All Stories

  1. Right Hemispheric Leukoencephalopathy as an Incidental Finding Following a Lightning Strike
  2. Accuracy of Conventional Diagnostic Methods for Identifying Structural Changes in Patients with Focal Epilepsy
  3. Accuracy of Conventional Diagnostic Methods for Identifying Structural Changes in Patients with Focal Epilepsy
  4. Acute flaccid paraplegia: neurological approach, diagnostic workup, and therapeutic options
  5. Epidemiological Characteristics and Functional Disability of Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Kosovo
  6. Clinical variability of the cerebral autosomal-dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy phenotype in two siblings of a large family showing the same mutation
  7. Multiple lacunar state and post-/INS;stroke dementia
  8. Prevalence and characteristics of headaches in Albanian adolescents
  9. EEG findings in post-stroke seizures
  10. Stroke in the very elderly patients in Albania
  11. BMI impact on neurological diseases
  12. Neurological diseases in pregnancy
  13. The follow-up of the patients with GBS treated with plasmapheresis
  14. Utility of neuropsychological tests in the diagnosis of amnestic mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's/INS; disease or other forms of dementia
  15. Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) association with ischemic stroke among adults younger than 55years
  16. Mood disorders in epilepsy
  17. Epileptic Seizures in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
  18. Factors Influencing Mini-mental State (MMSE) Score in Stroke Patients
  19. Avoiding Parental Distress When Discussing About Sudep: the Albanian Experience
  20. High Prevalence of Major Neurological Disorders in Two Albanian Communities: Results of a Door-to-Door Survey
  21. Inapplicability of advance directives in a paternalistic setting: the case of a post-communist health system
  22. Orbital emphysema after nose blowing
  23. P3.161 Effect of physical rehabilitation on perceived quality of life of persons with Parkinson disease
  24. PO18-WE-27 Seizures and epilepsy in multiple sclerosis patients
  25. Poster 62: Physical Rehabilitation in Parkinson Disease