All Stories

  1. Pediatric Endodontics
  2. Management of nonpitted fluorosis stains
  3. Esthetic Rehabilitation of Primary Anterior Teeth using Temporization Material: A Novel Approach
  4. Ectopic eruption of maxillary central incisor through abnormally thickened labial frenum: An unusual presentation
  5. Autogenous bone grafts in periodontal practice: A literature review
  6. Letter to editor
  7. Clinical and radiographic comparison of various medicaments used for pulpotomy in primary molars: A randomized clinical trial
  8. Management of grossly decayed primary anteriors using various intracanal post systems: A clinical study
  9. Clinical comparison of various esthetic restorative options for coronal build-up of primary anterior teeth
  10. Semilunar vestibular technique: A novel procedure for multiple recession coverage (a report of two cases)
  11. Efficacy of Different Precooling Agents and Topical Anesthetics on the Pain Perception during Intraoral Injection: A Comparative Clinical Study
  12. Adhesive bonding to pulp chamber dentin after different irrigation regimens
  13. Esthetic improvement of white spot lesions and non-pitted fluorosis using resin infiltration technique: Series of four clinical cases
  14. Banded vs Bonded Space Maintainers: Finding Better Way Out
  15. Stem Cell Research: Applicability in Dentistry
  16. Comparative evaluation of microleakage of various retrograde filling materials: An in vitro study
  17. Probiotics and periodontal diseases: The link
  18. Dental Adhesion
  19. A New Index Proposed for Determination of Outcome of Recession Coverage Procedures
  20. Caries infiltration of noncavitated white spot lesions: A novel approach for immediate esthetic improvement
  21. Autogenous bone block in the treatment of teeth with hopeless prognosis
  22. An evaluation of microleakage of various glass ionomer based restorative materials in deciduous and permanent teeth: An in vitro study
  23. Stem Cell Research: Applicability in Dentistry
  24. Endodontic therapy in a four-rooted mandibular first molar—a case report
  25. Bilateral masseter muscle hypertrophy—a case report
  26. An Evaluation of Different Caries Removal Techniques in Primary Teeth: A Comparitive Clinical Study
  27. Light induced fluorescence evaluation: A novel concept for caries diagnosis and excavation
  28. International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS): A New Concept
  29. Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of electronic dental anesthesia with 2% lignocaine in various minor pediatric dental procedures: A clinical study
  30. Dental Pulp Neuropathophysiology
  31. An evaluation of various materials and tooth preparation designs used for reattachment of fractured incisors
  32. Technique-sensitivity of dentin-bonding agent application: The effect on shear bond strength using one-step self-etch adhesive in primary molars: An in vitro study
  33. Why the carioprotective potential of luting cements crucial?
  34. Modified Willet's appliance for bilateral loss of multiple deciduous molars: A case report
  35. A Comparative Evaluation of the Fracture Strength of Pulpotomized Primary Molars Restored with Various Restorative Materials
  36. Various methods of caries removal in children: A comparative clinical study