All Stories

  1. Tax avoidance in Danish public procurement
  2. Scrabbling around for understanding of natural mortality
  3. Global analysis of fish growth rates shows weaker responses to temperature than metabolic predictions
  4. Front Cover
  5. Species richness in North Atlantic fish: Process concealed by pattern
  6. Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships in fish communities: biomass is related to evenness and the environment, not to species richness
  7. Unplanned ecological engineering
  8. Differences in density-dependence drive dual offspring size strategies in fish
  9. The diet of whiting Merlangius merlangus in the western Baltic Sea
  10. Testing reproductive allometry in fish
  11. Assumptions behind size-based ecosystem models are realistic
  12. Technological Development and Fisheries Management
  13. The marine diversity spectrum
  14. Forage Fish Interactions: a symposium on "Creating the tools for ecosystem-based management of marine resources"
  15. The consequences of balanced harvesting of fish communities
  16. Does functional redundancy stabilize fish communities?
  17. Population Structure of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
  18. Evolutionary assembly rules for fish life histories
  19. Apocalypse in world fisheries? The reports of their death are greatly exaggerated
  20. Multi-decadal responses of a cod (Gadus morhua) population to human-induced trophic changes, fishing, and climate
  21. Temperature affects the timing of spawning and migration of North Sea mackerel
  22. Size, growth, temperature and the natural mortality of marine fish
  23. Honey, I cooled the cods: Modelling the effect of temperature on the structure of Boreal/Arctic fish ecosystems
  24. How community ecology links natural mortality, growth, and production of fish populations
  25. Life-history constraints on the success of the many small eggs reproductive strategy
  26. Coexistence in North Sea fish communities: implications for growth and natural mortality
  27. Impact of 21st century climate change on the Baltic Sea fish community and fisheries
  28. Painting the floor with a hammer: Technical fixes in fisheries management
  29. Modelling an exploited marine fish community with 15 parameters – results from a simple size-based model
  30. Functional and aggregative response of North Sea whiting
  31. Changes in the North Sea fish community: evidence of indirect effects of fishing?
  32. Using size-based indicators to evaluate the ecosystem effects of fishing
  33. Stock dynamics of sandeel in the North Sea and sub-regions including uncertainties
  34. Using AMOEBAs to display multispecies, multifleet fisheries advice