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  1. A implicit measure of Patriotism by means of the performance in an attention test
  2. Attention to Monocular Images Bias Binocular Rivalry
  3. Hubbard, T. L. (Ed.). Spatial Biases in Perception and Cognition
  4. Generalisation decrement and not overshadowing by associative competition among pairs of landmarks in a navigation task with humans
  5. Visual fatigue while watching 3D stimuli from different positions
  6. Handle uncertainty in ambiguity
  7. Attentional blink in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  8. The role of corrective saccades in programming target saccades within 3D space
  9. The Use of programming languages and computer software in psychological science
  10. Are first-order disparity gradients spatial primitives of the orientation of lines on the ground plane?
  11. New evidence of visual space anisotropy with auto-stereograms.
  12. Difference in Visual Processing Assessed by Eye Vergence Movements
  13. Two stages of programming eye gaze shifts in 3-D space
  14. Assessing Attention Deficit by Binocular Rivalry
  15. A Role of Eye Vergence in Covert Attention
  16. ADHD and Binocular Rivalry
  17. The time course of binocular rivalry and ADHD
  18. A novel computer software for the evaluation of dynamic visual acuity
  19. Influence of Background on Precision of 3D Depth Judgment Tasks in a Real Environment
  20. Comparison of Dynamic Visual Acuity Between Water Polo Players and Sedentary Students
  21. Visual mechanisms governing the perception of auto-stereograms
  22. Differential intrinsic bias of the 3-D perceptual environment and its role in shape constancy
  23. Dissociation of eye movement signals and perception during fixation
  24. Does eye vergence dissociate between covert and overt attention?
  25. How Much Older Do You Get When a Wrinkle Appears on Your Face? Modifying Age Estimates by Number of Wrinkles
  26. Patterns of brain asymmetry in the perception of positive and negative facial expressions
  27. Mental rotation of mirrored letters
  28. ¿Es el espacio visualmente percibido un espacio métrico?
  29. Can exocentric direction be dissociated from its exocentric distance in virtual environments?
  30. Models of brain asymmetry in emotional processing.
  31. The role of vertical disparities in the oblique effect.
  32. Models of brain asymmetry in emotional processing
  33. Introduction
  34. Acerca da métrica da percepção do espaço visual
  36. Effects of dynamic rotation on event-related brain potentials
  37. Interación entre el mecanismo cromático y el acromático en Cromoestereopsis
  38. Human overshadowing in a virtual pool: Simple guidance is a good competitor against locale learning
  39. Modelos de computación de la disparidad binocular Computing models of the binocular disparity
  40. Detección de regiones de interés visual mediante Análisis Espectral Local de la imagen Detection of visual interesting regions by Local Spectral Analysis of the image
  41. Análisis multiescala y multiorientación de imágenes mediante un banco de filtros de Gabor-2D Multiscale and multiorientation analysis of images by a set of Gabor filters
  42. Mental Rotation of Mirrored Letters: Evidence From Event- Related Brain Potentials
  43. Eye movement evidence for a link between insufficiency of convergence and ADHD