All Stories

  1. Child-oriented Drug Counseling in Germany: Evaluating the Implementation of the Program “Fitkids” and Its Association with Readiness for Change
  2. Kann die Versorgungsforschung zu mehr Transparenz und Rationalität beitragen?
  3. Long-Term Costs of Stroke Using 10-Year Longitudinal Data From the North East Melbourne Stroke Incidence Study
  4. The initial clinical interview—can it reduce cancer patients’ fear?
  5. Short- and long-term subjective medical treatment outcome of trauma surgery patients: the importance of physician empathy
  6. The impact of the hospital work environment on social support from physicians in breast cancer care
  7. Changes Over Time in the Utilization of Disease-Related Internet Information in Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients 2007 to 2013
  8. Self-rating makes the difference: Identifying palliative care needs of patients feeling severely affected by multiple sclerosis
  9. Validation of the German version of the Schedule of Attitudes Toward Hastened Death (SAHD–D) with patients in palliative care
  10. Can a stressed oncologist be good in a consultation? A qualitative study on the oncologists' perception
  11. Physician empathy and subjective evaluation of medical treatment outcome in trauma surgery patients
  12. Multiple sclerosis and palliative care - perceptions of severely affected multiple sclerosis patients and their health professionals: a qualitative study
  14. Unmet Needs of Patients Feeling Severely Affected by Multiple Sclerosis in Germany: A Qualitative Study
  15. The Relationship between Social Capital and Quality Management Systems in European Hospitals: A Quantitative Study
  16. Psychosocial factors in the information and communication technology sector
  17. Do breast cancer patients receive less support from physicians in German hospitals with high physician workload? A multilevel analysis
  18. Importance weighting, expectation fulfilment and satisfaction: an integrative and innovative approach to measuring patient satisfaction with hospital stays
  19. Interorganizational relationships and hospital financial performance: a resource-based perspective
  20. Thrombolyse des akuten Schlaganfalls - Eine deutschlandweite Analyse der regionalen Versorgung
  21. The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Employee Well-Being
  22. Der Konflikt zwischen Arbeit und Privatleben und sein Zusammenhang mit Burnout - Ergebnisse einer Studie bei Ärztinnen und Ärzten in nordrhein-westfälischen Brustzentren
  23. Adjustierung für Patientenmerkmale bei der Auswertung von Befragungsdaten
  24. Work Engagement von Krankenhausärzten: Welche Rolle spielen Sozialkapital und Persönlichkeitseigenschaften?
  25. Der ältere Prostatakrebspatient
  26. Optionsstress und Zeitdruck
  27. Localized Prostate Cancer Patients’ Information in Urology Outpatient Practice—Results of a Nationwide Prospective Study in Germany
  28. Work–Life Balance Culture, Work–Home Interaction, and Emotional Exhaustion
  29. Is social capital as perceived by the medical director associated with coordination among hospital staff? A nationwide survey in German hospitals
  30. Cost of HIV and determinants of health care costs in HIV-positive patients in Germany: results of the DAGNÄ K3A Study
  31. Employees' negative and positive work–home interaction and their association with depressive symptoms
  32. “Tendency to excuse” and patient satisfaction of those suffering with breast cancer
  33. Patients feeling severely affected by multiple sclerosis: How do patients want to communicate about end-of-life issues?
