All Stories

  1. AutoJournaling: A Context-Aware Journaling System Leveraging MLLMs on Smartphone Screenshots
  2. Efficient and Personalized Mobile Health Event Prediction via Small Language Models
  3. StatioCL : Contrastive Learning for Time Series via Non-Stationary and Temporal Contrast
  4. Enabling On-Device LLMs Personalization with Smartphone Sensing
  5. ScreenTK: Seamless Detection of Time-Killing Moments Using Continuous Mobile Screen Text and On-Device LLMs
  6. Leveraging LLMs to Predict Affective States via Smartphone Sensor Features
  7. LifeLearner: Hardware-Aware Meta Continual Learning System for Embedded Computing Platforms
  8. Iris
  9. Ubiquitous, Secure, and Efficient Mobile Sensing Systems
  10. Spectral-Loc
  11. Passive light spectral indoor localization
  12. PROS
  13. Indoor localization using light spectral information