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  1. Opportunistic screening for diabetes mellitus and hypertension in primary care settings in Karnataka, India: a few steps forward but still some way to go
  2. Diabetes care in public health facilities in India: a situational analysis using a mixed methods approach
  3. Are we missing ‘previously treated’ smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis under programme settings in India? A cross-sectional study
  4. Active versus passive case finding for tuberculosis in marginalised and vulnerable populations in India: comparison of treatment outcomes
  5. Burden and risk factors of diabetes and hyperglycemia in India: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016
  6. Does the Structured Operational Research and Training Initiative (SORT IT) continue to influence health policy and/or practice?
  7. Improving quality of home-based postnatal care by microteaching of multipurpose workers in rural and urban slum areas of Chandigarh, India: a pilot study
  8. Process evaluation of community monitoring under national health mission at Chandigarh, union territory: Methodology and challenges