All Stories

  1. On a subclass of bi-univalent functions associated with the q-derivative operator
  2. A Note On q-Integral Operators
  3. On Fekete-Szegö Problems for Certain Subclasses Defined byq-Derivative
  4. A new subclass of harmonic meromorphic functions involving quantum calculus
  5. Partial sum of generalized class of meromorphically univalent functions defined by q-analogue of Liu–Srivastava operator
  6. q-analogue of Ruscheweyh operator and its applications to certain subclass of uniformly starlike functions
  7. Some Subordination Results onq-Analogue of Ruscheweyh Differential Operator
  8. A subclass of analytic functions defined by the Dziok-Raina operator
  9. Certain subclass of meromorphically univalent functions defined by q-analogue of Liu-Srivastava operator
  10. Some generalization of coefficient condition for complex harmonic mappings
  11. On Harmonic Meromorphic Functions Associated with Basic Hypergeometric Functions
  12. Univalence of a New General Integral Operator Associated with theq-Hypergeometric Function
  13. A Subclass of Harmonic Univalent Functions Associated with -Analogue of Dziok-Srivastava Operator