All Stories

  1. Agricultural labour productivity and credit constraints: implications for consumption in rural Ghana
  2. Harnessing international remittances for financial development: the role of monetery policy
  3. Do globalisation and adoption of IFRS by banks in Africa lead to less earnings management?
  4. Financial Markets and Monetary Policy: A Review of Issues, Theories, Methodology and the Way Forward
  5. Demand for and Supply of Trade Credit in Africa
  6. The Role of Financial Markets and Institutions in Private Sector Development in Africa
  7. Banking services, institutions and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
  8. Mobile Telephony, Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth
  9. The Effects Of Remittances On Economic Growth: Reexamining The Role Of Institutions
  10. Does the Use of Mobile Phones by Smallholder Maize Farmers Affect Productivity in Ghana?
  11. Remittances, banks and stock markets: Panel evidence from developing countries
  12. Financial inclusion and agricultural commercialization in Ghana: an empirical investigation
  13. International Migrant Remittance and Productivity Growth in Ghana
  14. Microcredit Loan Repayment Default among Small Scale Enterprises: A Double Hurdle Approach
  15. Food security in the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority Zone of Ghana: an ordered probit with household hunger scale approach
  16. The effects of cross-border banking and institutional quality on accounting information of banks in Africa
  17. Farmgate versus market centre sales: a multi-crop approach
  18. Does development finance pose an additional risk to monetary policy?
  19. Exploring Innovations in Microfinance Institutions in Northern Ghana