All Stories

  1. Angina Management is Poor After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
  2. Angina Management is Poor After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
  3. Students' perceptions of digital narratives of compassionate care
  4. Current evidence on the effectiveness of systemic herbal medicine for psoriasis: A systematic review with meta-analysis
  5. Nurse Education Today: Special issue on compassionate care
  6. Non-medical prescribers and benzodiazepines: A qualitative study
  7. Debridement for surgical wounds
  8. Exploring the opinions of registered nurses working in a clinical transfusion environment on the contribution of e-learning to personal learning and clinical practice: Results of a small scale educational research study
  9. Forthcoming special issue—Compassionate Care—Call for Papers
  10. The Gordian knot: provision in Scotland and England
  11. Systematic review of grading practice: Is there evidence of grade inflation?
  12. Integrating physician assistants into the practice setting
  13. Can we predict successful completion of the common foundation programme at interview?
  14. Pre-registration adult nurses’ knowledge of safe transfusion practice: Results of a 12month follow-up study
  15. Debridement for surgical wounds
  16. Debridement for surgical wounds
  17. Can an interview score sheet assist with student selection onto the bachelor of science/diploma of higher education (adult) nursing programme?
  18. The value of role modelling: Perceptions of undergraduate and diploma nursing (adult) students