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  1. Why do we need to employ exemplars in moral education? Insights from recent advances in research on artificial intelligence
  2. Why do We Need to Employ Exemplars in Moral Education? Insights from Recent Advances in Research on Artificial Intelligence
  3. Considerations for effective use of moral exemplars in education: Based on the self-determination theory and data syntheses
  4. Examining the network structure among moral functioning components with network analysis
  5. Examining Phronesis Models with Evidence from the Neuroscience of Morality Focusing on Brain Networks
  6. Culturally Sensitive and Contextually Adapted Exemplars of Character Development: Implications for Reimagining Frameworks
  7. A method to explore the best mixed-effects model in a data-driven manner with multiprocessing: With applications in public health research
  8. Predictors of compliance with COVID-19 guidelines across countries: the role of social norms, moral values, trust, stress, and demographic factors
  9. Using measurement alignment in research on adolescence involving multiple groups: A brief tutorial with R
  10. Using Measurement Alignment in Research on Adolescence Involving Multiple Groups: A Brief Tutorial with R
  11. Potential benefits of employing large language models in research in moral education and development
  12. Considerations for Effective Use of Moral Exemplars in Education: Based on the Self-Determination Theory and Data Syntheses
  13. Examining the Network Structure among Moral Functioning Components with Network Analysis
  14. Examining How Beliefs Impact Vaccine Acceptance
  15. Investigating Bias in the Behavioral Defining Issues Test
  16. Considering the Purposes of Moral Education with Evidence in Neuroscience: Emphasis on Habituation of Virtues and Cultivation of Phronesis
  17. Moral reasoning and moral competence as predictors of cooperative behavior in a social dilemma
  18. Relatable and attainable moral exemplars as sources for moral elevation and pleasantness
  19. Long-term Predictors of Compliance with COVID-19 Guidelines Across Countries: The role of social norms, trust, stress, demographic factors, and moral values
  20. Considering the Purposes of Moral Education with Evidence in Neuroscience: Emphasis on Habituation of Virtues and Cultivation of Phronesis
  21. Relatable and Attainable Moral Exemplars as Sources for Moral Elevation and Pleasantness
  22. Cross-language validation of COVID-19 Compliance Scale in 28 languages
  23. Data-Driven Analysis Exploring the Development of Empathy in an Iranian Context
  24. Exploring the relationship between purpose and moral psychological indicators
  25. The Relationship between Personality Traits and Compliance with the COVID-19 Preventive Measures in Kosovo
  26. Exploring the Relationship between Purpose and Moral Psychological Indicators
  27. Secondary stressors, stress, and resilience during a pandemic: The protective roles of social identity and social support
  28. Validity Testing of the Conspiratorial Thinking and Anti-Expert Sentiment Scales during the COVID-19 Pandemic Across 24 Languages from a Large-Scale Global Dataset
  29. Cross-language Validation of COVID-19 Compliance Scale in 28 Languages
  30. Correction to: Latent structural analysis for measures of character strengths: Achieving adequate fit
  31. Latent structural analysis for measures of character strengths: Achieving adequate fit
  32. Mediation Analysis of Conspiratorial Thinking and Anti-Expert Sentiments on Vaccine Willingness
  33. Latent Structural Analysis for Measures of Character Strengths: Achieving Adequate Fit
  34. Exploring the association between character strengths and moral functioning
  35. Exploring the Association between Character Strengths and Moral Functioning
  36. Testing the Consistency of the Moral Growth Mindset Measure Across People With Different Political Perspectives
  37. Which moral exemplars inspire prosociality?
  38. Trust in the scientific research community predicts intent to comply with COVID-19 prevention measures: An analysis of a large-scale international survey dataset
  39. Testing the validity of the modified vaccine attitude question battery across 22 languages with a large-scale international survey dataset: within the context of COVID-19 vaccination
  40. A Novel Method to Use Coordinate Based Meta-Analysis to Determine a Prior Distribution for Voxelwise Bayesian Second-Level fMRI Analysis
