and Antiferromagnetism.
  228. Unexpected optical response of single ZnO nanowires probed using controllable electrical contacts
  229. Cation ordering within the perovskite block of a six-layer Ruddlesden-Popper oxide from layer-by-layer growth – artificial interfaces in complex unit cells
  230. Synthesis and structure determination of ferromagnetic semiconductors LaAMnSnO6(A = Sr, Ba)
  231. Antiferroelectric (Pb,Bi)1−xFe1+xO3−y Perovskites Modulated by Crystallographic Shear Planes
  232. ChemInform Abstract: New Perovskite‐Based Manganite Pb2Mn2O5.
  233. Coupled anion and cation ordering in Sr3RFe4O10.5 (R=Y, Ho, Dy) anion-deficientperovskites
  234. B-site ordered perovskite LaSrMnNbO6: Synthesis, structure and antiferromagnetism
  235. Slicing the Perovskite Structure with Crystallographic Shear Planes: The AnBnO3n−2 Homologous Series
  236. New perovskite-based manganite Pb2Mn2O5
  237. A whole new family of perovskite-based structures
  238. Structural characterization of a new Pb/Sr based ferri-manganite presenting incommensurate shear structure by combining different techniques of transmission electron microscopy
  239. Crystal Structure and Phase Transitions in Sr3WO6
  240. Indifference of Superconductivity and Magnetism to Size-Mismatched Cations in the Layered Iron Arsenides Ba1−xNaxFe2As2
  241. Direct space structure solution from precession electron diffraction data: Resolving heavy and light scatterers in Pb13Mn9O25
  242. Synthesis and characterization of La1+xSr2−xCoMnO7−δ (x=0,0.2; δ=0,1)
  243. Bulk Magnetic Order in a Two-DimensionalNi1+/Ni2+(d9/d8) Nickelate, Isoelectronic with Superconducting Cuprates
  244. Synthesis and crystal structure of the new complex oxide Ca7Mn2.14 Ga5.86O17.93
  245. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Structural Characterization of La1‐xAxMnO2.5 (A: Ba, Sr, Ca) Phases: Mapping the Variants of the Brownmillerite Structure.
  246. BiMnFe2O6, a polysynthetically twinned hcp MO structure
  247. The synthesis and thermodynamic properties of strontium fluoromanganite Sr2.5Mn6O12.5 − δF2
  248. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of La1−xAxMnO2.5 (A = Ba, Sr, Ca) Phases: Mapping the Variants of the Brownmillerite Structure
  249. ChemInform Abstract: Original Close‐Packed Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Pb4Mn9O20 Manganite.
  250. Crystal structure of the group of optical materials Ln2MeGe4O12(Me = Ca, Mn)
  251. Structure determination of complex oxides
  252. New Class of Single-Source Precursors for the Synthesis of Main Group−Transition Metal Oxides: Heterobimetallic Pb−Mn β-Diketonates
  253. Original close-packed structure and magnetic properties of the Pb4Mn9O20 manganite
  254. Two Variants of the 1/2[110]p(203)p Crystallographic Shear Structures: The Phasoid Sr0.61Pb0.18(Fe0.75Mn0.25)O2.29
  255. ChemInform Abstract: Advanced Electron Microscopy and Its Possibilities to Solve Complex Structures: Application to Transition Metal Oxides
  256. Topotactic Reduction As a Route to New Close-Packed Anion Deficient Perovskites: Structure and Magnetism of 4H-BaMnO2+x
  257. Synthesis and magnetic properties of rare earth ruthenates, Ln5Ru2O12 (Ln=Pr, Nd, Sm–Tb)
  258. Comment on “ALaMn2O6−y (A = K, Rb): Novel Ferromagnetic Manganites Exhibiting Negative Giant Magnetoresistance”
  259. Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of the Sr2Al0.78Mn1.22O5.2 anion-deficient layered perovskite
  260. ChemInform Abstract: Fragmentation of an Infinite ZnO2 Square Plane into Discrete [ZnO2]2‐ Linear Units in the Oxyselenide Ba2ZnO2Ag2Se2.
