All Stories

  1. Sexual and domestic violence enquiry: A national exploratory survey of asking and telling in sexual health services in the UK
  2. “The Nurse Told Her to Get Checked More Regularly Because She is Having Sex with Black Men”: An Exploration of the Sexual Health Experiences of Black Heterosexual Men in London
  3. Preventing & Responding to Campus Sexual Abuse
  4. Exploring the Experiences of Sexual Violence/Abuse Survivors Attending a Recovery Group: A Qualitative Study of Recovery and Evaluation Implications
  5. Co-produced patient pathway for sexual health follow-up with children and young people using a paediatric sexual assault referral centre (SARC): facilitating elements of self-care and self-testing
  6. 266 Sexual health follow up after child sexual abuse (CSA): listening to survivor voices
  7. This is an accessible explainer of the prevalence research around sexual violence.
  8. Introduction
  9. Enablers
  10. Conclusions
  11. Hope – prevention
  12. Who does it happen to?
  13. What is it for?
  14. What is the harm?
  15. Hotspots – scope
  16. Are psychosocial interventions effective at increasing condom use among Black men? A systematic review
  17. Which psychosocial interventions improve sex worker well-being? A systematic review of evidence from resource-rich countries
  18. The effectiveness of interventions to improve psychosocial outcomes in parents of children with appearance‐affecting health conditions: A systematic review
  19. The effectiveness of psychosocial interventions to support psychological well-being in post-operative bariatric patients: A systematic review of evidence
  20. Systematic Review: Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions on wellbeing outcomes for adolescent or adult victim/survivors of recent rape or sexual assault
  21. What adaptions are effective to cognitive behavioural interventions for adults with long-term conditions and medically unexplained symptoms? A systematic review
  22. What psychosocial interventions work to reduce hospital admissions in people with diabetes and elevated HbA 1c : a systematic review of the evidence
  23. Therapeutic Writing for Disordered Eating: A Systematic Review
  24. The effectiveness of interventions aiming to promote positive body image in adults: A systematic review
  25. P254 Barriers to sexual assault disclosure within sexual health services: a mixed method/population study
  26. Effectiveness of behavioural interventions to reduce urinary tract infections and Escherichia coli bacteraemia for older adults across all care settings: a systematic review
  27. The effectiveness of health behavior change interventions in managing physical health in people with a psychotic illness: A systematic review
  28. Evidence-based patient/public voice: a patient and public involvement audit in the field of sexual health
  29. Exploring the way sexually explicit material informs sexual beliefs, understanding and practices of young men: A qualitative survey
  30. The effectiveness of physical activity interventions in improving well-being across office-based workplace settings: a systematic review
  31. Nostalgia as a psychological resource for people with dementia: a review of the evidence
  32. Contrasting Views of the Post-bariatric Surgery Experience between Patients and their Practitioners: a Qualitative Study
  33. Psychological Aspects of Bariatric Surgery as a Treatment for Obesity
  34. A systematic review of the effectiveness of universal health visitor-led child health clinics
  35. Psychosocial interventions for adults with neuromuscular disorders
  36. The effectiveness of bariatric surgery on long term psychosocial quality of life – A systematic review
  37. Assessing the possibilities and challenges of patient involvement in sexual, reproductive and HIV/AIDS services
  38. What is Good Qualitative Research?
  39. How does policy learn from pilots?
  40. Repeat use of contraceptive crisis services among adolescent women
  41. Evaluating the work of a community café in a town in the South East of England: reflections on methods, process and results
  42. A community youth service program that coupled community involvement with classroom health instruction reduced adolescent sexual risk-taking
  43. To test or not to test, could you repeat the question?