All Stories

  1. A Data-driven Approach for Mining Software Features based on Similar App Descriptions and User Reviews Analysis
  2. Real-time student visualization system using RFID
  3. Communication and Awareness among Software development teams
  4. Patterns of Collaboration Driven by Requirements in Agile Software Development Teams
  5. Teaching and Learning Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with 3D Game
  6. An empirical study on acceptance of secure healthcare service in Malaysia, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia: a mobile cloud computing perspective
  7. Sentiment analysis and the complex natural language
  8. A systematic literature review on agile requirements engineering practices and challenges
  9. A framework to study requirements-driven collaboration among agile teams: Findings from two case studies
  10. Wearable learning technology: A smart way to teach elementary school students
  11. A reflection on agile requirements engineering
  12. Application of agile methods in industrial electronics education; lessons learned from a case study
  13. RETRACTED: Wind turbine power coefficient estimation by soft computing methodologies: Comparative study
  14. A Collaborative Framework for Web based Vocational Education and Training (VET); Findings from a Case Study
  15. Effects of Collaborative Web Based Vocational Education and Training (VET) on Learning Outcomes
  16. Studying relevant socio-technical aspects of requirements-driven collaboration in agile teams
  17. Socio-technical aspects of requirements-driven collaboration (RDC) in agile software development methods
  18. Facilitating an Off-Site Customer in Product-Based Agile Software Development: An Industrial Case Study
  19. Communication and Awareness Patterns of Distributed Agile Teams