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  1. Regionality of long-term trends and interannual variation of seasonal precipitation over India
  2. Effects of Long- and Short-Term Atmospheric Water Cycles on the Water Balance over the Maritime Continent
  3. Interpretation of El Niño-Southern Oscillation-related precipitation anomalies in north-western Borneo using isotopic tracers
  4. Impact of Tropical Deforestation and Forest Degradation on Precipitation over Borneo Island
  5. Contrasting Features of Monsoon Precipitation Around the Meghalaya Plateau Under Westerly and Easterly Regimes
  6. Uncertainties in TRMM-Era multisatellite-based tropical rainfall estimates over the Maritime Continent
  7. Analysing the origin of rain- and subsurface water in seasonal wetlands of north-central Namibia
  8. Recent interdecadal changes in the interannual variability of precipitation and atmospheric circulation over northern Eurasia
  9. Deforestation-induced reduction in rainfall
  10. Modulation of the Diurnal Cycle of Rainfall Associated with the MJO Observed by a Dense Hourly Rain Gauge Network at Sarawak, Borneo
  11. Seasonal Variations of Lightning Activity and Rainfall over Tropical Africa Based on Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Satellite Observations