  41. Testing the Consistency of the Moral Growth Mindset Measure across People with Different Political Perspectives
  42. Which moral exemplars inspire prosociality?
  43. Cerebellum and Emotion in Morality
  44. Trust in the research community predicts intent to comply with COVID-19 prevention measures: An analysis of a large-scale international survey dataset
  45. Testing the Validity of the Modified Vaccine Attitude Question Battery across 22 Languages with a Large-scale International Survey Dataset
  46. Validity Testing of the Conspiratorial Thinking and Anti-Expert Sentiment Scales Across 24 Languages from a Large-Scale Global Dataset
  47. Applying elastic-net regression to identify the best models predicting changes in civic purpose during the emerging adulthood
  48. How are moral foundations associated with empathic traits and moral identity?
  49. How are Moral Foundations Associated with Empathic Traits and Moral Identity?
  50. Applying Elastic-net Regression to Identify the Best Models Predicting Changes in Civic Purpose during the Emerging Adulthood
  51. Replicating the Disease framing problem during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic: A study of stress, worry, trust, and choice under risk
  52. Application of Deep Learning for Level of Engagement in Civic Activities Prediction in Emerging Adulthood for Smart City Development
  53. Representative Sampling of the Via Assessment Suite for Adults
  54. Exploring the association between compliance with measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and big five traits with Bayesian generalized linear model
  55. Representative Sampling of the VIA Assessment Suite for Adults
  56. Public Value, Psychology, and Neuroscience
  57. Cerebellum and Emotion in Morality
  58. Exploring the Association between Compliance with Measures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 and Big Five Traits with Bayesian Generalized Linear Model
  59. Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey
  60. Improved model exploration for the relationship between moral foundations and moral judgment development using Bayesian Model Averaging
  61. What does character education mean to character education experts? A prototype analysis of expert opinions
  62. Stress and worry in the 2020 coronavirus pandemic: Relationships to trust and compliance with preventive measures across 48 countries in the COVIDiSTRESS global survey
  63. COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak
  64. BayesFactorFMRI: Implementing Bayesian Second-Level fMRI Analysis with Multiple Comparison Correction and Bayesian Meta-Analysis of fMRI Images with Multiprocessing
  65. A Method to Adjust a Prior Distribution in Bayesian Second-level fMRI Analysis
  66. Replicating the “Asian Disease” Framing Paradigm During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Stress, Worry, Trust, and Choice Under Risk
  67. What Does Character Education Mean to Character Education Experts? A Prototype Analysis of Expert Opinions
  68. Improved Model Exploration for the Relationship between Moral Foundations and Moral Judgment Development Using Bayesian Model Averaging
  69. Validity study using factor analyses on the Defining Issues Test-2 in undergraduate populations
  70. Validity study using factor analyses on the Defining Issues Test-2 in undergraduate populations
  71. BayesFactorFMRI: Implementing Bayesian second-level fMRI analysis with multiple comparison correction and Bayesian meta-analysis of fMRI images with multiprocessing
  72. Comment on Raine (2019) ‘The neuromoral theory of antisocial, violent, and psychopathic behavior’
  73. Development and validation of the English version of the Moral Growth Mindset measure
  74. JASP (Software)
  75. COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey dataset on psychological and behavioural consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak
  76. Development and validation of the English version of the Moral Growth Mindset measure
  77. The Neuroscience of Moral Judgment: Empirical and Philosophical Developments
  78. Comment on Raine (2019) ‘The neuromoral theory of antisocial, violent, and psychopathic behavior’
  79. Development and validation of the English version of the Moral Growth Mindset measure
  80. Applying the Deep Learning Method for Simulating Outcomes of Educational Interventions
  81. Applying the Deep Learning Method for Simulating Outcomes of Educational Interventions
  82. Implementation of Bayesian multiple comparison correction in the second-level analysis of fMRI data: With pilot analyses of simulation and real fMRI datasets based on voxelwise inference
