All Stories

  1. Affirming Care for Asexual Patients: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals
  2. Clinician’s digest: Clinically oriented article summaries for volume 11, issue 2.
  3. Exploring Life Challenges Faced by People with Both Asexual and Transgender Identities
  4. Training Social Workers and Psychologists to Better Support Rural Transgender Clients
  5. Review of Therapeutic presence: A mindful approach to effective therapeutic relationships.
  6. Creating a Tool to Measure Stigma Faced by Asexual People
  7. Who Belongs in Maslow’s Vision of a Good Society?
  8. How Clinicians Can Support Rural Transgender Clients with Anxiety
  9. How Minority Stress Affects Mental Health in Asexual Trans and Gender Nonconforming People
  10. Minority Stress and Relationship Satisfaction Among Gay and Bisexual Men