All Stories

  1. Teachers’ Big Five personality traits, emotion regulation patterns, and moods: mediation and prototype analyses
  2. School Leaders’ Emotional Support of Teachers Through Emotional Transformation: Qualitative Insights into the Maintenance of Teachers’ Occupational Identity
  3. Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership, and Moral Reasoning
  4. Micro-politics, Senior Management Teams, and Principals’ Inner Circle: A Structural Exploration
  5. Process implementation perspective on neoliberal regulation: a comparative analysis of national curricula and standards-based reforms in the USA and Australia
  6. DESCP factors: the ‘invisible’ impediments to reforms in education
  7. Conceptualisations of empathy in K-12 teaching: a review of empirical research
  8. Marketing teacher quality: critical discourse analysis of OECD documents on effective teaching and TALIS
  9. Understanding OECD representations of teachers and teaching: a visual discourse analysis of covers in OECD documents
  10. When the going gets tough: Schools in challenging circumstances and the effectiveness of principals' leadership styles
  11. Typology of trust relationships: profiles of teachers’ trust in principal and their implications
  12. Principals’ emotional support and teachers’ emotional reframing: The mediating role of principals’ supportive communication strategies
  13. Who ‘likes’ public education: social media activism, middle-class parents, and education policy in Israel
  14. Using Facebook differently in two education policy protests
  15. There is no “T” in school improvement: the missing team perspective
  16. Emotional reframing as a mediator of the relationships between transformational school leadership and teachers’ motivation and commitment
  17. Methodological review of studies on educational leaders and emotions (1992-2012)
  18. Reflections on leadership preparation programs and social justice
  19. The mediating role of principals’ transformational leadership behaviors in promoting teachers’ emotional wellness at work
  20. School leaders and transformational leadership theory: time to part ways?
  21. The Corrupted Industry and the “Wagon-Wheel Effect”