  261. La2MnVO6 double perovskite: a structural, magnetic and X-ray absorption investigation
  262. Advanced electron microscopy and its possibilities to solve complex structures: application to transition metal oxides
  263. ChemInform Abstract: Oxygen Vacancy Ordering in the Double‐Layered Ruddlesden—Popper Cobaltite Sm2BaCo2O7‐δ.
  264. ChemInform Abstract: New Germanates LnCrGeO5 (Ln: Nd—Er, Y): Synthesis, Structure, and Properties.
  265. Tetrahedral Chain Order in the Sr2Fe2O5 Brownmillerite
  266. Fragmentation of an Infinite ZnO2 Square Plane into Discrete [ZnO2]2− Linear Units in the Oxyselenide Ba2ZnO2Ag2Se2
  267. Oxygen Vacancy Ordering in the Double-layered Ruddlesden−Popper Cobaltite Sm2BaCo2O7−δ
  268. New germanates RCrGeO5 (R=Nd–Er, Y): Synthesis, structure, and properties
  269. Applications of TEM in the study of incommensurately modulated compounds
  270. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of complex oxides Mg4−xNixNb2O9,x= 0–4
  271. Ln2(Ca,Mn)Ge4O12– new materials for photonics
  272. Order and disorder in the Sr2VO(XO4)2(X= V, P) phases
  273. Order–disorder transitions in sodium vanadylphosphate Na4VO(PO4)2
  274. Crystal structure, phase transition, and magnetic ordering in perovskitelikePb2−xBaxFe2O5solid solutions
  275. Chemistry and Structure of Anion‐Deficient Perovskites with Translational Interfaces
  276. Local structure of perovskite-based “Pb2Fe2O5”
  277. Synthesis and crystal structure of new titanyl phosphate Sr2TiO(PO4)2
  278. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Magnetic Properties of Sr1.31Co0.63Mn0.37O3: A Derivative of the Incommensurate Composite Hexagonal Perovskite Structure.
  279. Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Magnetic Properties of Sr1.31Co0.63Mn0.37O3: A Derivative of the Incommensurate Composite Hexagonal Perovskite Structure
  280. Topotactic Oxidative and Reductive Control of the Structures and Properties of Layered Manganese Oxychalcogenides.
  281. Crystal structure and magnetic properties of complex oxides Mg4−xNixNb2O9, 0⩽x⩽4
  282. Spin ladder compoundPb0.55Cd0.45V2O5: Synthesis and investigation
  283. Ternary Magnesium Rhodium Boride Mg2Rh1-xB6+2xwith a Modified Y2ReB6-Type Crystal Structure
  284. Topotactic Oxidative and Reductive Control of the Structures and Properties of Layered Manganese Oxychalcogenides
  285. Unit‐Cell‐Level Assembly of Metastable Transition‐Metal Oxides by Pulsed‐Laser Deposition.
  286. Unit‐Cell‐Level Assembly of Metastable Transition‐Metal Oxides by Pulsed‐Laser Deposition
  287. Unit‐Cell‐Level Assembly of Metastable Transition‐Metal Oxides by Pulsed‐Laser Deposition
  288. Lanthanum-strontium cuprate: A promising cathodic material for solid oxide fuel cells
  289. [SrF0.8(OH)0.2]2.526[Mn6O12]:  Columnar Rock-Salt Fragments Inside the Todorokite-Type Tunnel Structure
  290. Coupled Cation and Charge Ordering in the CaMn3O6 Tunnel Structure.
  291. The (3 + 2)D structure of oxygen deficient LaSrCuO3.52
  292. Synthesis and crystal structure of the Sr2Al1.07Mn0.93O5brownmillerite
  293. Coupled Cation and Charge Ordering in the CaMn3O6 Tunnel Structure
  294. Crystallographic Shear Structures as a Route to Anion‐Deficient Perovskites
  295. Crystallographic Shear Structures as a Route to Anion‐Deficient Perovskites
  296. Crystal structure and properties of the Na1−x Ru2O4 phase
  297. Double Modulation and Microstructure of the Thermoelectric Misfit Compound [Ca2-yLnyCu0.7+yCo1.3-yO4][CoO2]b1/b2(Ln = Pr, Y and 0 ≤y≤ 1/3)
