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  1. Measuring complexity for hierarchical models using effective degrees of freedom
  2. Cross-scale environmental impacts across persistent and dynamic aggregations within a complex population: implications for fisheries management
  3. Coupling state‐of‐the‐art modelling tools for better informed Red List assessments of marine fishes
  4. Dynamic structural equation models synthesize ecosystem dynamics constrained by ecological mechanisms
  5. An ensemble approach to species distribution modelling reconciles systematic differences in estimates of habitat utilization and range area
  6. Simulating benefits, costs and trade‐offs of spatial management in marine social‐ecological systems
  7. Trees for fishes: The neglected role for phylogenetic comparative methods in fisheries science
  8. Assessing small pelagic fish trends in space and time using piscivore stomach contents
  9. phylosem: A fast and simple R package for phylogenetic inference and trait imputation using phylogenetic structural equation models
  10. Marine heatwaves are not a dominant driver of change in demersal fishes
  11. Modelling time-varying growth in state-space stock assessments
  12. Integrating survey and observer data improves the predictions of New Zealand spatio-temporal models
  13. Spatio-temporal species distribution models reveal dynamic indicators for ecosystem-based fisheries management
  14. Spatially varying catchability for integrating research survey data with other data sources: case studies involving observer samples, industry-cooperative surveys, and predators as samplers
  15. Spatially varying coefficients can improve parsimony and descriptive power for species distribution models
  16. Identifying direct and indirect associations among traits by merging phylogenetic comparative methods and structural equation models
  17. Incorporating distribution shifts and spatio-temporal variation when estimating weight-at-age for stock assessments: a case study involving the Bering Sea pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus)
  18. Do large‐scale associations in birds imply biotic interactions or environmental filtering?
  19. The multivariate-Tweedie: a self-weighting likelihood for age and length composition data arising from hierarchical sampling designs
  20. The estimated impact of changes to otolith field-sampling and ageing effort on stock assessment inputs, outputs, and catch advice
  21. Climate‐informed models benefit hindcasting but present challenges when forecasting species–habitat associations
  22. The influence of age and cohort on the distribution of walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) in the eastern Bering Sea
  23. Shifting fish distributions impact predation intensity in a sub‐Arctic ecosystem
  24. Understanding transboundary stocks’ availability by combining multiple fisheries-independent surveys and oceanographic conditions in spatiotemporal models
  25. sdmTMB: An R Package for Fast, Flexible, and User-Friendly Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models with Spatial and Spatiotemporal Random Fields
  26. Combining scientific survey and commercial catch data to map fish distribution
  27. Identifying species complexes based on spatial and temporal clustering from joint dynamic species distribution models
  28. A spatial statistical approach for identifying population structuring of marine fish species: European sprat as a case study
  29. Diet analysis using generalized linear models derived from foraging processes using R package mvtweedie
  30. Development and simulation testing for a new approach to density dependence in species distribution models
  31. Estimating fine‐scale movement rates and habitat preferences using multiple data sources
  32. Estimating spatiotemporal availability of transboundary fishes to fishery‐independent surveys
  33. Improving estimates of the state of global fisheries depends on better data
  34. Grand challenge for habitat science: stage-structured responses, nonlocal drivers, and mechanistic associations among habitat variables affecting fishery productivity
  35. Incorporating vertical distribution in index standardization accounts for spatiotemporal availability to acoustic and bottom trawl gear for semi-pelagic species
  36. Implementing two-dimensional autocorrelation in either survival or natural mortality improves a state-space assessment model for Southern New England-Mid Atlantic yellowtail flounder
  37. Range edges of North American marine species are tracking temperature over decades
  38. Predator stomach contents can provide accurate indices of prey biomass
  39. Forecasting community reassembly using climate‐linked spatio‐temporal ecosystem models
  40. The need for spatio-temporal modeling to determine catch-per-unit effort based indices of abundance and associated composition data for inclusion in stock assessment models
  41. Adapting to climate‐driven distribution shifts using model‐based indices and age composition from multiple surveys in the walleye pollock ( Gadus chalcogrammus ) stock assessment
  42. Empirical orthogonal function regression: Linking population biology to spatial varying environmental conditions using climate projections
  43. Seasonal and interannual variation in spatio-temporal models for index standardization and phenology studies
  44. Simulation testing a new multi-stage process to measure the effect of increased sampling effort on effective sample size for age and length data
  45. Spatio‐temporal analyses of marine predator diets from data‐rich and data‐limited systems
  46. Author Correction: Spatial separation of catches in highly mixed fisheries
  47. JABBA-Select: Incorporating life history and fisheries’ selectivity into surplus production models
  48. A novel spatiotemporal stock assessment framework to better address fine‐scale species distributions: Development and simulation testing
  49. Predicting recruitment density dependence and intrinsic growth rate for all fishes worldwide using a data‐integrated life‐history model
  50. Spatio‐temporal models of intermediate complexity for ecosystem assessments: A new tool for spatial fisheries management
  51. Investigating the value of including depth during spatiotemporal index standardization
  52. Realizing the potential of trait‐based approaches to advance fisheries science
  53. Spatio-temporal dynamics of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) on the Northeast US shelf
  54. Measuring the impact of oceanographic indices on species distribution shifts: The spatially varying effect of cold-pool extent in the eastern Bering Sea
  55. A novel approach to assess distribution trends from fisheries survey data
  56. Guidance for decisions using the Vector Autoregressive Spatio-Temporal (VAST) package in stock, ecosystem, habitat and climate assessments
  57. Modeling temporal variation in recruitment in fisheries stock assessment: A review of theory and practice
  58. Forecast skill for predicting distribution shifts: A retrospective experiment for marine fishes in the Eastern Bering Sea
  59. Spatial heterogeneity contributes more to portfolio effects than species variability in bottom-associated marine fishes
  60. Spatial separation of catches in highly mixed fisheries
  61. Inter-annual and secular variability of larvae of mesopelagic and forage fishes in the southern California Current System
  62. Paulik revisited: Statistical framework and estimation performance of multistage recruitment functions
  63. The case for estimating recruitment variation in data-moderate and data-poor age-structured models
  64. Steepness for West Coast rockfishes: Results from a twelve-year experiment in iterative regional meta-analysis
  65. Spatiotemporal index standardization improves the stock assessment of northern shrimp in the Gulf of Maine
  66. Global fishery dynamics are poorly predicted by classical models
  67. The relative influence of temperature and size-structure on fish distribution shifts: A case-study on Walleye pollock in the Bering Sea
  68. Estimating partial regulation in spatiotemporal models of community dynamics
  69. Improving estimates of population status and trend with superensemble models
  70. Comparing estimates of abundance trends and distribution shifts using single- and multispecies models of fishes and biogenic habitat
  71. Faster estimation of Bayesian models in ecology using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
  72. Can autocorrelated recruitment be estimated using integrated assessment models and how does it affect population forecasts?
