All Stories

  1. Does “better” mean “less”? Sustainable meat consumption in the context of natural pasture-raised beef
  2. High nature value farming systems in Europe: A dataset encompassing the environmental impact assessment of farms and extensive ruminant food products
  3. Applying life cycle assessment to European high nature value farming systems: Environmental impacts and biodiversity
  4. Both downsizing and improvements to livestock systems are needed to stay within planetary boundaries
  5. A rebalanced discussion of the roles of livestock in society
  6. Editorial: High Nature Value farming systems in Europe
  7. Innovation brokers in High Nature Value farming areas: a strategic approach to engage effective socioeconomic and agroecological dynamics
  8. Contribution of High Nature Value farming systems to sustainable livestock production: A case from Finland
  9. Semi-natural habitats in the European boreal region: Caught in the socio-ecological extinction vortex?
  10. Flies are important pollinators of mass-flowering caraway and respond to landscape and floral factors differently from honeybees
  11. Linking pollinator occurrence in field margins to pollinator visitation to a mass-flowering crop
  12. Keskeiset keinot luontokadon pysäyttämiseksi
  13. Luonnon monimuotoisuus ja vihreä elvytys
  14. Simplistic understandings of farmer motivations could undermine the environmental potential of the common agricultural policy
  15. Semi-natural habitats in boreal Europe: a rise of a social-ecological research agenda
  16. Conflicts between agriculture and biodiversity conservation in Europe: Looking to the future by learning from the past
  17. The Common Agricultural Policy needs urgent action to solve environmental problems
  18. Organically grown cattle benefits farmland birds in Finland
  19. Paying public support to farmers by the ecological results they have is a promising option
  20. Late flowering time enhances insect pollination of turnip rape
  21. Weak effects of farming practices corresponding to agricultural greening measures on farmland bird diversity in boreal landscapes
  22. Coincidence of High Nature Value farmlands with bird and butterfly diversity
  23. Perennial fallow strips support biological pest control in spring cereal in Northern Europe
  24. Public support to farmers by the ecological results supports farmers's conservation activities
  25. Evidence for positive population-level effects of an agri-environment scheme on grassland butterflies
  26. Linking pollinator abundance in field margins to crop pollination service
  27. Applying trait-based community metrics of relevance to conservation for understanding community patterns of farmland birds in Northwest Russia
  28. Time to look for evidence: Results-based approach to biodiversity conservation on farmland in Europe
  29. Grazing horses on natural pastures helps biodiversity and can be good also for horses
  30. High cover of forest increases the abundance of most grassland butterflies in boreal farmland
  31. Probing the grounds: Developing a payment-by-results agri-environment scheme in Finland
  32. Voluntary non-monetary approaches for implementing conservation
  33. Community composition of butterflies and bumblebees in fallows: niche breadth and dispersal capacity modify responses to fallow type and landscape
  34. Differing effects of fallow type and landscape structure on the occurrence of plants, pollinators and birds on environmental fallows in Finland
  35. Harnessing the biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland
  36. Socially optimal drainage system and agricultural biodiversity: A case study for Finnish landscape
  37. Plant functional diversity in agricultural margins and fallow fields varies with landscape complexity level: Conservation implications
  38. What motivates farmers to maintain natural grasslands?
  39. Environmentally friendly management as an intermediate strategy between organic and conventional agriculture to support biodiversity
  40. Farmland bird communities in an agricultural landscape in Northwest Russia: Seasonal and spatial patterns
  41. Environmental fallows as a new policy tool to safeguard farmland biodiversity in Finland
  42. Type of agricultural drainage modifies the value of fields for farmland birds
  43. Toward effective nature conservation on farmland: making farmers matter
  44. Importance of set-aside for breeding birds of open farmland in Finland
  45. Conservation of Farmland Birds Faces Different Challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe
  46. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation in organically managed red clover–grass leys under farming conditions
  47. Ecological impacts of early 21st century agricultural change in Europe – A review
  48. Agricultural drainage ditches, their biological importance and functioning
  49. Effects of landscape complexity on farmland birds in the Baltic States