All Stories

  1. Reducing aircraft noise
  2. Reducing aircraft noise
  3. Flow and Noise Predictions of the Isolated Subsonic Jets from the Doak Laboratory Experiment
  4. Aeroacoustic Analysis of a Subsonic Jet using the Discontinuous Galerkin Method
  5. The effects of internal nozzle blockage in a single stream jet on far-field jet mixing noise
  6. LES study of noise and its sources of closely installed jets
  7. Experimental Investigation into the Turbulence Flowfield of In-Flight Round Jets
  8. Modelling Jet-Surface Interaction Noise from Cranked Wings
  9. Large-Eddy-Simulation Prediction of an Installed Jet Flow and Noise with Experimental Validation
  10. Validation of a Jet–Surface Interaction Noise Model in Flight
  11. A Survey of the Turbulence Statistics of a Model-Scale Installed Jet at Low and Moderate Mach Numbers
  12. Hydrodynamic pressure field propagation model for the prediction of the far-field sound produced by jet-wing interaction
  13. The prediction of the radiated pressure spectrum produced by jet-wing interaction
  14. Installed jet-flap impingement tonal noise