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  1. Biotic and abiotic factors interplay in structuring the dynamics of microbial co-occurrence patterns in tropical mountainsides
  2. Organic carbon sink dynamics and carbon sink-source balance in global lakes during the Anthropocene
  3. Organic carbon sink dynamics and carbon sink-source balance in global lakes during the Anthropocene
  4. Network Complexity and Stability of Microbes Enhanced by Microplastic Diversity
  5. Chemodiversity of riverine dissolved organic matter: Effects of local environments and watershed characteristics
  6. Temperature sensitivity of organic carbon decomposition in lake sediments is mediated by chemodiversity
  7. Environmental stress mediates groundwater microbial community assembly
  8. Global patterns and drivers of dissolved organic matter across Earth systems: Insights from H/C and O/C ratios
  9. Strong cascading impacts of micropollutants on planktonic food web in urban river
  10. Patterns and drivers of prokaryotic communities in thermokarst lake water across Northern Hemisphere
  11. Antimony efflux underpins phosphorus cycling and resistance of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria in mining soils
  12. Eukaryotes contribute more than bacteria to the recovery of freshwater ecosystem functions under different drought durations
  13. Dark Matter Enhances Interactions within Both Microbes and Dissolved Organic Matter under Global Change
  14. Microbial and Environmental Processes Shape the Link between Organic Matter Functional Traits and Composition
  15. Repeated introduction of micropollutants enhances microbial succession despite stable degradation patterns
  16. A comprehensive evaluation of organic micropollutants (OMPs) pollution and prioritization in equatorial lakes from mainland Tanzania, East Africa
  17. Distance decay 2.0 – A global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities
  18. Eutrophication decrease compositional dissimilarity in freshwater plankton communities
  19. Contrasting elevational patterns and underlying drivers of stream bacteria and fungi at the regional scale on the Tibetan Plateau
  20. The Self-Organization of Marine Microbial Networks under Evolutionary and Ecological Processes: Observations and Modeling
  21. Gut Microbiome Succession in Chinese Mitten Crab Eriocheir sinensis During Seawater–Freshwater Migration
  22. Embracing mountain microbiome and ecosystem functions under global change
  23. Spatiotemporal dependency of resource use efficiency on phytoplankton diversity in Lake Taihu
  24. Eutrophication causes microbial community homogenization via modulating generalist species
  25. Phylogenetic divergence and adaptation of Nitrososphaeria across lake depths and freshwater ecosystems
  26. Elevation-related climate trends dominate fungal co-occurrence network structure and the abundance of keystone taxa on Mt. Norikura, Japan
  27. Taxonomic Dependency of Beta Diversity for Bacteria, Archaea and Fungi in a Semi-Arid Lake
  28. Ecosystem functioning is linked to microbial evenness and community composition along depth gradient in a semiarid lake
  29. Eutrophication and predation mediate zooplankton diversity and network structure
  30. Temperature and Precipitation Drive Elevational Patterns of Microbial Beta Diversity in Alpine Grasslands
  31. Quantifying Microbial Associations of Dissolved Organic Matter under Global Change
  32. Understanding Responses of Soil Microbiome to the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition in Metasequoia glyptostroboides Plantations of Different Ages
  33. Ecological indicators for aquatic biodiversity, ecosystem functions, human activities and climate change
  34. Linking pollution to biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality across benthic-pelagic habitats of a large eutrophic lake: A whole-ecosystem perspective
  35. Protists modulate fungal community assembly in paddy soils across climatic zones at the continental scale
  36. Recurrent micropollutant exposure leads to divergent degradation abilities and community succession in a freshwater microbiome
  37. Quantifying microbial associations of dissolved organic matter under global change
  38. Algal blooms modulate organic matter remineralization in freshwater sediments: A new insight on priming effect
  39. Vertical Stratification of Dissolved Organic Matter Linked to Distinct Microbial Communities in Subtropic Estuarine Sediments
  40. Metagenomic insights into soil microbial communities involved in carbon cycling along an elevation climosequences
  41. Temperature and Precipitation Drive Elevational Patterns of Microbial Beta Diversity in Alpine Grasslands
  42. Linking historical vegetation to bacterial succession under the contrasting climates of the Tibetan Plateau
  43. A few dominant bacteria and their genomic basis in mediating distinct ecosystem functions
  44. Editorial: The Wildlife Gut Microbiome and Its Implication for Conservation Biology
