All Stories

  1. Forecasting and Optimization as a Service for Energy Management Applications with the Energy Service Generics Framework
  2. Power-Dependent Price Profiles - Defining Grid- and Market-Oriented Incentives for Building Energy Management Systems
  3. TBMEnv - An Environment to Assess the Accuracy of Thermal Building Models under Realistic Conditions
  4. Automated generation of models for demand side flexibility using machine learning
  5. A Guide for the Design of Benchmark Environments for Building Energy Optimization
  6. Smart Meter Gateways: Options for a BSI-Compliant Integration of Energy Management Systems
  7. Modeling flexibility using artificial neural networks
  8. The influence of differential privacy on short term electric load forecasting
  9. Generation of Time-of-Use Tariffs for Demand Side Management using Artificial Neural Networks
  10. Towards the Modeling of Flexibility Using Artificial Neural Networks in Energy Management and Smart Grids
  11. Achieving Optimized Decisions on Battery Operating Strategies in Smart Buildings
  12. Modeling and Valuation of Residential Demand Flexibility for Renewable Energy Integration
  13. Building power demand forecasting using K-nearest neighbours model – practical application in Smart City Demo Aspern project
  14. Provision of frequency containment reserve with an aggregate of air handling units
  15. A threat analysis of the vehicle-to-grid charging protocol ISO 15118
  16. Demo abstract: a building energy management system in the context of the smart grid traffic light concept
  17. Designing K-nearest neighbors model for low voltage load forecasting
  18. Multimodal scalarized preferences in multi-objective optimization
  19. State-of-the-art user interfaces for building operating systems
  20. Detecting Occupancy in Smart Buildings by Data Fusion from Low-cost Sensors
  21. Outlining Ensemble K-Nearest Neighbors Approach for Low-Voltage Power Demand Forecasting
  22. Reference Scenarios for Low Voltage Power Systems
  23. Angle-Based Preference Models in Multi-objective Optimization
  24. A Microservice Architecture for the Intranet of Things and Energy in Smart Buildings
  25. A neuro-genetic approach for modeling and optimizing a complex cogeneration process
  26. Establishing a hardware-in-the-loop research environment with a hybrid energy storage system
  27. Low-voltage power demand forecasting using K-nearest neighbors approach
  28. Adaptive building energy management with multiple commodities and flexible evolutionary optimization
  29. Comparison of Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimization in Smart Building Scenarios
  30. Self-aware Computing Systems
  31. Optimization of Operation and Control Strategies for Battery Energy Storage Systems by Evolutionary Algorithms
  32. Stigmergy-Based Scheduling of Flexible Loads
  33. Response of smart residential buildings with energy management systems to price deviations
  34. Smart grid services provided by building energy management systems
  35. Obtaining Optimal Pareto Front Approximations using Scalarized Preference Information
  36. Organic Architecture for Energy Management and Smart Grids
  37. Building Energy Management in the FZI House of Living Labs
  38. Energy Informatics
  39. Evolutionary Optimization of Smart Buildings with Interdependent Devices
  40. A Privacy-Aware Architecture for Energy Management Systems in Smart Grids
  41. Improving Electric Vehicle Charging Coordination Through Area Pricing
  42. A theoretical analysis of volume based Pareto front approximations
  43. On the interrelationships between knees and aggregate objective functions
  44. Encodings for Evolutionary Algorithms in smart buildings with energy management systems
  45. Demand side management in smart buildings by intelligent scheduling of heat pumps
  46. Hop count based distance estimation in mobile ad hoc networks – Challenges and consequences
  47. Plug-and-Charge and E-Roaming – Capabilities of the ISO/IEC 15118 for the E-Mobility Scenario
  48. Customizable Energy Management in Smart Buildings Using Evolutionary Algorithms
  49. Energieinformatik
  50. Energy Informatics
  51. Evolutionary algorithm for optimal anchor node placement to localize devices in a mobile ad hoc network during building evacuation
  52. Foreword
  53. Distributed swarm evacuation planning
  54. Assessing load flexibility in smart grids: Electric vehicles for renewable energy integration
  55. Theory and Algorithms for Finding Knees
  56. Firefly-inspired synchronization for energy-efficient distance estimation in mobile ad-hoc networks
  57. Introducing the Simulation Plugin Interface and the EAS Framework with comparison to two state-of-the-art agent simulation frameworks
