All Stories

  1. Correlation of Morphological and Functional Characteristics of Growth Hormone-Producing Pituitary Adenomas
  2. mRNA analysis of genes responsible for idiopathic hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism
  3. Patients with pituitary macroadenomas: what do they complain about and whom do they visit first?
  4. T2-weighted MRI signal predicts hormone and tumor responses to somatostatin analogs in acromegaly
  5. Clinical characteristics of giant pituitary adenomas
  6. Clinical proofs for necessity of macroprolactinemia screening
  7. Causes and Characteristics of Pituitary Gigantism
  8. Prevalence of the sleep breathing disorders in untreated and treated patients with acromegaly
  9. High BMI in female patients with prolactinomas
  10. Prevalence of the sleep breathing disorders in untreated and treated patients with acromegaly
  11. Change of volume somatotropinpma in patients received Оctreotid-depot
  12. Acromegaly treatment and carbohydrate metabolism disturbances
  13. Hyperprolactinemia in women and men
  14. Hyperprolactinemia and chiasmic syndrome in patients with non functioning pituitary tumors
  15. Features of glucose metabolism in acromegaly depending on the type of treatment
  16. Characteristics of patients with pituitary gigantism: results of an international study
  17. Menstrual function in women of reproductive age with acromegaly
  18. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus among the patients with acromegaly
  21. Features of Glucose Metabolism in Acromegalic Patients in Active Stage
  22. The application of lanreotide autogel for the treatment of acromegaly
  23. Effekty dlitel'nogo primeneniya estrogen-gestagennoy terapii u zhenshchin reproduktivnogovozrasta s izolirovannym gipogonadotropnymgipogonadizmom
  24. Infertile marriage in patients with diabetes mellitus
  25. Giperprolaktinemiya. Sovremennye podkhody i starye problemy
  26. Vliyanie estrogenov na TsNS
  27. Vliyanie zamestitel'noy gormonal'noy terapii na kachestvo zhizni patsientok s gipogonadotropnym gipogonadizmom
  28. Sindrom mnozhestvennykh endokrinnykh neoplaziy I tipa
  29. Beremennost' i rody u patsientki s sakharnym diabetom 1 tipa, gipotireozom, kraniofaringiomoy i giperprolaktinemiey
  30. Metabolic disorders and their correction in women with hypogonadotropic amenorrhea
  31. Dyslipidemia in women with central hypogonadism
  32. Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) releases thyrotropin (TSH): characterization of binding sites for GLP-1 on alpha-TSH cells.