All Stories

  1. Unraveling the Influences on Bug Fixing Time: A Comparative Analysis of Causal Inference Model
  2. AI Security Continuum: Concept and Challenges
  3. Evaluation of The Generality of Multi-view Modeling Framework for ML Systems
  4. How to Create Persona from User Click Log Data of Existing Software?
  5. Enhancing Programming Education through Game-Based Learning: Design and Implementation of a Puyo Puyo-Inspired Teaching Tool
  6. Improved Program Repair Methods using Refactoring with GPT Models
  7. Analysis of Bug Report Qualities with Fixing Time using a Bayesian Network
  8. Identifying Characteristics of the Agile Development Process That Impact User Satisfaction
  9. Gender Characteristics and Computational Thinking in Scratch
  10. Rubric to Evaluate Programming Learning of Elementary School Students
  11. Evaluating the degree of security of a system built using security patterns
  12. PVC
  13. ID3P: Iterative Data-Driven Development of Persona Based on Quantitative Evaluation and Revision
  14. An interactive Web Application Visualizing Memory Space for Novice C Programmers (Abstract Only)
  15. GO-MUC
  16. Validating ajax applications using a delay-based mutation technique