All Stories

  1. Optimizing process parameters to minimize wear-induced material loss in bronze-based hybrid metal matrix composites using the Taguchi method
  2. An experimental study of the impact of various infill parameters on the compressive strength of 3D printed PETG/CF
  3. Bridgeless modified Cuk–SEPIC power factor correction converter for E-bicycle applications
  4. Influence of hybrid nanofiller on elastic behavior and stiffness of basalt/E-glass MWCNTs/SiO2 hybrid nanocomposites
  5. GastroNet: A CNN based system for detection of abnormalities in gastrointestinal tract from wireless capsule endoscopy images
  6. Comprehensive insights on mechanical properties of natural–synthetic fibers with MWCNT nano-composite
  7. Exploring the potential of textile effluent sludge as a construction material through comprehensive characterization and analysis
  8. Exponential smoothing method against the gradient boosting machine learning algorithm-based model for materials forecasting to minimize inventory
  9. An experimental analysis on sliding wear characteristics of TIG-welded Al6061 reinforced with SiC
  10. Materials requirement prediction challenges addressed through SDM and MEIO
  11. Testing the auto-regressive integrated moving average approach vs the support vector machines-based model for materials forecasting to reduce inventory
  12. Fuzzy logic-driven genetic algorithm strategies for ultrasonic welding of heterogeneous metal sheets
  13. Optimized deep learning regression assisted wear rate analysis of Cu–AlCoCrCuFe HEA composite
  14. Impact of nano-hybridization on flexural and impact behavior of basalt/glass fiber-epoxy composites for automotive structures
  15. Effect of impact and flexural loading on hybrid composite made of kevlar and natural fibers
  16. Performance evaluation of low heat rejection diesel engine operated with biofuels under-selective catalytic reduction
  17. Momordica charantia leaf disease detection and treatment using agricultural mobile robot
  18. Characterization on properties of Al7050/TiC/BN hybrid metal matrix composite
  19. Investigation of chemically treated jute/kenaf/glass fiber with TiO2 nano-filler for tensile and impact characteristics
  20. Optimizing blood glucose regulation in type 1 diabetes: A fractional order controller approach
  21. Experimental study on mechanical properties of FDM 3D printed polylactic acid fabricated parts using response surface methodology
  22. Dynamic interactions of HSV-2 and HIV/AIDS: A mathematical modeling approach
  23. An investigation into cut surface quality of Al6061/Al2O3/B4C composite using hydro-abrasive machining process
  24. Influence of machining process of MoS2/B4C/Az31 Mg alloy composite and its tribological characteristics
  25. Detection of Covid-19 based on convolutional neural networks using pre-processed chest X-ray images
  26. An application of hybrid Taguchi-ANN to predict tool wear for turning EN24 material
  27. Optimization of wire spark erosion machining of Grade 9 titanium alloy (Grade 9) using a hybrid learning algorithm
  28. 3D printing of human fractured skull bone for implant procedure from DICOM data
  29. Design and development of drone frame and optimization of thrust efficiency using ducted propellers