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  1. Why are plant communities stable? Disentangling the role of dominance, asynchrony and averaging effect following realistic species loss scenario
  2. The convex relationship between plant cover and biomass: Implications for assessing species and community properties
  3. Biodiversity promotes resistance but dominant species shape recovery of grasslands under extreme drought
  4. A unified framework for partitioning the drivers of stability of ecological communities
  5. Cumulative nitrogen enrichment alters the drivers of grassland overyielding
  6. Simple remedy for pitfalls in detecting negative density dependence
  7. Differences in trait–environment relationships: Implications for community weighted means tests
  8. Functional trait trade-offs define plant population stability across different biomes
  9. Methods of species pool determination as predictors of survival in seeding and transplanting experiments
  10. Community biomass is driven by dominants and their characteristics – The insight from a field biodiversity experiment with realistic species loss scenario
  11. The functional structure of plant communities drives soil functioning via changes in soil abiotic properties
  12. Functional traits trade-offs define plant population stability worldwide
  13. Towards a better ecological understanding of metacommunity stability: A multiscale framework to disentangle population variability and synchrony effects
  14. Parasitic trophic mode of plant host affects the extent of colonization, but does not induce systematic shifts in the composition of foliar endophytic assemblages in temperate meadow ecosystems
  15. The species richness–productivity relationship varies among regions and productivity estimates, but not with spatial resolution
  16. Linking insect herbivory with plant traits: Phylogenetically structured trait syndromes matter
  17. Common spatial patterns of trees in various tropical forests: Small trees are associated with increased diversity at small spatial scales
  18. Weak coordination between leaf drought tolerance and proxy traits in herbaceous plants
  19. Traits as determinants of species abundance in a grassland community
  20. Anthills as habitat islands in a sea of temperate pasture
  21. Are belowground clonal traits good predictors of ecosystem functioning in temperate grasslands?
  22. Towards a more balanced combination of multiple traits when computing functional differences between species
  23. Everyone makes mistakes: Sampling errors in vegetation analysis - The effect of different sampling methods, abundance estimates, experimental manipulations, and data transformation
  24. Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale
  25. Species traits are better determinants of mobility than management in a species‐rich meadow
  26. Determinants of ecosystem stability in a diverse temperate forest
  27. Directional trends in species composition over time can lead to a widespread overemphasis of year‐to‐year asynchrony
  28. Seasonality promotes grassland diversity: Interactions with mowing, fertilization and removal of dominant species
  29. Stabilizing effects in temporal fluctuations: management, traits, and species richness in high-diversity communities
  30. The time is ripe for general theory in community ecology
  31. Environmental gradients and micro-heterogeneity shape fine-scale plant community assembly on coastal dunes
  32. Testing the environmental filtering concept in global drylands
  33. Root hemiparasites in productive communities should attack competitive host, and harm them to make regeneration gaps
  34. Different effects of elevation, habitat fragmentation and grazing management on the functional, phylogenetic and taxonomic structure of mountain grasslands
  35. Analysis of biodiversity experiments: A comparison of traditional and linear-model-based methods
  36. Plant Functional Traits as Determinants of Population Stability
  37. Integrating ecology and physiology of root‐hemiparasitic interaction: interactive effects of abiotic resources shape the interplay between parasitism and autotrophy
  38. Plant functional traits as determinants of population stability
  39. Sown species richness and realized diversity can influence functioning of plant communities differently
  40. Scale‐ and time‐dependent effects of fertilization, mowing and dominant removal on a grassland community during a 15‐year experiment
  41. Individual variability and mortality required for constant final yield in simulated plant populations
  42. Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data using CANOCO 5
  43. Changes in trait divergence and convergence along a productivity gradient in wet meadows
  44. Species richness of limestone grasslands increases with trait overlap: evidence from within‐ and between‐species functional diversity partitioning
  45. Establishment of hemiparasitic Rhinanthus spp. in grassland restoration: lessons learned from sowing experiments
  46. The relationship of diversity and biomass in phytoplankton communities weakens when accounting for species proportions
  47. Serpentine ecotypic differentiation in a polyploid plant complex: shared tolerance to Mg and Ni stress among di- and tetraploid serpentine populations of Knautia arvensis (Dipsacaceae)
  48. Which trait dissimilarity for functional diversity: trait means or trait overlap?
  49. Evidence for scale‐ and disturbance‐dependent trait assembly patterns in dry semi‐natural grasslands
  50. The growth and survival of three closely related Myosotis species in a 3-year transplant experiment
  51. Diversity and Ecosystem Function
  52. Are clonal traits and their response to defoliation good predictors of grazing resistance?
  53. How does elevated grassland productivity influence populations of root hemiparasites? Commentary on Borowicz and Armstrong (Oecologia 2012)
  54. Growth, survival and generative reproduction in a population of a widespread annual hemiparasite Melampyrum pratense
  55. Establishment and spatial associations of recruits in meadow gaps
  56. Functional species pool framework to test for biotic effects on community assembly
  57. Taxonomical and functional diversity turnover in Mediterranean grasslands: interactions between grazing, habitat type and rainfall
  58. Do climate, resource availability, and grazing pressure filter floristic composition and functioning in Alpine pastures?