  34. Social capital and quality emphasis: A cross-sectional multicenter study in German hospitals
  35. Associations Between Hospital and Patient Characteristics and Breast Cancer Patients’ Satisfaction With Nursing Staff
  36. The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership and Social Capital in Hospitals—A Survey of Medical Directors of All German Hospitals
  37. Health-related quality of life in male breast cancer patients
  38. The association between active participation in a sports club, physical activity and social network on the development of lung cancer in smokers: a case-control study
  39. Prävention und Versorgung
  40. 16 Soziale Ungleichheit und Inanspruchnahme medizinischer und präventiver Leistungen
  41. 26 Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung aus betrieblicher Sicht
  42. Multiple Sclerosis Patients' Needs Questionnaire
  43. The relationship between 'stress of options', decision latitude and work engagement among employees working in knowledge intensive business sector
  44. Exploring the Association Between Social Capital and Depressive Symptoms
  45. Projektdatenbank Versorgungsforschung Deutschland
  46. Versorgungsforschung: unverzichtbar bei Allokationsentscheidungen – eine Stellungnahme
  47. The impact of financial incentives on physician empathy: A study from the perspective of patients with private and statutory health insurance
  48. Psychometric properties of the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture for hospital management (HSOPS_M)
  49. A longitudinal study of changes in provider–patient interaction in treatment of localized prostate cancer
  50. Effect of guideline orientation on the outcomes of peripheral arterial disease in primary care
  51. The Relationship Between Perceived Social Capital and the Health Promotion Willingness of Companies
  52. Early Short-Term Inpatient Psychotherapeutic Treatment Versus Continued Outpatient Psychotherapy on Psychosocial Outcome: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Trauma Patients
  53. Gesundheitsförderliche Prozessoptimierung zur Reduzierung psychischer Beanspruchungen/ Stress in der ITK1-Branche – Konsequenzen für die Führung
  54. Elemente einer Theorie der sozialen Gesundheit
  55. The relationship between social support, shared decision-making and patient’s trust in doctors: a cross-sectional survey of 2,197 inpatients using the Cologne Patient Questionnaire
  56. Erratum to: Outcomes of medical management of peripheral arterial disease in general practice: follow-up results of the PACE-PAD Study
  57. Communication, social capital and workplace health management as determinants of the innovative climate in German banks
  58. The Worksite Health Promotion Capacity Instrument (WHPCI): development, validation and approaches for determining companies' levels of health promotion capacity
  59. Configural frequency analysis as a method of determining patients' preferred decision-making roles in dialysis
  60. Outcomes of medical management of peripheral arterial disease in general practice: follow-up results of the PACE-PAD Study
  61. The relationship between social capital in hospitals and emotional exhaustion in clinicians: A study in four German hospitals
  62. Identifying and predicting subgroups of information needs among cancer patients: an initial study using latent class analysis
  63. Validation of a theory-based instrument measuring patient-reported psychosocial care by physicians using a multiple indicators and multiple causes model
  64. Burnout in nurses – the relationship between social capital in hospitals and emotional exhaustion
  65. Issues of “life” and “death” for patients receiving palliative care—comments when confronted with a research tool
  66. Associations between emotional exhaustion, social capital, workload, and latitude in decision-making among professionals working with people with disabilities
  67. Validation of the "SmoCess-GP" instrument - a short patient questionnaire for assessing the smoking cessation activities of general practitioners: a cross-sectional study
  68. Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement und alternde Belegschaften — eine Untersuchung in der deutschen Informationstechnologie und Kommunikations-(ITK-)Branche
  69. The influence of occupational stress factors on the nicotine dependence: a cross sectional study
  70. Selbstbewertung und Qualitätsentwicklung in der primärmedizinischen Versorgung: Ergebnisse der deutschen Pilotstudie mit der Internationalen Maturity Matrix
  71. Breast cancer patients’ trust in physicians: The impact of patients’ perception of physicians’ communication behaviors and hospital organizational climate
  72. Transparenz als Voraussetzung für Innovation in der Versorgungsforschung: Defizite am Beispiel der Evaluation von Managed-Care-Modellvorhaben
  73. Informationsvermittlung und Shared Decision-Making bei Patientinnen mit primärem Mammakarzinom
  74. Methoden für die organisationsbezogene Versorgungsforschung
  75. Social Capital and Risk Management in Nursing
  76. Finland as an example for integrative prevention and health promotion – a qualitative study
  77. Barriers to using psycho-oncology services: a qualitative research into the perspectives of users, their relatives, non-users, physicians, and nurses
  78. HAROW: Meeting prostate cancer patients’ communication needs – First results on the quality of provider-patient communication
  79. Memorandum III: Methoden für die Versorgungsforschung (Teil I)
  80. Versorgungsforschungsaktivitäten in Nordrhein-Westfalen
  81. End-of-life research on patients’ attitudes in Germany: a feasibility study
  82. The Relationship between Social Capital in Hospitals and Physician Job Satisfaction
  83. Determinanten der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung in der Versicherungsbranche: Ergebnisse einer Vollerhebung bei deutschen Versicherungen im Jahr 2006
