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  1. CNT thin films allow monitoring without causing damage
  2. The work highlights how different classes of materials can help to make high performance joints.
  3. Finding carbon nanotube bundle properties from temperature and electrical conductivity
  4. Measuring multiple nanocomposite properties using a single sensor
  5. Joining dissimilar materials using heating
  6. The work shows an improved method for manufacturing carbon nanotube fibers.
  7. Making dissimilar material joints stronger with interlayers
  8. A process formed layer which helps strengthen joints during brazing
  9. Joining carbon nanotubes to enhance their properties
  10. Using metal alloy interlayers for joining composites and metals
  11. Understanding the how ultrasonic welding can help reduce radiation damage in CLAM steel welds
  12. What affects the quality of laser welded aluminium matrix composites?
  13. Joining metals made easier with ultrasonication
  14. Making carbon nanotube composites made easier and safer.
  15. How carbon nanotube fibers interact with carbon nanotubes in a polymer.
  16. Carbon fibers can help with material welding and joining
  17. The different ways carbon nanotubes can be used with fiber reinforcements
  18. Bio‐compatible polyvinyl alcohol hydrogels
  19. How oxidation and ignition of magnesium alloys are related during cooling.
  20. Stretchable and flexible electronic materials made from the antisolvent precipitation technique
  21. Using a special coated metallic foam to increase the strength of carbon/carbon composites
  22. Using graphene to make material joints stronger.
  23. Making plastics more electrically and thermally conductive
  24. Enhancing the performance of tradition electrodes with special morphologies.
  25. Smart plastics made from carbon nanotubes.