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  1. Adjoint-based mean-flow uncertainty and feedback-forcing analyses of a thermoacoustic model system
  2. An adjoint Green’s function approach for thermoacoustic instabilities in a duct with mean flow
  3. Influence of different pressure regimes on the properties of an engineered small-diameter vascular scaffold tested in a custom-made bioreactor
  4. Stability of low-pressure turbine boundary layers under variable Reynolds number and pressure gradient
  5. Rotor-Stator Emulsification in the Turbulent Inertial Regime: Experiments toward a Robust Correlation for the Droplet Size
  6. Optimization of patient positioning for improved healing after corneal transplantation
  7. Unsteadiness and resolution effects in experimentally verified simulations of a spray drying process
  8. On the receptivity of low-pressure turbine blades to external disturbances
  9. An Effective Mesh Deformation Approach for Hull Shape Design by Optimization
  10. On the stability of the boundary layer at the bottom of propagating surface waves
  11. Statistical characterization of free-stream turbulence induced transition under variable Reynolds number, free-stream turbulence, and pressure gradient
  12. The Role of Endogenous Proteins on the Emulsification of Silicone Oils Used in Vitreoretinal Surgery
  13. Surrogate-Based Optimization Using an Open-Source Framework: The Bulbous Bow Shape Optimization Case
  14. A simple mathematical model of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
  15. Equilibrium shape of the aqueous humor-vitreous substitute interface in vitrectomized eyes
  16. Global stability and control of the confined turbulent flow past a thick flat plate
  17. Stability of the flow in a plane microchannel with one or two superhydrophobic walls
  18. Methods for solution of large optimal control problems that bypass open-loop model reduction
  19. Stabilizing effect of porosity on a flapping filament
  20. Cylinder Wake Stabilization Using a Minimal Energy Compensator
  21. Weakly nonlinear optimal perturbations
  22. Aqueous flow in the presence of a perforated iris-fixated intraocular lens
  23. Preliminary design of a small-sized flapping UAV: I. Aerodynamic performance and static longitudinal stability
  24. Phakic Iris-Fixated Intraocular Lens Placement in the Anterior Chamber: Effects on Aqueous Flow
  25. Feedback control of vortex shedding using a full-order optimal compensator
  26. A model for the linear stability of the interface between aqueous humor and vitreous substitutes after vitreoretinal surgery
  27. Three-dimensional stability, receptivity and sensitivity of non-Newtonian flows inside open cavities
  28. Achieving uniform concentration by optimised dosage in a microchannel
  29. Mechanical Models of the Dynamics of Vitreous Substitutes
  30. Minimal model for zero-inertia instabilities in shear-dominated non-Newtonian flows
  31. Riccati-less approach for optimal control and estimation: an application to two-dimensional boundary layers
  32. Three-dimensional instability of the flow around a rotating circular cylinder
  34. Transition to turbulence at the bottom of a solitary wave
  35. First instability of the flow of shear-thinning and shear-thickening fluids past a circular cylinder
  36. Effect of base-flow variation in noise amplifiers: the flat-plate boundary layer
  37. Instability and sensitivity of the flow around a rotating circular cylinder
  38. Riccati-less optimal control of bluff-body wakes
  39. A Gradient-based Optimization Method for Natural Laminar Flow Design
  40. Structural Sensitivity of the Finite-Amplitude Vortex Shedding Behind a Circular Cylinder
  41. Adjoint Methods for Natural, and Hybrid Laminar Flow Design (Invited)
  42. Structural Sensitivity of Linear and Nonlinear Global Modes
  43. Shape Optimization for Delay of Laminar-Turbulent Transition
  44. Optimization of steady suction for disturbance control on infinite swept wings
  45. Optimal Suction Design for HLFC Applications
  46. Adjoint-based optimization of steady suction for disturbance control in incompressible flows
  47. Optimization of Steady Suction for Disturbance Control on Infinite Swept Wings