All Stories

  1. Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo-European languages
  2. International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction
  3. Kinship terminologies reveal ancient contact zone in the Hindu Kush
  4. The Hindu Kush–Karakorum and linguistic areality
  5. Geomorphic coding in Palula and Kalasha
  6. Bisyndetic Contrast Marking in the Hindukush: Additional Evidence of a Historical Contact Zone
  7. Profiling Indo-Aryan in the Hindukush-Karakoram: A preliminary study of micro-typological patterns
  8. Khowar
  9. Facts, feelings and temperature expressions in the Hindukush
  10. A survey of alignment features in the Greater Hindukush with special references to Indo-Aryan
  11. Language typology and syntactic description
  12. Notes on Kalkoti: A Shina Language with Strong Kohistani Influences
  13. Palula
  14. Semantic Patterns from an Areal Perspective