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  1. Disparities in antipsychotic prescribing in dementia patients
  2. Socioeconomic and gender inequalities in mental disorders among adolescents and young adults
  3. Comorbidity and household income as mediators of gender inequalities in dementia risk: a real-world data population study
  4. Sex differences in clinical response to deep brain stimulation in resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder
  5. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Vaccines for COVID-19 According to Sex, Comorbidity and Socioeconomic Status: A Population Study
  6. The effect of mixed vaccination rollout strategy: A modelling study
  7. Cost-utility analysis of the UPRIGHT intervention promoting resilience in adolescents
  8. Assessment of the Effectiveness, Socio-Economic Impact and Implementation of a Digital Solution for Patients with Advanced Chronic Diseases: The ADLIFE Study Protocol
  9. Incidence of mental disorders in the general population aged 1–30 years disaggregated by gender and socioeconomic status
  10. Cost-effectiveness and epidemiological impact of gender-neutral HPV vaccination in Spain
  11. Estimation of the epidemiology of dementia and associated neuropsychiatric symptoms by applying machine learning to real-world data
  12. Estimation of the epidemiology of dementia and associated neuropsychiatric symptoms by applying machine learning to real-world data
  13. Seasonally Forced SIR Systems Applied to Respiratory Infectious Diseases, Bifurcations, and Chaos
  14. Cost-effectiveness of extending the HPV vaccination to boys: a systematic review
  15. Mediterranean Diet and Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease in the EPIC-Spain Dementia Cohort Study
  16. Quality of life in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation treated with oral anticoagulants
  17. Economic evaluation of supplementing the diet with Souvenaid in patients with prodromal Alzheimer’s disease
  18. Impact of an organised population screening programme for colorectal cancer: Measurement after first and second rounds
  19. Dynamic evaluation of the comparative effectiveness of an integrated program for heart failure care
  20. Validation of machine learning models to predict dementia-related neuropsychiatric symptoms in real-world data
  21. Dementia-related neuropsychiatric symptoms: inequalities in pharmacological treatment and institutionalization
  22. Stage- and age-adjusted cost-effectiveness analysis of laparoscopic surgery in rectal cancer
  23. Cost-effectiveness analysis of laparoscopic versus open surgery in colon cancer