  83. Implementation of Bayesian Multiple Comparison Correction in the Second-Level Analysis of fMRI Data: With Pilot Analyses of Simulation and Real fMRI Datasets Based on Voxelwise Inference
  84. Links between moral identity and political purpose during emerging adulthood
  85. Evaluating Alternative Correction Methods for Multiple Comparison in Functional Neuroimaging Research
  86. Evaluating Alternative Correction Methods for Multiple Comparison in Functional Neuroimaging Research
  87. Links between Moral Identity and Political Purpose during Emerging Adulthood
  88. Connecting Levels of Analysis in Educational Neuroscience: A Review of Multi-level Structure of Educational Neuroscience with Concrete Examples
  89. Connecting Levels of Analysis in Educational Neuroscience: A Review of Multi-level Structure of Educational Neuroscience with Concrete Examples
  90. Measuring moral reasoning using moral dilemmas: evaluating reliability, validity, and differential item functioning of the behavioural defining issues test (bDIT)
  91. Measuring Moral Reasoning using Moral Dilemmas: Evaluating Reliability, Validity, and Differential Item Functioning of the Behavioral Defining Issues Test (bDIT)
  92. Developmental level of moral judgment influences behavioral patterns during moral decision-making
  93. Bayesian meta-analysis of fMRI image data
  94. Neuroscience of morality and teacher education
  95. Developmental Level of Moral Judgment Influences Behavioral Patterns during Moral Decision-making
  96. Bayesian Meta-analysis of fMRI Image Data
  97. The VIA inventory of strengths, positive youth development, and moral education
  98. Moral growth mindset is associated with change in voluntary service engagement
  99. Moral Growth Mindset is Associated with Change in Voluntary Service Engagement
  100. Why do we need to employ Bayesian statistics and how can we employ it in studies of moral education?: With practical guidelines to use JASP for educators and researchers
  101. Cultural background affect people's empathy
  102. The VIA Inventory of Strengths, Positive Youth Development, and Moral Education
  103. An Investigation of the Divergences and Convergences of Trait Empathy across Two Cultures
  104. Moral Identity Predicts the Development of Presence of Meaning During Emerging Adulthood
  105. Why Do We Need to Employ Bayesian Statistics and How Can We Employ it in Studies of Moral Education?: With Practical Guidelines to Use JASP for Educators and Researchers
  106. Using SPM 12’s Second-Level Bayesian Inference Procedure for fMRI Analysis: Practical Guidelines for End Users
  107. Simulating outcomes of interventions using a multipurpose simulation program based on the evolutionary causal matrices and Markov chain
  108. A quantitative analysis of moral exemplars presented in moral education textbooks in Korea and Japan
  109. Using SPM 12’s Second-level Bayesian Inference Procedure for fMRI Analysis: Practical Guidelines for End Users
  110. Moral Identity Predicts the Development of Presence of Meaning during Emerging Adulthood
  111. Associations between psychopathic traits and brain activity during instructed false responding
  112. Evaluating methods of correcting for multiple comparisons implemented in SPM12 in social neuroscience fMRI studies: an example from moral psychology
  113. Attainable and Relevant Moral Exemplars Are More Effective than Extraordinary Exemplars in Promoting Voluntary Service Engagement
  114. Neural correlates of moral sensitivity and moral judgment associated with brain circuitries of selfhood: A meta-analysis
  115. Civic Purpose in Late Adolescence: Factors That Prevent Decline in Civic Engagement After High School.
  116. Predicting long-term outcomes of educational interventions using the evolutionary causal matrices and Markov chain based on educational neuroscience
  117. Influence of the cortical midline structures on moral emotion and motivation in moral decision-making
  118. How can neuroscience contribute to moral philosophy, psychology and education based on Aristotelian virtue ethics?
  119. Purpose as a moral virtue for flourishing
  120. Virtue Ethics, Positive Psychology, and a New Model of Science and Engineering Ethics Education
  121. Cultural influences on the neural correlate of moral decision making processes
  122. Analysing theoretical frameworks of moral education through Lakatos’s philosophy of science
  123. Improving Epistemological Beliefs and Moral Judgment Through an STS-Based Science Ethics Education Program
  124. Exploring the Relationship Between Virtue Ethics and Moral Identity
  125. Lost in transition: the dark side of emerging adulthood