All Stories

  1. High-risk-Stressfrakturen beim Leistungssportler
  2. Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure the severity of pain, functional limitations, and reduction of sports ability for german-speaking patients with osteochondral lesions of the ankle (OCLA-G)
  3. Avulsionsverletzungen der Adduktoren und des Iliopsoas
  4. Successful reconstruction of distal peroneus longus tendon dislocation associated with a split lesion – a case report
  5. Podiatric Sports Medicine
  6. Results of Reinsertion of the Distal Achilles Tendon
  7. Exercise-induced leg pain in athletes: diagnostic, assessment, and management strategies
  8. Die Folgen des Umknickens
  9. Surgical treatment for achilles tendinopathy – a systematic review
  10. Endoscopic-assisted Release of Lower Leg Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndromes
  11. Retrocalcaneal bursitis but not Achilles tendinopathy is characterized by increased pressure in the retrocalcaneal bursa
  12. Isolierte Deltabandrupturen und deren operative Versorgung
  13. Sensomotorisches Training mit Balanceschuhen
  14. Anatomische Stabilisation des Kapselbandapparates am oberen Sprunggelenk – 1-Jahres Ergebnisse im Längsschnitt
  15. Nerve Entrapment After Hamstring Injury
  16. Letter to the Editor
  17. Letter to the Editor
  18. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the VISA-A questionnaire for German-speaking Achilles tendinopathy patients
  19. Calcaneocuboid Joint Instability: A Novel Operative Technique for Anatomic Reconstruction
  20. MP I Joint Giving Way–A Case Study
  21. Jet Lag at the Olympics: 24-Hour Blood Pressure Profile and Time Zone Transition
  22. A method for simulating three-dimensional inversion movements at the ankle joint