All Stories

  1. Antiaging effects of a novel facial serum containing L-ascorbic acid, proteoglycans, and proteoglycan-stimulating tripeptide: ex vivo skin explant studies and in vivo clinical studies in women
  2. Redefining face contour with a novel anti-aging cosmetic product: an open-label, prospective clinical study
  3. Fisiopatologia i tractament de la xerosi i les alteracions orals en pacients amb trisomia 21
  4. Fisiopatología y manejo de la xerosis y alteraciones orales en pacientes con trisomía 21
  5. The pathophysiology and management of xerosis and mouth conditions in patients with trisomy 21
  6. Agentes externos en la dermatitis atópica: nuevos conceptos en multiprotección
  7. Clinical and mycologic findings and therapeutic outcome of 27 mycetoma patients from São Paulo, Brazil
  8. Displasia ectodérmica hipohidrótica
  9. IatrogenicMycobacterium simiaeSkin Infection in an Immunocompetent Patient
  10. Rothmund-Thomson Syndrome in Three Siblings and Development of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  11. Necrolytic migratory erythema associated with glucagonoma syndrome: a case report