  45. Cross-taxon congruence of aquatic microbial communities across geological ages in Iceland: Stochastic and deterministic processes
  46. Microbial species performance responses to environmental changes: genomic traits and nutrient availability
  47. Mobile genetic elements mediate the mixotrophic evolution of novel Alicyclobacillus species for acid mine drainage adaptation
  48. Warming exacerbates the impact of nutrient enrichment on microbial functional potentials important to the nutrient cycling in shallow lake mesocosms
  49. Factors influencing the biodiversity of three microbial groups within and among islands of the Baltic Sea
  50. Distance decay 2.0 – a global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities
  51. Nitrogen budget at sediment–water interface altered by sediment dredging and settling particles: Benefits and drawbacks in managing eutrophication
  52. Elevation-related climate trends dominate fungal co-occurrence patterns on Mt. Norikura, Japan
  53. Host development overwhelms environmental dispersal in governing the ecological succession of zebrafish gut microbiota
  54. Dispersal–niche continuum index: a new quantitative metric for assessing the relative importance of dispersal versus niche processes in community assembly
  55. Host–microbiota interactions and responses to grass carp reovirus infection in Ctenopharyngodon idellus
  56. Taxonomic dependency of beta diversity components in benthic communities of bacteria, diatoms and chironomids along a water-depth gradient
  57. Soil metabolome correlates with bacterial diversity and co-occurrence patterns in root-associated soils on the Tibetan Plateau
  58. The effects of abiotic and biotic factors on taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of stream epilithic bacteria around Qiandao Lake
  59. Climate mediates continental scale patterns of stream microbial functional diversity
  60. Contrasting patterns and drivers of soil bacterial and fungal diversity across a mountain gradient
  61. Front Cover
  62. Ecological processes underlying community assembly of aquatic bacteria and macroinvertebrates under contrasting climates on the Tibetan Plateau
  63. The co-regulation of nitrate and temperature on denitrification at the sediment-water interface in the algae-dominated ecosystem of Lake Taihu, China
  64. Mountain biodiversity and ecosystem functions: interplay between geology and contemporary environments
  65. Temperature drives local contributions to beta diversity in mountain streams: Stochastic and deterministic processes
  66. Next-generation sequencing reveals fecal contamination and potentially pathogenic bacteria in a major inflow river of Taihu Lake
  67. Author Correction: Continental scale structuring of forest and soil diversity via functional traits
  68. Water-level fluctuations are key for phytoplankton taxonomic communities and functional groups in Poyang Lake
  69. Continental scale structuring of forest and soil diversity via functional traits
  70. The Relative Abundance of Benthic Bacterial Phyla Along a Water-Depth Gradient in a Plateau Lake: Physical, Chemical, and Biotic Drivers
  71. Understanding environmental change through the lens of trait-based, functional, and phylogenetic biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems
  72. Using traits to explain interspecific variation in diatom occupancy and abundance across lakes and streams
  73. Urbanization Impacts the Physicochemical Characteristics and Abundance of Fecal Markers and Bacterial Pathogens in Surface Water
  74. Biodiversity patterns across taxonomic groups along a lake water-depth gradient: Effects of abiotic and biotic drivers
  75. Different roles for geography, energy and environment in determining three facets of freshwater molluscan beta diversity at broad spatial scales
  76. Elevational patterns and hierarchical determinants of biodiversity across microbial taxonomic scales
  77. Bacterioplankton Metacommunity Processes across Thermal Gradients: Weaker Species Sorting but Stronger Niche Segregation in Summer than in Winter in a Subtropical Bay
  78. Climate warming leads to divergent succession of grassland microbial communities
  79. Stream diatoms exhibit weak niche conservation along global environmental and climatic gradients
  80. Climatic and ecological changes of the past 1900 years inferred from long-chain alkenones in Kusai Lake, northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
  81. Macro and Microelements Drive Diversity and Composition of Prokaryotic and Fungal Communities in Hypersaline Sediments and Saline–Alkaline Soils
  82. Microbial Functional Gene Diversity Predicts Groundwater Contamination and Ecosystem Functioning
  83. Assessment of Water Quality and Identification of Pollution Risk Locations in Tiaoxi River (Taihu Watershed), China
  84. Soil pH is a major driver of soil diazotrophic community assembly in Qinghai-Tibet alpine meadows