  59. Communities of different plant diversity respond similarly to drought stress: experimental evidence from field non-weeded and greenhouse conditions
  60. Plant density affects measures of biodiversity effects
  61. Assessing species and community functional responses to environmental gradients: which multivariate methods?
  62. Plant Diversity Changes during the Postglacial in East Asia: Insights from Forest Refugia on Halla Volcano, Jeju Island
  63. Different plant trait scaling in dry versus wet Central European meadows
  64. Positive long-term effect of mulching on species and functional trait diversity in a nutrient-poor mountain meadow in Central Europe
  65. The effect of management on productivity, litter accumulation and seedling recruitment in a Carpathian mountain grassland
  66. A test of the explanatory power of plant functional traits on the individual and population levels
  67. Do biodiversity indices behave as expected from traits of constituent species in simulated scenarios?
  68. Ecological assembly rules in plant communities—approaches, patterns and prospects
  69. How do log characteristics influence the occurrence of wood fungi in a mountain spruce forest?
  70. The role of heterotrophic carbon acquisition by the hemiparasitic plant Rhinanthus alectorolophus in seedling establishment in natural communities: a physiological perspective
  71. Response of herbaceous vegetation functional diversity to land use change across five sites in Europe and Israel
  72. Community trait response to environment: disentangling species turnover vs intraspecific trait variability effects
  73. Niche overlap reveals the effects of competition, disturbance and contrasting assembly processes in experimental grassland communities
  74. Experimental assessment of dispersal and habitat limitation in an oligotrophic wet meadow
  75. Species pool size and realized species richness affect productivity differently: A modeling study
  76. Quantifying the relevance of intraspecific trait variability for functional diversity
  77. The partitioning of diversity: showing Theseus a way out of the labyrinth
  78. Modelling the Population Dynamics of Root Hemiparasitic Plants Along a Productivity Gradient
  79. Interactions of the Hemiparasitic Species Rhinanthus minor with its Host Plant Community at Two Nutrient Levels
  80. Guild‐specific patterns of species richness and host specialization in plant–herbivore food webs from a tropical forest
  81. Dynamics of Typha domingensis spread in Eleocharis dominated oligotrophic tropical wetlands following nutrient enrichment
  82. Spatial pattern affects diversity–productivity relationships in experimental meadow communities
  83. How does surrounding vegetation affect the course of succession: A five‐year container experiment
  84. How do management and restoration needs of mountain grasslands depend on moisture regime? Experimental study from north‐western Slovakia (Western Carpathians)
  85. Relating plant species and functional diversity to community δ13C in NE Spain pastures
  86. Effect of Light and Moisture Conditions and Seed Age on Germination of Three Closely Related Myosotis Species
  87. Partitioning of functional diversity reveals the scale and extent of trait convergence and divergence
  88. Leaf traits capture the effects of land use changes and climate on litter decomposability of grasslands across Europe
  89. Relative climatic, edaphic and management controls of plant functional trait signatures
  90. Potential contribution of natural enemies to patterns of local adaptation in plants
  91. Changes of species richness pattern in mountain grasslands: abandonment versus restoration
  92. Positive relationship between plant palatability and litter decomposition in meadow plants
  93. Effect of plant species richness on invasibility of experimental plant communities
  94. Environmental correlates of growth traits of the stoloniferous plant Potentilla palustris
  95. Impact of abundance weighting on the response of seed traits to climate and land use
  96. Importance of species abundance for assessment of trait composition: an example based on pollinator communities
  97. Effects of species and functional group richness on production in two fertility environments: an experiment with communities of perennial plants
  98. Subjectively sampled vegetation data: Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water
  99. Long‐term effectiveness of sowing high and low diversity seed mixtures to enhance plant community development on ex‐arable fields
  100. Grazing effects on the species‐area relationship: Variation along a climatic gradient in NE Spain
  101. Grazing effects on the species-area relationship: Variation along a climatic gradient in NE Spain
  102. Long-term effectiveness of sowing high and low diversity seed mixtures to enhance plant community development on ex-arable fields
  103. Variations in species and functional plant diversity along climatic and grazing gradients
  104. Detecting local adaptation in widespread grassland species – the importance of scale and local plant community
  105. Effect of functional group richness and species richness in manipulated productivity–diversity studies: a glasshouse pot experiment
  106. Predictive value of plant traits to grazing along a climatic gradient in the Mediterranean
  107. Effect of litter, leaf cover and cover of basal internodes of the dominant species Molinia caerulea on seedling recruitment and established vegetation
