All Stories

  1. Data-Driven Reduced-Order Modeling Techniques for Aeroelastic Analyses
  2. Transonic, High-Mach Number Wing Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimization
  3. Racing Car Wing Adjoint-Based Aerodynamic Shape Optimization
  4. A Comparison of LES Inlet Boundary Conditions for Supersonic Jet Flows
  5. Development of a Parallel High-Order CFD Solver with the Chapel Programming Language
  6. A Study on the Impact of Radiative Heat Transfer for Hypersonic Nonequilibrium Flows over a Cylinder
  7. An Analysis of Face Gradient Reconstruction Schemes for the Simulation of Aerospace Flows
  8. Study on the Resolution of Large-Eddy Simulations for Supersonic Jet Flows
  9. Numerical Simulation of Non-Equilibrium Hypersonic Flows for the Reentry Trajectory of a Reusable Satellite
  10. High-Fidelity Numerical Simulations of Supersonic Channel Flows with Isothermal Walls
  11. Investigation of Thermodynamic Non-Equilibrium in Hypersonic Flows Over the Mars Pathfinder Capsule
  12. Computational Static Aeroelastic Analyses in Transonic Flows
  13. Numerical Effects of Flux Calculation Schemes for Unstructured Grid Turbulent Flow Simulations
  14. Quantifying Uncertainty in Computational Fluid Dynamics Drag Computations on Unstructured Meshes
  15. DSMC Computations of SARA Reentry Capsule Exposed to Weakly Ionized Gas Flow
  16. An Evaluation of p-Multigrid and Local Mach Number Preconditioning with High Order FR/CPR Method
  17. Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Computations of a Brazilian Reentry Satellite
  18. Scalability Study of a Compressible LES solver
  19. Drag dispersion on cfd computations on unstrucrured grids
  20. High-Order Meshes for Flow Simulations with a Spectral Difference Method
  21. Investigation of Turbulence Properties in Wall-Bounded Flows with Pressure Gradients and Separation
  22. A Study of Efficiency of Implicit High-Order Spectral Difference Method Implementations
  23. Dynamic Mode Decomposition of High Reynolds Number Supersonic Jet Flows
  24. Influence of Different Subgrid Scale Models in LES of Supersonic Jet Flows
  25. Numerical Investigation of Channel Flows with Emphasis on Coherent Structures and Turbulence Anisotropy
  26. Implicit Spectral Difference Method Solutions of Compressible Flows Considering High-Order Meshes
  27. ONERA M6 simulation
  28. Inflow Turbulence Effects on Transition Prediction Using a Correlation-Based Transition Model
  29. Sound and Sources of Sound in a Model Problem with Wake Interaction
  30. Thermochemical Nonequilibrium Computations of a Brazilian Reentry Satellite
  31. Large Eddy Simulations of Supersonic Jet Flows for Aeroacoustic Applications
  32. Further Studies of Adverse Pressure Gradient Effects in Turbulent Channel Flows
  33. High-Order Compressible Flow Simulations with the Unstructured Spectral Difference Method
  34. Comparison of Viscous and Inviscid Unsteady Aerodynamic Loads for Aeroelastic Analyses
  35. A Numerical Study on Transitional Flows by Means of a Correlation-Based Transition Model
  36. Adverse Pressure Gradient Effects in the Turbulent Kinetic Energy Budget for Channel Flows
  37. A Comparative Study of Discontinuous High Order Methods for Compressible Flows
  38. An Assessment of Attached and Mildly Separated Flows in Adverse Pressure Gradient Regions