All Stories

  1. Editorial: The repercussions of maternal inflammation in pre-eclampsia on fetal health and neurodevelopment
  2. Prospects for the study of some electrophysiological parameters in the diagnosis of fetal growth restriction
  3. The value of some indices of heart rate variability in the diagnosis of fetal growth retardation
  4. COVID-19 mimicked fetal hemolytic disease: a case report
  5. The pathogenic pathways of cardiovascular disease in perimenopausal women
  6. Tocilizumab is effective in preventing ovarian injury induced by ischemia- reperfusion in rats
  7. Second Stage of Labor: Current Trends in Management
  8. The Insight into Obstetric Care near the Front Line in Kharkiv
  9. Abdominal hysterectomy and postoperative quality of recovery: emphasis on pain relief
  10. Fetal programming in diabetes: an emphasis on prevention consequences of ketoacidosis
  12. Detection of fetal arrhythmias in non-invasive fetal ECG recordings using data-driven entropy profiling
  13. Diagnosing antenatal fetal distress
  14. State of metabolic processes and ways to improve them in premenopausal women due to the life extension strategy
  15. VP24.04: The delayed fetal neurological maturation in women with threatened preterm labour
  16. Optimization of monitoring of contractile uterus activity and fetus status in women with the threat of preterm birth
  17. The status of fetal autonomic nervous regulation in women with «short cervix» syndrome
  18. The peculiarities of the management of women with endometriosis during pregnancy
  19. Possibilities of using xylitol and L-arginine drugs in menopause management
  20. Spontaneous pregnancy, macrosomia, and cephalopelvic disproportion in diffuse adenomyosis: a case report
  21. Non-invasive fetal electrocardiography ameliorates fetal outcome in chorioangioma: A case report
  22. VP36.22: The utility of phase rectified signal averaging in diagnosing fetal distress
  23. Delayed neurological maturation is a cause for distress during fetal growth restriction
  24. Современные подходы к санации урогенитальной системы у женщин
  25. A mortal case of coronavirus disease in a pregnant diabetic woman. Clinical case
  26. Induced Abortion and Spontaneous Early Pregnancy Loss - Focus on Management
  27. Гормональна контрацепція: сучасний стан проблеми
  28. Передчасні пологи: що нового?
  29. The Role of Endometrial Thicknesses as Risk Factor in Endometrial Pathologies
  30. PCR positivity and D-dimer levels in pregnant women with COVID-19
  31. The possible role of bacterial vaginosis in the pathogenesis of cervical precancerous lesions
  32. Comparison of pre- and postoperative techniques in the assessment of histological tumor grading in patients with endometrial carcinoma: a descriptive cross-sectional study
  33. Management of women with postpartum pre-eclampsia
  34. EP19.21: Disturbed uterine artery hemodynamics is a possible predictor of fetal autonomic malfunction
  35. Ballantyne syndrome: a review of of literature and a clinical case report
  36. Heart rate variability categories of fluctuation amplitude and complexity: diagnostic markers of fetal development and its disturbances
  37. Noninvasive fetal electrocardiography for the detection of fetal arrhythmias
  39. Fetal autonomic malfunction as a marker of fetal distress in growth-restricted fetuses: three case reports
  40. Fuzzy Detection of Fetal Distress for Antenatal Monitoring in Pregnancy with Fetal Growth Restriction and Normal
  41. Non-invasive fetal electrocardiography for the detection of fetal arrhythmias: Toward a fetal Holter
  42. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome as a Reason for the Multiple Organ Failure in a Postpartum Preeclamptic Patient
  43. The hemodynamic repercussions of the autonomic modulations in growth-restricted fetuses
  44. Diagnosing fetal AV block.
  45. Optimization of treatment of patients with follicular ovarian cysts
  46. Vagal repercussions theory
  47. Monitoring fetal maturation—objectives, techniques and indices of autonomic function
  48. Autonomic imbalance captures maternal and fetal circulatory response to pre-eclampsia
  49. Management of the pre-eclamptic women from the point of obstetrical hemostaseology
  50. The Sympatho-Vagal Balance Significance as a Biophysical Marker of Pre-Eclampsia
  51. Stepped therapy of vaginal dysbiosis: mosaic of evidences
  52. The choice of medication for treatment of patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory diseases
  53. Treatment of genital warts: focus on vaginal dysbiosis
  54. The Use of Fetal Noninvasive Electrocardiography
  55. Novel Possibilities for the Diagnosis of Fetal Distress in Pre-eclamptic Women
  56. Optimization of management in women with traumatic perineal injuries
  57. The increase of safe abortion compliance
  58. Immunological features and prospectives in the treatment of chlamydial infection in women
  59. The effectiveness of herbal medicines in the management of menopause
  60. Sagenit efficiency in the treatment of vulvovaginal symptoms of aging