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  1. Clients' experiences of empathy in genetic counseling for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer: A qualitative study in Japan
  2. Clients’ and genetic counselors’ perceptions of empathy in Japan: A pilot study of simulated consultations of genetic counseling
  3. Medical Needs of Adults with Down Syndrome Presenting at a Regional Medical and Rehabilitation Center in Japan
  4. Human genetics education as part of the Japanese Cancer Education Comprehensive Support Project
  5. Outcomes of 8 Years of Noninvasive Prenatal Testing at Nippon Medical School Hospital
  6. Empathy experiences of Japanese certified genetic counselors: A qualitative investigation and proposed framework
  7. Courtesy stigma of parents of children with Down syndrome: Adaptation process and transcendent stage
  8. Clinical significance of TP53 variants as possible secondary findings in tumor-only next-generation sequencing
  9. Germline mismatch repair gene variants analyzed by universal sequencing in Japanese cancer patients
  10. Performance and outcomes of noninvasive prenatal testing for twin pregnancies in Japan
  11. Nationwide survey for current clinical status of amniocentesis and maternal serum marker test in Japan