  298. Manganese oxide tunnel structures determined with TEM
  299. Who is afraid of dynamical scattering?
  300. Crystal Structure and Properties of Ru‐Stoichiometric LaSrMnRuO6.
  301. Structural Chemistry and Metamagnetism of an Homologous Series of Layered Manganese Oxysulfides
  302. Composition and crystal structure of resorbable calcium phosphate thin films
  303. Crystal Structure and Properties of Ru-Stoichiometric LaSrMnRuO6
  304. Hydrothermal processing of barium strontium titanate sol-gel composite thin films
  305. Synthesis and structure investigation of the Pb3V(PO4)3 eulytite
  306. Ca6.3Mn3Ga4.4Al1.3O18—A novel complex oxide with 3D tetrahedral framework
  307. New lead vanadium phosphate with langbeinite-type structure: Pb1.5V2(PO4)3
  308. Structure of LaSrCuO3.5
  309. Compositionally induced phase transition in the Ca2MnGa1−xAlxO5 solid solutions: Ordering of tetrahedral chains in brownmillerite structure
  310. Crystal structure and properties of the new complex vanadium oxide K2SrV3O9
  311. Mg1?xRhB - a New Boridometallide with 2D Polyanion
  312. Synthesis, Cation Ordering, and Magnetic Properties of the (Sb1-xPbx)2(Mn1-ySby)O4 Solid Solutions with the Sb
  313. Transmission electron microscopy and structural phase transitions in anion-deficient perovskite-based oxides
  314. SrMn3O6: an incommensurate modulated tunnel structure
  315. Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties of new layered hexagonal perovskite Ba8Ta4Ru8/3Co2/3O24
  316. Synthesis and crystal structure of the novel Pb5Sb2MnO11 compound
  317. Crystal structure and properties of the new vanadyl(IV)phosphates Na2MVO(PO4)2, M=Ca and Sr
  318. Crystal Structure, Polymorphism, and Properties of the New Vanadyl Phosphate Na4VO(PO4)2.
  319. Novel, Oxygen-Deficientn= 3 RP-Member Sr3NdFe3O9-δand Its Topotactic Derivatives
  320. Oxygen and fluorine doping in Sr2MnGaO5 brownmillerite
  321. Synthesis and crystal structure of the Sr2MnGa(O,F)6 oxyfluorides
  322. Crystal Structure, Polymorphism, and Properties of the New Vanadyl Phosphate Na4VO(PO4)2
  323. Synthesis and characterization of the new Ln2FeMoO7 (Ln = Y, Dy, Ho) compounds
  324. Crystallographic and magnetic structures of Y0.8Sr2.2Mn2GaO8−δ: a new vacancy-ordered perovskite structure
  325. Synthesis and characterization of the reduced double-layer manganite Sr3Mn2O6+x
  326. Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of the new mixed-valence vanadate Na2SrV3O9
  327. Preface
  328. The metastable Ni7±xS6, and mixed Ni6±x(S1−ySey)5, phases
  329. Anion Rearrangements in Fluorinated Nd2CuO3.5
  330. Synthesis and Characterization of the Reduced Single-Layer Manganite Sr2MnO3.5+x
  331. ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis and Investigation of Novel Mn‐Based Oxyfluoride Sr3Mn2O5‐xF1+x.
  332. Synthesis and investigation of novel Mn-based oxyfluoride Sr2Mn2O5–xF1+x
  333. Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of the Novel Oxide Pb2V5O12
  334. HREM Study of Fluorinated Nd2CuO4
  335. Suppression of Modulations in Fluorinated Bi-2201 Phases
  336. Structural transformation in fluorinated LaACuGaO5 (A=Ca, Sr) brownmillerites
  337. Structure transformations in fluorinated complex copper oxides
  338. Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a New Complex Oxyfluoride La0.813Sr0.187Cu(O,F)3−δ
  339. Structural Transformations in the Fluorinated T* Phase
  340. Anion Ordering in Fluorinated La2CuO4