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  1. Buyers' trust and performance assessments of long-standing suppliers: Applying complexity causation and abductive modeling of multiple trust-forms and interfirm relationship-performance outcomes
  2. Consumer hate and boycott communications of socially irresponsible fashion brands: Applying complexity theory in psychology and marketing research
  3. Trust Climate in International Business-To-Business E-Negotiations: Antecedents, Processes, and Outcomes
  4. Measuring brand hate in a cross-cultural context: Emic and Etic scale development and validation
  5. Achieving high international market performance via simple vs complex configuration of international managerial network ties: A set theoretic approach across two countries
  6. Sustainability in fashion and luxury marketing: Results, paradoxes and potentialities
  7. Perceived design affordance of new products: Scale development and validation
  8. Choosing high-equity cosmetic brands in bad macroeconomic conditions: evidence from panel data
  9. Trust in Buyer–Supplier Relationships: Evidence from Advanced, Emerging, and Developing Markets
  10. Interpersonal and Inter-organizational Trust in High-involvement Customer–Supplier Relationships: Antecedents, Consequences, and Moderators
  11. New Insights on Trust in Business-to-Business Relationships
  12. Trust and commitment within a virtual brand community: The mediating role of brand relationship quality
  13. Choosing Organic and Healthy Food in Times of Economic Uncertainty: Evidence from Panel Data Analysis in France
  14. Business marketing in France: can the case be made for “French exceptionalism” or is it just a slight variation?
  15. Fundamental transformations of trust and its drivers: A multi-stage approach of business-to-business relationships
  16. How to measure Affective Trust?
  17. A process perspective on trust in buyer–supplier relationships. “Calculus”
  18. Relation entre fans et marques sur Facebook
  19. Relationship Quality in Cross-Border Exchanges: A Temporal Perspective
  20. L’alchimie des relations résilientes entre clients et fournisseurs étrangers : étude qualitative auprès d’acheteurs français
  21. Trust in B-to-B: Toward a Dynamic and Integrative Approach
  22. La confiance en B to B: vers une approche dynamique et integrative
  23. Relations entre acheteur et vendeur : les catalyseurs d’une confiance durable
  24. Nature et antécédents de la confiance interpersonnelle entre client-fournisseur en milieu industriel
  25. Quel Marketing global pour les entreprises internationales ?