  73. Density-dependent changes in effective area occupied for sea-bottom-associated marine fishes
  74. Relative magnitude of cohort, age, and year effects on size at age of exploited marine fishes
  75. Variation in growth among individuals and over time: A case study and simulation experiment involving tagged Antarctic toothfish
  76. Model-based estimates of effective sample size in stock assessment models using the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution
  77. Hierarchical analysis of taxonomic variation in intraspecific competition across fish species
  78. Techniques for improving estimates of maturity ogives in groundfish using double-reads and measurement error models
  79. Corrigendum: How variable is recruitment for exploited marine fishes? A hierarchical model for testing life history theory
  80. Joint dynamic species distribution models: a tool for community ordination and spatio-temporal monitoring
  81. Model‐based inference for estimating shifts in species distribution, area occupied and centre of gravity
  82. Using spatio-temporal models of population growth and movement to monitor overlap between human impacts and fish populations
  83. Accounting for spatiotemporal variation and fisher targeting when estimating abundance from multispecies fishery data1
  84. Implementing a generic method for bias correction in statistical models using random effects, with spatial and population dynamics examples
  85. Spatial delay-difference models for estimating spatiotemporal variation in juvenile production and population abundance
  86. Catch curve stock-reduction analysis: An alternative solution to the catch equations
  87. Introduction
  88. Evaluating a prior on relative stock status using simplified age-structured models
  89. The potential impact of time-variation in vital rates on fisheries management targets for marine fishes
  90. The importance of spatial models for estimating the strength of density dependence
  91. Spatial factor analysis: a new tool for estimating joint species distributions and correlations in species range
  92. Demographic modeling of citizen science data informs habitat preferences and population dynamics of recovering fishes
  93. Spatial semiparametric models improve estimates of species abundance and distribution
  94. Dealing with under- and over-dispersed count data in life history, spatial, and community ecology
  95. A comparison of parametric, semi-parametric, and non-parametric approaches to selectivity in age-structured assessment models
  96. How variable is recruitment for exploited marine fishes? A hierarchical model for testing life history theory
  97. Accounting for vessel effects when standardizing catch rates from cooperative surveys
  98. Validating and Improving Life History Data in FishBase
  99. Complexity is costly: a meta-analysis of parametric and non-parametric methods for short-term population forecasting
  100. A Bayesian approach to identifying and compensating for model misspecification in population models
  101. Modeling structured population dynamics using data from unmarked individuals
  102. A new role for effort dynamics in the theory of harvested populations and data-poor stock assessment
  103. Giants' shoulders 15 years later: lessons, challenges and guidelines in fisheries meta-analysis
  104. Accounting for space–time interactions in index standardization models
  105. Spatial variation buffers temporal fluctuations in early juvenile survival for an endangered Pacific salmon
  106. A comparison of stock assessment uncertainty estimates using maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods implemented with the same model framework
  107. The implications of spatially varying catchability on bottom trawl surveys of fish abundance: a proposed solution involving underwater vehicles
  108. A stepwise-selected spline approximation to time-varying parameters, with application to occupancy modelling
  109. Spawning biomass reference points for exploited marine fishes, incorporating taxonomic and body size information
  110. Linking fishing mortality reference points to life history traits: an empirical study
  111. Multispecies fisheries management and conservation: tactical applications using models of intermediate complexity
  112. Using model-based inference to evaluate global fisheries status from landings, location, and life history data
  113. Evaluating population recovery for sea turtles under nesting beach protection while accounting for nesting behaviours and changes in availability
  114. Development and application of an agent-based model to evaluate methods for estimating relative abundance indices for shoaling fish such as Pacific rockfish (Sebastes spp.)
  115. Accounting for fish shoals in single- and multi-species survey data using mixture distribution models
  116. Better Catch Curves: Incorporating Age-Specific Natural Mortality and Logistic Selectivity
  117. Multispecies estimation of Bayesian priors for catchability trends and density dependence in the US Gulf of Mexico
  118. Evaluating single- and multi-species procedures to estimate time-varying catchability functional parameters
  119. Competing Interests, Economics, and Marine Fisheries Management: An Educational Case Study
  120. Incorporating Time-Varying Catchability into Population Dynamic Stock Assessment Models
  121. Gear selectivity and sample size effects on growth curve selection in shark age and growth studies