All Stories

  1. Technology-Enabled Database Education: Challenges andOpportunities
  2. Social Psychology Meets Social Computing: State of the Art and Future Directions
  3. DP-starJ: A Differential Private Scheme towards Analytical Star-Join Queries
  4. ARENA: Alternative Relational Query Plan Exploration for Database Education
  5. An Effective and Differentially Private Protocol for Secure Distributed Cardinality Estimation
  6. Towards Balancing the Efficiency and Effectiveness in k-Facility Relocation Problem
  7. LANTERN: Boredom-conscious Natural Language Description Generation of Query Execution Plans for Database Education
  8. a2RegInf: An Interactive System for Maximizing Influence within Arbitrary Number of Arbitrary Shaped Query Regions
  9. Addressing the Hardness of k-Facility Relocation Problem
  10. SaDes
  11. 3E-LDA
  12. Towards Enhancing Database Education
  13. CHASSIS: Conformity Meets Online Information Diffusion
  14. FROST
  15. Targeted Influential Nodes Selection in Location-Aware Social Networks
  16. A Real Linear and Parallel Multiple Longest Common Subsequences (MLCS) Algorithm
  17. GetReal