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  1. Spatial distribution of woody plants in relation to mistletoe-infected Vachellia karroo trees in a semi-arid African savanna
  2. Woody species composition, diversity, and ecosystem services of yards along an urban socioeconomic gradient
  3. Spatial point pattern of the baobab (Adansonia digitata) in semi-arid savanna, Southeast Zimbabwe
  4. Woody biomass increases across three contrasting land uses in Hurungwe, mid-Zambezi valley, Zimbabwe
  5. The impact of elephants (Loxodonta africana) on the Baobab (Adansonia digitata) in a semi-arid savanna
  6. Estimating mistletoe biomass in a semi-arid savanna woodland, southwest Zimbabwe
  7. Land use effects on phylogenetic and functional diversity of birds: Significance of urban green spaces
  8. The influence of African elephants on litter and soil nitrogen attributes in mopane woodland in Hwange National Park, northwest Zimbabwe
  9. Ethnobotanical knowledge and use-value of Harpagophytum (Devil's claw) in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe
  10. Changes in miombo woody assemblage along a disturbance gradient in a smallholder tobacco production communal land, northeast Zimbabwe
  11. Functional and species composition of understory plants varies with mistletoe-infection on Vachellia karroo trees in a semi-arid African savanna
  12. In vitro antioxidant activity of crude extracts of Harpagophytum zeyheri and their anti-inflammatory and cytotoxicity activity compared with diclofenac
  13. The coupling effects of pyrodiversity and land use on termite assemblages in semi-arid savanna
  14. In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Crude Extracts of Harpagophytum Zeyheri and Their Anti-Inflammatory and Cytotoxicity Activity Compared With Diclofenac.
  15. Woody plant assemblage and the structure of miombo woodland along a disturbance gradient in Hurungwe, Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe
  16. Structure and spatial interactions of savanna trees along a local stress gradient in a semi-arid environment
  17. Factors influencing the diurnal behaviour of white rhino (Ceratotherium simum) in Matobo National Park, Zimbabwe
  18. Mistletoe litter accelerates the decomposition of recalcitrant host litter in a semi‐arid savanna, south‐west Zimbabwe
  19. Jointed cactus Opuntia aurantiaca modifies soil nutrient concentrations, grass species assemblage and biomass yield in a savanna rangeland
  20. Structure, soil properties and spatial patterning of mounds built by a soil feeding termite across a rainfall gradient in a savanna ecosystem
  21. Termitaria vs. mistletoe: Effects on soil properties and plant structure in a semi-arid savanna
  22. Population structure and spatial point-pattern analysis of a mono stand of Acacia polyacantha along a catena in a savanna ecosystem
  23. High genetic variation and low gene flow among populations of Viscum verrucosum in semi-arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  24. Spatial pattern analysis of encroaching tree species (Vachellia karrooandVachellia nilotica) after fire suppression in a semi-arid savanna
  25. Termite diversity along a land use intensification gradient in a semi-arid savanna
  26. The influence of hydrogel soil amendment on the survival and growth of newly transplanted Pinus patula seedlings
  27. Response of the waterbird community to floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides ) cover at Ngamo dam, Antelope Park, Zimbabwe.
  28. Effect of land use on water quality and phytoplankton community in the tropical Khami River in semi-arid southwest Zimbabwe
  29. Nutrient dynamics and plant assemblages of Macrotermes falciger mounds in a savanna ecosystem
  30. Pulsing hydrology and topography determine the structure and spatial distribution of Cubitermes mounds in a savanna ecosystem
  31. Mistletoes via input of nutrient-rich litter increases nutrient supply and enhance plant species composition and growth in a semi-arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  32. Use of mistletoes by the Grey Go-away-bird (Corythaixoides concolor , Musophagidae) in a semi-arid savannah, south-west Zimbabwe
  33. Soil seed bank dynamics and fertility on a seasonal wetland invaded by Lantana camara in a savanna ecosystem
  34. Enhanced soil nutrient concentrations beneath-canopy of savanna trees infected by mistletoes in a southern African savanna
  35. Termitaria as preferred browsing patches for black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in Chipinge Safari Area, Zimbabwe
  36. Decomposition and nutrient release patterns of mistletoe litters in a semi‐arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  37. The influence of mistletoes on the litter-layer arthropod abundance and diversity in a semi-arid savanna, Southwest Zimbabwe
  38. The influence of mistletoes on nutrient cycling in a semi-arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  39. Evaluation of potential and effective rumen digestion of mistletoe species and woody species browsed by goats in a semi-arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  40. The influence of mistletoes on nitrogen cycling in a semi-arid savanna, south-west Zimbabwe
  41. Nutritive value and digestibility of mistletoes and woody species browsed by goats in a semi-arid savanna, southwest Zimbabwe
  42. Patterns of mistletoe infection in four Acacia species in a semi-arid southern African savanna
  43. Bark stripping by chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus) as a possible prophylactic measure in a pine plantation in easternZimbabwe
  44. The influence of pool size on species diversity and water chemistry in temporary rock pools on Domboshawa Mountain, northern Zimbabwe