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  1. More equitable fiscal systems are needed to improve welfare provision for migrant workers in China and Vietnam
  2. The cycle of commodification: migrant labour, welfare, and the market in global China and Vietnam
  3. Psyche Matters: Resistance from the Chinese Sweatshop of the World
  4. Chinese Politics and Labor Movements
  5. Exemplar Partner or Controversial Outsider? Huawei’s Strategic Engagement in Oceania
  6. Precarity, Cognitive (Non-)Resistance and the Conservative Working Class in China
  7. The Emerging Industrial Relations of China. William Brown, Chang Kai, eds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2017. 250 pp. $110 (hardcover)
  8. Small State, Smart Influence: China’s Belt and Road Extended to New Zealand
  9. Capitalism Denied with Chinese Characteristics
  10. Do more strikes mean a stronger labor resistance in China?
  11. How can global unions build local power?