  85. A meta-analysis of nestedness and turnover components of beta diversity across organisms and ecosystems
  86. Thermal barriers constrain microbial elevational range size via climate variability
  87. Local and geographical factors jointly drive elevational patterns in three microbial groups across subarctic ponds
  88. Contrasting patterns of diversity of abundant and rare bacterioplankton in freshwater lakes along an elevation gradient
  89. Dynamic Succession of Groundwater Sulfate-Reducing Communities during Prolonged Reduction of Uranium in a Contaminated Aquifer
  90. Interactive effects of temperature and nutrients on biodiversity along mountain elevation gradients
  91. Fifteen-year study of environmental dredging effect on variation of nitrogen and phosphorus exchange across the sediment-water interface of an urban lake
  92. Bacterial metacommunity organization in a highly-connected aquatic system
  93. A monotonically declining elevational pattern of bacterial diversity in freshwater lake sediments
  94. Environmental filtering decreases with fish development for the assembly of gut microbiota
  95. Deterministic assembly processes govern bacterial community structure in the Fynbos, South Africa
  96. Regional and global elevational patterns of microbial species richness and evenness
  97. Bacterial responses to environmental change on the Tibetan Plateau over the past half century
  98. Soil pH and biome are both key determinants of soil archaeal community structure
  99. Distinct soil bacterial communities along a small-scale elevational gradient in alpine tundra
  100. Profiling bacterial diversity in a limestone cave of the western Loess Plateau of China
  101. pH Influences the Importance of Niche-Related and Neutral Processes in Lacustrine Bacterioplankton Assembly
  102. Patterns of Bacterial Diversity Along a Long-Term Mercury-Contaminated Gradient in the Paddy Soils
  103. Higher seasonal variation of actinobacterial communities than spatial heterogeneity in the surface sediments of Taihu Lake, China
  104. Phylogenetic beta diversity in bacterial assemblages across ecosystems: deterministic versus stochastic processes
  105. Habitat species pools for phylogenetic structure in microbes
  106. Soil bacterial communities shaped by geochemical factors and land use in a less-explored area, Tibetan Plateau
  107. Patterns of elevational beta diversity in micro- and macroorganisms
  108. Molecular Detection of Novel Anammox Bacterial Clusters in the Sediments of the Shallow Freshwater Lake Taihu
  109. Phylogenetic clustering increases with elevation for microbes
  110. Do Patterns of Bacterial Diversity along Salinity Gradients Differ from Those Observed for Macroorganisms?
  111. Productivity-Diversity Relationships in Lake Plankton Communities
  112. Spatial distribution and stratigraphic characteristics of surface sediments in Taihu Lake, China
  113. Contrasting patterns in elevational diversity between microorganisms and macroorganisms
  114. Assessment of nutrients and heavy metals enrichment in surface sediments from Taihu Lake, a eutrophic shallow lake in China
  115. Heterogeneity of archaeal and bacterial ammonia-oxidizing communities in Lake Taihu, China
  116. Genetic Diversity of Eukaryotic Plankton Assemblages in Eastern Tibetan Lakes Differing by their Salinity and Altitude
  117. Characterization of Bacterial Communities Associated with Organic Aggregates in a Large, Shallow, Eutrophic Freshwater Lake (Lake Taihu, China)
  118. Assessment of heavy metal contamination in the sediments of Nansihu Lake Catchment, China
  119. Characteristic of phosphorus release with the control of pH of sediments from Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu
  120. Spatial heterogeneity of oxygen exchange between sediment-water interface in lakes
  121. High beta diversity of bacteria in the shallow terrestrial subsurface
  122. Nitrogen and phosphorus forms and release risks of lake sediments from the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
  123. Comparison of PCR primer-based strategies for characterization of ammonia oxidizer communities in environmental samples
  124. Distribution of Bioavailable Phosphorus (BAP) in lake sediments of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
  125. Migration mechanism of biogenic elements and their quantification on the sediment-water interface of Lake Taihu:Ⅱ. chemical thermodynamic mechanism of phosphorus release and its source-sink transition
  126. Processes and mechanism of effects of sludge dredging on internal source release in lakes
  127. Migration Mechanism of Biogenic Elements and Their Quantification on the Sediment-water Interface of Lake Taihu: I.Spatial Variation of the Ammonium Release Rates and Its Source and Sink Fluxes
  128. Processes and mechanism of effects of sludge dredging on internal source release in lakes
  129. Predicted shifts in microbial patterns along mountain streams under climate change