All Stories

  1. Dapagliflozin for the treatment of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in Brazil: a cost-effectiveness analysis
  2. Efficacy and feasibility of a novel semi-facial respirator with chitosan nanoparticles on the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in healthcare professionals: randomized controlled trial
  3. Direct healthcare costs for people with cerebral palsy in the Brazilian unified health system between 2015 and 2019
  4. Simulation-based economic evaluation of the Wolbachia method in Brazil: a cost-effective strategy for dengue control
  5. Costs of hospital admissions due to COVID-19 in the federal capital of Brazil: a study based on hospital admission authorizations
  6. Artesunate-mefloquine therapy for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy and safety
  7. A novel N95 respirator with chitosan nanoparticles: mechanical, antiviral, microbiological and cytotoxicity evaluations
  8. Clinical and epidemiological aspects of severe acute respiratory infection: before and during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
  9. Incidence of Guillain-Barré syndrome in the world between 1985 and 2020: a systematic Review
  10. Proposal of a Quality Assessment tool for the Evaluation of the Methodological Quality of Self-Controlled Case Series and Self-Controlled Risk Interval Study Designs
  11. Real-life quantitative G6PD screening in Plasmodium vivax patients in the Brazilian Amazon: A cost-effectiveness analysis
  12. Incidence and associated factors of elderly mortality following hip fracture in Brazil: a systematic review and meta-analysis
  13. Snakebites caused by the genera Bothrops and Lachesis in the Brazilian Amazon: a study of factors associated with severe cases and death
  14. Epidemiological burden of Chikungunya fever in Brazil, 2016 and 2017
  15. Costs of Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the Brazilian Federal District: the patients’ perspective
  16. Ten Epidemiological Parameters of COVID-19: Use of Rapid Literature Review to Inform Predictive Models During the Pandemic
  17. Treatment With Liposomal Amphotericin B for All Confirmed Cases of Human Visceral Leishmaniasis in Brazil: A Budget Impact Analysis
  18. Burden of Disease of Guillain‐Barré Syndrome in Brazil before and during the Zika virus epidemic 2014 ‐ 2016
  19. Another piece of the Zika puzzle: Assessing the associated factors to microcephaly in a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  20. Another piece of the Zika puzzle: assessing the associated factors to microcephaly in a systematic review and meta-analysis
  21. Snakebite envenomation in the Brazilian Amazon: a cost-of-illness study
  22. Série de casos de mulheres com câncer de colo uterino em hospital público de Brasília
  23. Treatment for human visceral leishmaniasis: a cost‐effectiveness analysis for Brazil
  24. Guillain–Barré syndrome associated with Zika virus infection in Brazil: a cost-of-illness study
  25. Snakebite envenomation in the Brazilian Amazon: a descriptive study
  26. Systematic review of factors associated with the development of Guillain-Barré syndrome 2007-2017: what has changed?
  27. Stepping into a dangerous quagmire: Macroecological determinants of Bothrops envenomings, Brazilian Amazon
  28. Rattlesnakes bites in the Brazilian Amazon: clinical epidemiology, spatial distribution and ecological determinants
  29. Poster Abstracts
  30. Stepping into a dangerous quagmire: environmental determinants of human-lancehead pit vipers (Bothrops genus) contact resulting in injuries, Brazilian Amazon
  31. PLOS ONE 2017 Reviewer and Editorial Board Thank You
  32. Cost of visceral leishmaniasis care in Brazil
  33. Deficiência de glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase e uso de primaquina: estimativa de custos de profissionais por macrocusteio e microcusteio
  34. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2016 Reviewer and Editorial Board Thank You
  35. PLOS ONE 2016 Reviewer and Editorial Board Thank You
  36. Efficacy and safety of artesunate-mefloquine therapy for treating uncomplicatedPlasmodium falciparummalaria: systematic review and meta-analysis
  37. Rapid diagnostic test for G6PD deficiency in Plasmodium vivax -infected men: a budget impact analysis based in Brazilian Amazon
  38. Validation of the rapid test Carestart(tm) G6PD among malaria vivax-infected subjects in the Brazilian Amazon
  39. Cost-effectiveness analysis of rapid diagnostic tests for G6PD deficiency in patients with Plasmodium vivax malaria in the Brazilian Amazon
  40. G6PD deficiency in male individuals infected by Plasmodium vivax malaria in the Brazilian Amazon: a cost study
  41. Diagnostic tests for canine visceral leishmaniasis
  42. G6PD deficiency in Latin America: systematic review on prevalence and variants
  43. Clinical complications of G6PD deficiency in Latin American and Caribbean populations: systematic review and implications for malaria elimination programmes
  44. Reação de graduandos e pós-graduandos aos procedimentos instrucionais utilizados em disciplinas semipresenciais
  45. Prevalência e fatores associados à depressão entre idosos institucionalizados: subsídio ao cuidado de enfermagem
  46. Prevalência de risco cardiovascular entre trabalhadores de uma instituição de ensino superior privada - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v10i1.1479
  47. Learning strategies used by undergraduate and postgraduate students in hybrid courses in the area of health
  48. Aspects related to the permanence of undergraduate and graduate students in semi-presential classes
  49. Nursing student views on preferences by type of delivery
  50. Cost-effectiveness of diagnostic for malaria in Extra-Amazon Region, Brazil
  51. Qualidade de vida de idosos atendidos em uma unidade básica de saúde do Distrito Federal
  52. Gestão da qualidade hospitalar na assistência dos serviços de enfermagem
  53. A influência da família e o papel do enfermeiro na promoção do aleitamento materno