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  1. Academic staff quality and the role of quality assurance mechanisms: the Vietnamese case
  2. Bibliographic and content analysis of articles on education from Vietnam indexed in Scopus from 2009 to 2018
  3. Compliance of education journals in Vietnam with the minimum criteria to be indexed in the ASEAN Citation Index and Scopus
  4. History of Quality Assurance in Vietnamese Higher Education
  5. Drivers of Vietnamese Higher Education Quality Assurance
  6. The Future of Quality Assurance in Vietnamese Higher Education
  7. Building National Capacity for Quality Assurance
  8. Quality Assurance in Vietnamese Higher Education
  9. Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Distance Education Programs in Vietnam: Rationale and Future Directions
  10. An investigation of professional development among educational policy-makers, institutional leaders and teachers
  11. How to Fulfil Vietnam’s Higher Education Accreditation Strategic Plan 2017–2020
  12. Exploring impact of accreditation on higher education in developing countries: a Vietnamese view
  13. Higher education accreditation in Vietnam
  14. Achievements and Lessons Learned from Vietnam’s Higher Education Quality Assurance System after a Decade of Establishment
  15. Phân biệt 3 mô hình đảm bảo chất lượng giáo dục đại học: Kiểm định chất lượng, đánh giá chất lượng và kiểm toán chất lượng
  16. Impact of International Accreditation on the Emerging Quality Assurance System: The Vietnamese Experience