  84. Determinants and implications of cancer patients’ psychosocial needs
  85. Psychometric evaluation of an instrument to assess patient-reported ‘psychosocial care by physicians’: a structural equation modeling approach
  86. Analyzing the “nature” and “specific effectiveness” of clinical empathy: A theoretical overview and contribution towards a theory-based research agenda
  87. Medikamentöse Versorgung bei akutem Koronarsyndrom nach Krankenhausentlassung
  88. Pre-traumatic, trauma- and treatment-related determinants of self-rated health after a severe trauma
  89. Reduced patient demands in hospitals and their determinants
  90. Organisationskarten
  91. Sicherheitskultur: Definition, Modelle und Gestaltung
  92. Grundlagen der Führung
  93. In eigener Sache
  94. Trust, social support and patient type—Associations between patients perceived trust, supportive communication and patients preferences in regard to paternalism, clarification and participation of severely injured patients
  95. Implementation of Guidelines for the Treatment of Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
  96. Presentation and medical management of peripheral arterial disease in general practice: rationale, aims, design and baseline results of the PACE-PAD Study
  97. Die „Entschuldigungstendenz” bei Krankenhauspatienten
  98. Changes in secondary pharmacological prevention of acute coronary syndromes and stroke after hospital discharge: a 6-month follow-up study of German primary care patients
  99. Sozioökonomische Ungleichheit erfordert zielgruppenspezifische Präventionsprogramme
  100. Wechselwirkungen zwischen sozialer und gesundheitlicher Ungleichheit und Gesundheitsversorgung
  101. Inefficacy of different strategies to improve guideline awareness – 5-year follow-up of the hypertension evaluation project (HEP)
  102. Primary Care Physician's Attitude Towards the GERMAN e-Health Card Project—Determinants and Implications
  103. Health services research in surgery—definitions, approaches and methods
  104. Predicting Health-related Quality of Life of Severely Injured Patients: Sociodemographic, Economic, Trauma, and Hospital Stay-related Determinants
  105. Prevention, health promotion and workplace health management in German banks: Results from a nationwide representative survey
  106. Prävention und Versorgungsforschung
  107. Psychometrische Evaluation der deutschen Version des Messinstruments „Consultation and Relational Empathy” (CARE) am Beispiel von Krebspatienten
  108. Determinants and patient-reported long-term outcomes of physician empathy in oncology: A structural equation modelling approach
  109. Versorgungsforschung und Geriatrie
  110. Die ambulant-stationäre Schnittstelle in der medizinischen Versorgung
  111. Patientenbefragungen als Bestandteil des Qualitätsmanagements in Arztpraxen: Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Instrumentes
  112. 1113 POSTER Brief instrument to identify information preference groups in cancer patients: a latent-class analysis
  113. 1114 POSTER Determinants and patient-reported long-term outcomes of physician empathy in oncology: A structural equation modelling approach
  114. Patient- and hospital-related determinants on subjective evaluation of medical treatment outcome of severely injured patients
  115. How to improve satisfaction with hospital stay of severely injured patients
  116. Patienten- und krankenhausspezifische Einflussfaktoren auf die Zufriedenheit mit dem Krankenhausaufenthalt schwerverletzter Patienten
  117. Versorgungsforschung: die letzte Meile im Blick
  118. Patientenzufriedenheit in der Geriatrie
  119. Aufgabenverständnis und Entwicklungsstand der Versorgungsforschung
  120. Partizipative Entscheidungsfindung als neuer Qualit�tsindikator in der Nephrologie
  121. The Importance of the Specialty “Medical Sociology” for Teaching and Research at University Medical Faculties in Germany
  122. Die Einbeziehung von Patienten in die Behandlung
  123. Versorgungsbedarf und Behinderung - Taugt die amtliche Schwerbehindertenstatistik für die Bedarfsanalyse?
  124. Anforderungen und Nutzen eines kassenorientierten Krankenhausmanagements aus der Sicht der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung - Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie
  125. Fülöp Scheibler, Holger Pfaff (Hrsg) Shared Decision-Making. Der Patient als Partner im medizinischen Entscheidungsprozess.
  126. Der Krankenhausmanager
  127. Mehrfachauswertungen qualitativer Daten mit Hilfe eines deduktiven Schemas und MAXqda
  128. Gesundheitsversorgung und Disease Management – Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Versorgungsforschung
  129. Surgical safety and overwork
  130. Shared decision making: ein �berblicksartikel �ber die internationale Forschungsliteratur
  131. Organisationsentwicklung im Gesundheitswesen
  132. Hypertension guidelines and their limitations – the impact of physicians’ compliance as evaluated by guideline awareness
  133. Das lernende Krankenhaus
  134. Neue Strategien für die Gesundheitsförderung in der Arbeitswelt
  135. Marriage and the psychological consequences of a heart attack: A longitudinal study of adaptation to chronic illness after 3 years
  136. Prävention in den Gesundheitsberufen und in Gesundheitseinrichtungen
  137. Bilanz des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements
  138. Versorgungsforschung — Konzept, Methoden und Herausforderungen
  139. Prävention psychischer Erkrankungen
  140. Dental Public Health und Versorgungsforschung
  141. Epidemiologie und Behandlungsstatus der Hypertonie in Deutschland
  142. Gesundheitsförderung bei Arbeitslosen
  143. Grundlagen präventiver Gesundheitspolitik: Das Sozialkapital von Organisationen
  144. Lebenskompetenzförderung im Kindergartenalter
  145. Was kann zahnmedizinische Versorgungsforschung leisten?