  58. Welcome to the 1st international workshop on Software Engineering for the Smart Grid (SE4SG 2012)
  59. A Study of Mobility in Ad Hoc Networks and Its Effects on a Hop Count Based Distance Estimation
  60. Adaptives verteiltes Lastmanagement in Bilanzkreisen
  61. Organic Computing
  62. An Evolutionary Optimization Approach for Bulk Material Blending Systems
  63. Distributed Geometric Distance Estimation in Ad Hoc Networks
  64. Electrical Load Management in Smart Homes Using Evolutionary Algorithms
  65. Integration of electric vehicles in smart homes - an ICT-based solution for V2G scenarios
  66. Stay real!
  67. Towards a Deeper Understanding of Trade-offs Using Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms
  68. User interaction interface for Energy Management in Smart Homes
  69. Decentralised Route Guidance in Organic Traffic Control
  70. Efficient barycenter algorithm for drawing hierarchical graphs with minimum edge crossings
  71. User behavior prediction for energy management in smart homes
  72. RAW Introduction
  73. Organic smart home
  74. Preference Ranking Schemes in Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
  75. Self-organized invasive parallel optimization
  76. Variable Preference Modeling Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
  77. Age based controller stabilization in Evolutionary Robotics
  78. Service Discovery in Self-Organizing Service-Oriented Environments
  79. Correction to “Tunable Wavelength Conversion by XPM in a Silicon Nanowire and the Potential for XPM-Multicasting” [Sep 10 2499-2511]
  80. Adaptivity and self-organization in organic computing systems
  81. Evolvability in Evolutionary Robotics: Evolving the Genotype-Phenotype Mapping
  82. Editorial
  83. Enabling Self-Organising Service Level Management with Automated Negotiation
  84. Possibilities and limitations of decentralised traffic control systems
  85. A Framework for Incorporating Trade-Off Information Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms
  86. Adaption of XCS to multi-learner predator/prey scenarios
  87. Decentralized Energy-Management to Control Smart-Home Architectures
  88. In Search of Equitable Solutions Using Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms
  89. Organic computing in off-highway machines
  90. The JoSchKa System: Organic Job Distribution in Heterogeneous and Unreliable Environments
  91. XCS Revisited: A Novel Discovery Component for the eXtended Classifier System
  92. Portfolio optimization with an envelope-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm
  93. Decentralized evolution of robotic behavior using finite state machines
  94. A Completely Evolvable Genotype-Phenotype Mapping for Evolutionary Robotics
  95. Conference Information
  96. Organic traffic light control for urban road networks
  97. Assessing complexity of service-oriented computing using learning classifier systems
  98. Assessing the Impact of Inherent SOA System Properties on Complexity
  99. Self-organized Parallel Cooperation for Solving Optimization Problems
  100. SimSOA
  101. Evolutionary Design of Emergent Behavior
  102. Efficient implementation of an active set algorithm for large-scale portfolio selection
  103. Decentralised Progressive Signal Systems for Organic Traffic Control
  104. Parallel multi-objective optimization using Master-Slave model on heterogeneous resources
  105. A Reference Architecture for Self-organizing Service-Oriented Computing
  106. Distance Based Ranking in Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization
  107. Improving XCS Performance by Distribution
  108. Towards a Quantitative Notion of Self-organisation
  109. Multi-objective particle swarm optimization on computer grids
  110. Organic Computing – Addressing Complexity by Controlled Self-Organization
  111. Organic computing - a new vision for distributed embedded systems
  112. FPGA implementation of population-based ant colony optimization
  113. An Evolutionary Approach to Dynamic Task Scheduling on FPGAs with Restricted Buffer
  114. Ant colony optimization for resource-constrained project scheduling
  115. Guidance in evolutionary multi-objective optimization
  116. Mechanism of underwater pollination in Najas marina (Najadaceae)
  117. Dynamic scheduling of tasks on partially reconfigurable FPGAs
  118. Multiplication of Matrices With Different Sparseness Properties on Dynamically Reconfigurable Meshes
  119. Global selection methods for massively parallel computers
  120. Systolic s/sup 2/-way merge sort is optimal
  121. Given's rotation on an instruction systolic array
  122. A closer look at VLSI multiplication
  123. The instruction systolic array and its relation to other models of parallel computers
  124. On the maximum edge length in VLSI layouts of complete binary trees
  125. Systolic sorting in a sequential input/output environment
  126. Systolic Sorting on a Mesh-Connected Network
  127. Dictionary Machines for Different Models of VLSI
  128. Algebraic characterization of reducible flowcharts
  129. Algebraic semantics of recursive flowchart schemes
  130. Algebraic semantics of recursive flowchart schemes
  131. A Characterization of Key Properties of Environment-Mediated Multiagent Systems
  132. Design of Gate Array Circuits Using Evolutionary Algorithms
  133. Evolving Collision Avoidance on Autonomous Robots
  134. Organic Control of Traffic Lights
  135. Using Organic Computing to Control Bunching Effects
  136. Population based ant colony optimization on FPGA
  137. Pheromone evaluation in Ant Colony Optimization
  138. A fast sorting algorithm for VLSI