  108. What do the biodiversity experiments tell us about consequences of plant species loss in the real world?
  109. No tree an island: the plant–caterpillar food web of a secondary rain forest in New Guinea
  110. Variability in population and community biomass in a grassland community affected by environmental productivity and diversity
  111. Variability of seedling recruitment under dominant, moss, and litter removal over four years
  112. Colonising aliens: caterpillars (Lepidoptera) feeding on Piper aduncum and P. umbellatum in rainforests of Papua New Guinea
  113. Preface
  114. Experimental design
  115. Classification methods
  116. Regression methods
  117. Vocabulary
  118. Plant Functional Types in relation to disturbance and land use: Introduction
  119. Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data using CANOCO
  120. Species and Spatial Structure of Forests on the Southeastern Slope of Paektu-san, North Korea
  121. Plant Functional Types in relation to disturbance and land use: Introduction
  122. Successful invasion of the neotropical species Piper aduncum in rain forests in Papua New Guinea
  123. Successful invasion of the neotropical species Piper aduncum in rain forests in Papua New Guinea
  124. Procedure for separating the selection effect from other effects in diversity–productivity relationship
  125. Habitat and successional status of plants in relation to the communities of their leaf‐chewing herbivores in Papua New Guinea
  126. Species-pool hypothesis: Limits to its testing
  127. Separating the chance effect from other diversity effects in the functioning of plant communities
  128. The Response of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae to Fertilization, Mowing, and Removal of Dominant Species in a Diverse Oligotrophic Wet Meadow
  129. Early succession on plots with the upper soil horizon removed
  130. Nutrient status, disturbance and competition: an experimental test of relationships in a wet meadow
  131. Comparative ecology of seedling recruitment in an oligotrophic wet meadow
  132. Mechanistic explanations of community structure: Introduction
  133. Food Plants, Species Composition and Variability of the Moth Community in Undisturbed Forest
  134. Sensitivity of seedling recruitment to moss, litter and dominant removal in an oligotrophic wet meadow
  135. Spatial dynamics of forest decline: the role of neighbouring trees
  136. Establishment ofPicea abiesseedlings in a central European mountain grassland: an experimental study
  137. Negative Associations Can Reveal Interspecific Competition and Reversal of Competitive Hierarchies during Succession
  138. Regeneration of a Gentiana pneumonanthe population in an oligotrophic wet meadow
  139. Variance deficit is not reliable evidence for niche limitation
  140. Use of paired plots and multivariate analysis for the determination of goat grazing preference
  141. Variation in Structure of Larix olgensis Stands along the Altitudinal Gradient on Paektu-san, Changbai-shan, North Korea
  142. Establishment success of plant immigrants in a new water reservoir
  143. False Head Wing Pattern of the Burmese Junglequeen Butterfly and the Deception of Avian Predators
  144. Taylor's Power Law and the Measurement of Variation in the Size of Populations in Space and Time
  145. Habitat Preferences, Distribution and Seasonality of the Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea) in a Montane Tropical Rain Forest, Vietnam
  146. Stability of environment and of insect populations
  147. How reliable are our vegetation analyses?
  148. Convergence or Divergence: What Should We Expect from Vegetation Succession?
  149. Response of a weed community to nitrogen fertilization: a multivariate analysis
  150. Synthesis
  151. Summary
  152. Introduction
  153. Succession in Abandoned Fields
  154. Species-area curve, life history strategies, and succession: a field test of relationships
  155. Prediction of Changes in Ephemeropteran Communities — A Transition Matrix Approach
  156. Dynamics of populations and communities
  157. Species-area curve, life history strategies, and succession: a field test of relationships
  158. Determinants of Temporal Variation in Moth Abundance
  159. Changes in the horizontal structure in a spruce forest over a 9-year period of pollutant exposure in the Krkonoše mountains, Czechoslovakia
  160. Models of the development of spatial pattern of an even-aged plant population over time
  161. Why There are So Few Species of Aphids, Especially in the Tropics
  162. The spatial pattern of Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta)
  163. Bimodality in single even-aged population: A simulation study
  164. What is stability? a mathematician's and ecologist's point of view
  165. Increase of stability with connectance in model competition communities
  166. Community stability, complexity and species life history strategies
  167. Similarity measures
  168. Introduction and data manipulation
  169. Basics of gradient analysis
  170. Constrained ordination and permutation tests
  171. Advanced use of ordination
  172. Visualizing multivariate data
  173. Sample datasets and projects
  174. Overview of available software
  175. Classification methods
  176. Regression methods
  177. Advanced use of ordination
  178. Visualising multivariate data
  179. Experimental design
  180. Basics of gradient analysis
  181. Permutation tests and variation partitioning
  182. Using the Canoco for Windows 4.5 package
  183. Interpreting community composition with functional traits