All Stories

  1. Evaluation of the carbon isotope ratios of selected volatiles determined in several citrus authentic petitgrain oils. Bigarade (C. aurantium) petitgrain oil’s first case report
  2. Characterization of natural vanilla flavour in foodstuff by HS-SPME and GC-C-IRMS
  3. Underestimated sources of flavonoids, limonoids and dietary fiber: Availability in orange's by-products
  4. Carbon isotope ratios of selected volatiles inCitrus sinensisand in orange-flavoured food
  5. Underestimated sources of flavonoids, limonoids and dietary fibre: Availability in lemon's by-products
  6. Elucidation of the volatile composition of Marsala wines by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography
  7. Determination of new bioflavonoids in bergamot (Citrus bergamia) peel oil by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem ion trap–time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry
  8. Composition of industrial bergamot petitgrain produced in Calabria
  9. Analysis of the unsaponifiable fraction of lipids belonging to various milk-types by using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with dual mass spectrometry/flame ionization detection and with the support of high resolution time-of-flight ma...
  10. The off-line combination of high performance liquid chromatography and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography–mass spectrometry: A powerful approach for highly detailed essential oil analysis
  11. A direct sensitivity comparison between flow‐modulated comprehensive 2D and 1D GC in untargeted and targeted MS‐based experiments
  12. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the unsaponifiable fraction of vegetable oils by using comprehensive 2D GC with dual MS/FID detection
  13. Fast gas chromatography combined with a high‐speed triple quadrupole mass spectrometer for the analysis of unknown and target citrus essential oil volatiles
  14. Evaluation of Gas Chromatography–Combustion–Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC-C-IRMS) for the Quality Assessment of Citrus Liqueurs
  15. Multidimensional liquid chromatography for the determination of chiral coumarins and furocoumarins in Citrus essential oils
  16. Determination of petitgrain oils landmark parameters by using gas chromatography–combustion–isotope ratio mass spectrometry and enantioselective multidimensional gas chromatography
  17. Authenticity control on lemon essential oils employing Gas Chromatography–Combustion-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (GC–C-IRMS)
  18. A new HPLC method developed for the analysis of oxygen heterocyclic compounds inCitrusessential oils
  19. Multidimensional enantio gas chromtography/mass spectrometry and gas chromatography–combustion-isotopic ratio mass spectrometry for the authenticity assessment of lime essential oils (C. aurantifolia Swingle and C. latifolia Tanaka)
  20. Analysis of Citrus essential oils: state of the art and future perspectives. A review.
  21. Enantiomeric distribution of key volatile components in Citrus essential oils
  22. Headspace-solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography–combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometer and to enantioselective gas chromatography for strawberry flavoured food quality control
  23. Analytical Characterization of Industrial Essential Oils from Fruits and Leaves ofC. aurantifoliaTan. andC. latifoliaSwing.
  24. Comparison of major lipid components in human and donkey milk: new perspectives for a hypoallergenic diet in humans
  25. Determination of flavanones in Citrus juices by means of one‐ and two‐dimensional liquid chromatography
  26. Analytical characterization of mandarin (Citrus deliciosa Ten.) essential oil
  27. Advanced and innovative chromatographic techniques for the study of citrus essential oils
  28. The Composition of the Volatile Fraction and the Enantiomeric Distribution of Five Volatile Components of Faustrime Oil (Monocitrus australaticaxFortunellasp. xCitrus urantifolia)
  29. Studies on the essential oil‐bearing plants of Bangladesh. Part VIII. Composition of some Ocimum oils O. basilicum L. var. purpurascens; O. sanctum L. green; O. sanctum L. purple; O. americanum L., citral type;...
  30. Uruguayan essential oils. Composition of leaf oil ofMyrcianthes cisplatensis (Camb.) Berg. (?Guayabo colorado?) (Myrtaceae)
  31. Fast GC for the analysis of natural matrices. Preliminary note: The determination of fatty acid methyl esters in natural fats
  32. Fast GC for the analysis of natural matrices. Preliminary note: The determination of fatty acid methyl esters in natural fats
  33. On the genuineness of citrus essential oils. Part LVII. The composition of distilled lime oil
  34. On the genuineness of citrus essential oils. Part LVII. The composition of distilled lime oil
  35. Studies in the Essential Oil Bearing Plants of Bangladesh. Part V. Composition of the Leaf Oils ofEucalyptus citriodoraHook andE. albaReinw. ex Blume.
  36. Multidimensional Capillary GC−GC for the Analysis of Real Complex Samples. 3. Enantiomeric Distribution of Monoterpene Hydrocarbons and Monoterpene Alcohols of Mandarin Oils
  37. Contamination of Citrus Essential Oils: The Presence of Phosphorated Plasticizers
  38. On the Genuineness of Citrus Essential Oils. Part IL. Chemical Characterization of the Essential Oil of New Hybrids of Lemon Obtained in Sicily